Resolution 2004-103 RESOLUTION NO. 2004-103 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING A ONE-YEAR EXTENSION FOR TM 99-11, A TENTATIVE MAP TO SUBDNIDE AN APPROXIMATELY 11-ACRE SITE INTO 12 SINGLE-FAMILY HILLSIDE LOTS AND ONE REMAINDER LOT FOR OPEN SPACE DEDICATION LOCATED ON VISTA DEL SUR AT THE END OF RANCHO REAL, APNs 783-03-003, 783-03-070, 783-03-071, AND 783-03-072. WHEREAS, The Forest of Gilroy L.L.C, the applicant, is requesting an extension of the approval for TM 99-11, a Tentative Map to subdivide an approximately II-acre site into twelve (12) single-family hillside lots; and WHEREAS, the property affected by TM 99-11 is located on Vista Del Sur at the end of Rancho Real, APNs 783-03-003, 783-03-070, 783-03-071, and 783-03-072; and WHEREAS, the project consists of the development of twelve (12) or fewer residential units over a three-year period and thus is exempt from the Residential Development Ordinance pursuant to Zoning Ordinance section 50.62(B)(1); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City Council adopted a Negative Declaration in February 1993 in connection with a previous request for this project, finding that the Negative Declaration was completed in compliance with CEQA, that it reflects the independent judgment of the City and that there is no substantial evidence in the record that the project as mitigated will have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed application TM 99-11 at a duly noticed public hearing on November 1, 2001, and recommended that the City Council approve said application; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on November 19, 2001 at which time the City Council considered the public testimony, the Staff Report dated "REVISED October 23,2001, and all other documentation related to application TM 99-11; and INVH1642632.1 01-113004-04706089 -1- Resolution No. 2004-103 ....... WHEREAS, and on December 3, 2001, the City Council adopted Resolution 2001-77 approving TM 99-11 with thirty-two (32) conditions and twenty-nine (29) mitigation measures; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Gilroy City Code sec. 21.41.1, a tentative map is valid for two (2) years after approval and may be granted up to three (3) extensions of one (1) year each by the City Council; and. WHEREAS, the City Council previously granted a one-year extension for this project to take effect from December 3, 2003; and WHEREAS, the City Council at a duly noticed public meeting on December 6, 2004, considered the staff report dated November 22, 2004, and all other documentation related to an extension of time for TM 99-11, and WHEREAS, the location and custodian of the documents and other materials which constitute the record of proceedings upon which this project approval is based is the office of the City Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: A. The City Council finds as follows: 1. The project is consistent with the land use designation and relevant policies ofthe General Plan. 2. The project is consistent with the Zoning Ordinance, the City's Subdivision and Land Development Code, and the California Subdivision Map Act. 3. There are no facts to support findings requiring denial of the proposed tentative map pursuant to California Government Code Section 66474. 4. There is no substantial evidence that this project as mitigated will have a significant effect on the environment. B. Tentative Map TM 99-11 should be and hereby is approved for one (1) additional year until December 3, 2005, subject to all previously imposed conditions as follows: INVH1642632.1 01-113004-04706089 -2- Resolution No. 2004-103 1. The thirty-two (32) conditions of approval stated on the document attached hereto as Exhibit A, and incorporated herein by this reference; and 2. The twenty-nine (29) mitigation measures set forth in the Negative Declaration and the MitigationIMonitoring Program, which are stated on the document attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of December, 2004, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: CORREA, DILLON, GARTMAN, MORALES, VALIQUETTE, VELASCO and PINHEIRO NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE APPROVED: ATTEST: w#~e~ Rhonda Pellin;City Clerk INVH1642632.1 01-113004-04706089 -3- Resolution No. 2004-103 11/30/04 TUE 19:39 FAX 4089382579 BERLINER & COHEN 141 002 "~K oh 11 tl EXHIBIT A 1) ..,,; ..,..~ 1 (II")" 1(\ 1 Staff f_csommends t.hat. the folJowine conditions be pla~ed on the approval of this re.9IDlst: Plano.olZ Division (contact Melissa Durkin at 846-0440) 1. MITIGA'nON MEASURES #1 THROUGH #29, contained within the adopted Negative Declaration for this property shall be applied to the approval of the project in order to reduce and/or mitigate all potential significant impacts to a level of insignificance, as required under the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division- 2. The subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its City Council, Planning Commission, agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the .city or its City Council., Planning Commission, agents, officers, and employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City, City Council, Planning Commission, or other board, advisory agency, or legislative body concerning this subdivision. City will promptly notify the subdivide!:" of any claim, action, or proceeding against it, and will cooperate fully in the defense. This condition is imposed pursuant to California Govemment Code Section 66474.9. 3. Walls exceeding four feet in height must be stepped and/or landscaped, as the discretion of the Planning and Engineering Divisions. 4. With the exception of lots that received an exemption from the application of the City's Residential Development Ordinance (ROO) (City Zoning Ordinan~e Sections 50.60 ct seq.), no building permit, shall be issued in connection with this project if the owner or developer of such development (i) is not in compliance with the ROO, any conditions of approval issued in COlUlection with such development, or other City requirements applicable to such development; Ol" (ii) is in default unde.- any agreement entered into with the City in COlUlection with such development pursuant to the RDO. 5. Future homes developed within this subdivision shall be subject to the Architectural and Site Review application process. Engincc.'in~ Division (contact Kristi Abrams or Don Nunes at 846-0450) 6. Street improvements and the design of all storm drainage, sewer and water lines, and all s~eet sections and widths shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. r.::; It.. .r1 :. .., . (:..r 11/30/04 TUE 19:39 FAX 4089382579 BERLINER & COHEN ~003 .'TM 99~11 5 Revised 10/23/0 1 7. AU grading operations and soil compaction activities shall be per the. approved soils report and shall meet with the approval of the City Engineer. Grading plans shall show grades of all adjacent properties, and shall be subject to the approval of the Engineering Division. 8. Street improvements and the design of all storm drainage, sewer and water lines, and all street sections and widths shall be subject to the review and approval of Engineering Division. 9. All utilities to, through, and on the site shall be constructed underground, in accordance with Municipal Code Section 21.120, subject to the review and approval of Engineering Division. 10. All existing water wells shall be sealed to meet the approval of the City Engineer and the Santa Clara Va,lley Water District (SCYWD). 11. Prior to Council approval of the Tract Map and Improvement Plans, the following items will need to be completed, subject to review and approval by the Engineering Division: . A. A signed original composite plan by the electrical design engineer shall be a part of the improvement plans. B. A letter from the subdivision design civil engineer shall be prepared which states that the composite pl~n agrees with City Codes and Standards and that no underground utility. conflict exists. . C. "Will Serve Letters" from each utility company for the subdivision shall be supplied to the City. D. The City will collect the plan check and inspection fee for the utility underground work. . 12. Prior to any construction of the utilities in the field, the following will need to be supplied to the City: A. A signed and PG&E-approved original electric plan. B. A letter from the design Civil Engineer that states the electrical plan conforms to City Codes and Standards, and to the approved subdivision improvement plans. . This shall be subject to review and 'approval by the Engineering Division. 13. All retaining walls must be constructed of permanent materials such as concrete or masonry, and shall be of a modular design; wood shall not be permitted. This shall be subject to review and approval by the Engineering Division. . 14. All lots shall drain to the street for storm drainage, subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. 15. . The. developer shall provide joint trench composite plans for the underground electrical, gas, telephone, cable television, and communication conduits and cables including the size, location and details of all trenches, locations of building utility service stubs and meters and placements or arrangements of junction structures as a part of the Improvement Plan submittals for the project. The composite drawings and/or utility improvement plans shall be signed by a licensed civil engineer. This shall be subject to the approval of the Engineering Division. 16- The developer shall negotiate rights-of-way with Pacific Gas and Electric and other utilities, subject to review and approval by the Engineering Division and the utility companies. 11/30/04 Tlm 19:40 FAX 4089382579 BERLINER & COHEN @004 . .. - ." ~ ... ..."... J' _ A - . . - ... --- ..... ~ - ...... ..... ... . -., . . --......--- ..-.--,...... 17 _ A dedication is required for Highway 152 within 120 days after the approval of this Tentative Map. The 20-foot dedication to the south of this site is not adequate. 18. Modify the utility note shown on sheet 1 to say, "Sanitary sewer & stonn drain between Hecker Pass and Uvas Creek shall be sized in accordance with the Hecker Pass Specific Plan area. The location shall be as shown on this map," .19. Provide right-of-way for the access road at water and stann easement. \ 20. Show the right-of-way for the pump station. Call this out as a future Zone 3. pump station. 21. The retaining wall for the emergency access road will require "natural rock" facing and a guardrail. 22. Guardrails shall be provided on streets meeting the'criteria ofChapter-7 ofCalTrans's traffic manual an~~r at the direction ofthe City Engineer. 23. Provide engineering calCulations for the wall prior to final map approval. 24. Provide additional detail for the detention pond and stonn drain release. 25. Show the fire truck template for the emergency access road. 26. Storm drainage calculations are required prior to final map approval. 27 ~ Provide a statement that cut and fill will be minimized and homes stepped on hillside lots; 28. Certification of grades and compaction are required prior to paving (add to general notes on the title sheet of plans). 29. Certification of improvements on site plans are required prior to Building final (add to general notes on the title sheet of plans). 30. If the project has excess fill that will be off-hauled to a site within the city limits of Gilroy.. an addItional permit is required (add to general notes). Fire Department (contact Rodger Maggio at 846-0430) 31. The Building, Life, and Envirorunental Safety Division shall approve all hydrant locations and water main sizing prior to building permit issuance. Equipment and staffing shall be provided for watering of all exposed or disturbed soil surfaces at least twice daily. An appropriate dust palliative or suppressant, added to water before application, shall be utilized, subject to review and approval by the Building, Life, and Environmental Safety Division. ' 11/30/04 Tl~ 19:40 FAX 4089382579 BERLINER & COHEN IaJ 005 TM 99-11 7 Revised 10/23/0 I 32. An all-weather access road for fire engines shall be provided before commencing any combustible construction. Fire hydrants shall also be installed and maintained before combustible construction begins. This condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Deputy Fire Marshal. Respectfully, ,..' N\~D- fJ~~ .~'- William Faus Planning Division Manager bfaus~ci.~ilroy.ca.us Planning Commission Action At their November 1,2001 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval oflM 99-11 with the 32 mitigation measures in the staff report and the following changes to conditions 17 and 27; 17. . A dedication is required for Highway 152 within 120 days after the approval of this Tentative Map. The 20-foot dedication to the south of this site is not adequate. The dedication must be deemed acceptable by the Eneineerin2 Division prior to Final Map approval. 27. Provide a statement that cut and fill will be minimized and that homes structu.res must ~ stepped on hillside lots. This recommendation was made by a vote 01'7-0. 11/30/04 Tlm 19:40 FAX 4089382579 BERLINER & COHEN I4J 006 E:Xth.81.f B Planning Department NEGATIVE' DECLARATION City of Gil~oy 7351 Rosanna St. ,Gilroy. CA 95020 (408) 848~0440 city F~le Numbers: ~ 92-001 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Name of Project: Nature of project: The Forest Tentative Map Reque~t to subdivide five parcels totalling 86.1 acres into 40 lots, 15 lots of whi.ch are under this application, 'and perform design reviews of the homes reSUlting from this subdivision. PRO.:J"EC'1' LOCATION: Location: Between Hec~er Pass Road and Hantelli Drive, west of kancbo R@al at the end of Vi.sta Pel Sur. , 783-03-003, ~ 020, 031 and 032 '?J'f Assessor's Parcel Numbers: ~n~itT or Pe~SOn{S) Undertakinq Pro3ec~: Name: Address: Tim Filice and John Filice 7888 Wren Avenue, suite D 143, Gilroy, CA 95020 INITIAL s'J:Ut>~: An Expanded Initial study of this project was undertaken and prepared for the purpose of ascertaining whether this project might have a significant effect on the environment. A copy of this study is on file at the city of GilrQY Planning Department, 7351 Rosanna street, Gilroy, CA 95020. F~NDIBGS & REASONS: The ~nitial study identified potentially si9nificant effects on the environment. ao~ever, the project has been mitigated (~ee Mitigation Measures below ~hich avoid or ~itigate the effects) to a point.~here no significant effects ~ill occur. There is no sub~tantial evidence 'the project may have a significant effect on the environment. The following reasons will suppo~t these findings: 1. The proposal is a logical ~xtension of the existing urban, land use, and 20ning patterns of this area. 2. Identified adverse impacts such as the effect on school impacts and inc~ease in traffic generated from this project a~e proposed to be mitigated through school impaction fees, and construction of off-site imp'rovements. C'j.,. "f:> 11/30/04 llffi 19:40 FAX 4089382579 BERLINER & COHEN ~007 preliminary Negative Declaration TM 92-01y 2 08/25/92 3. The proposed project is consistent wi~h the adopted goals and policies of the General plan of the city of Gilroy. 4. The Initial study Was independently reviewed by city staff, and this Negative Declaration reflects the independent judgement of the City of Gilroy. MITIGATION ~~SUReS: 1. The project proponent shall incorporate all recommendations and mitigation measures in the Geotechnical xnvesti9ation for Rancho Real' Tract 7350. phase 1A by Reynolds Associates, February 12, 1992. All ,future Tentative Map applications for this property shall require separate geotechnical investigations, subject to review and approval by the City of Gilroy Planning and Building Departments. 2. The final and improvement plans for each phase shall be included as a deed restriction on each lot to notify future home builders of the required construction standards. The final map and improvement plans for each phaae shall be subjee~ to review and approval by the Gilroy Public works Department,pri9r to recordation of the final map. 3. The design of all storm drainage and sewer line improvements serving the project site shall be provided by the developer and sha11 be SUbject to the reviev and approval of the city Department of Public works. 4. The design of'all street improvements serving the project site shall be provided by t~e developer, and shall be subject to the review and approval of the city Department of public Works. 5. The applicant shall prepare a revised biological survey to determine the existence of any rare or endangered species on site, and incorporate the results of that survey, subject to review and approval by the City Planning Department. ' 6. All native trees shall be preserved. Where removal is necessary, the developer shall submit a replanting/replacement program prior to issuance of a gradingperrnit for subdivision improve~nt construction, subject to the approval by the city planning oepartment. 7. The developer shall prepar€ a detailed arborist report of the site to determine what measures 'are necessary to protect the existing trees during project demolition, construction and landscaping, subject to the review and approval by the city planning Department. 8. Prior to the development of the site, the de~eloper shall, pay required City of Gilroy public safety Impact fees. 9. The design of all street improvements serving the project 'site shall be provided by the developer, subject to the review and approval by the City Department of Public Works. 11/30/04 TUE 19:41 FAX 4089382579 BERLINER & COHEN ~008 preliminary Negative Declaration TM 92-01, 3 08/25/92 10. ~he developer shall construct all utilitiea to, th~oU9h, and on the site underground, subject to the review and approval of the city Department of public Works. 11. The developer shall contribute to any necessary signalization on Santa Tere~a Boulevard, subject to the approval of the Directo~ of Public Works. 12. The applicant shall re.ach an agreement with the City of Gil~oy Fire Chief to o~f-set project impacts on the Operations Division, prior to approval bf a fina1 map, subject to review and approva1 of the city ~ttorney. 13. The future development of this site sha11 conform to the Uniform' Fire code, subject to the review and approval of ' the city Fire Department. 14. prior to development of the site, the develo~er shall pay required City of Gilroy parks & Recreation ~pact fees. 15. ?rior to approval of a final'map for any phase of the proposed project, the applicant sba1l demonstrate' to the sat~sfaction of the city F~re Harshal~ that adequate water pressuFe and supply oan be provided to the proposed projeot. In addition, the fina~ ~ap shall provide for construction of all infra5tructu~e, according t~ the Gilroy Fire Codes, neoessary to provide fire service to the project. 16. The ~uture development of the site shall conform to the City of Gilroy'S consolidated Landscaping policy, subjeot to the review and approval of the city planning Department. 17. The developer shall provide'the required impact fees to the Gi~roy Unified school Distriot prior to issuance of a gra~in9 permit. 18. Exposed earth ~urfaces shall be watered during clearing; excavation, gradin~ and oonstruotion activities. 19. ThroUghout excavation aotivity, haul trucks shall use tarpaulins or other effeotive covers at all times. 20. upon completion of construction, reYegetation and repaving measures shall be taken to reduce wind erosion. 21. All phases of development, to include design layouts and specific site considerations, shall be addressed fully within,the City of Gilroy'S Architectural and site Review procedures." 22. The obstruction of vi.ews and blockage of Yiew corridors from Hecker Pass Highway shall be minimized by limiting the height of development to a level consistent with surrounding natural features. All'structures in the hillside area shall be limited to a maximum height of 30 feet. 11/30/04 TUB 19:41 FAX 4089382579 BERLINER & COHEN I4I 009 preli_inary ~egative Dec~aration TM 92-01, 4 08/25/92 23. views of the future development should he "softened" thxough the use of sensitive building siting, architectural creativity. berming. vegetated buffer strips, building setbacks and appropriate landscaping. 24. The developer shall submit a detailed plan for all exterior lights, as part" of the building permit review process. The lighting plan shall incorporate design elements that will mi"nimize the potential fox; light and "91~re impacts on adjacent prope~ties. The lighting plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Planning Department. ~5. Builders of individual home sites shall prepare a lighting plan to include fixtures which are energy efficient and low glare in order to reduce or eliminate glare to the projeet residents or neighboring residents. 26. Noisy operations shall be scheduled for the daytime hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. so as to avoid the more sensitive evening an~ nighttime hours. 27. The developer shall provide for an archeological reconnaissance of "the site prior to the issuance of any building permits, subject to the approval of the city PlanniDg Department. ~a. Drainage shall be eontrolled away from all structures and pavements. 29. The project shall be designed in accordance with earthguake design regulations of the uniform building code, subject to the review and approval of the city Building Department. Date prepared: August 26, 1992 End of Review peri9d: sept. 21, 1992 Date Approved By city council: Michael Dorn, Director of Planning 11/30/04 Tlm 19:41 FAX 4089382579 BERLINER & COHEN ~010 t 1; r t.: i , ;" '" ~. ~. ~'. ~ f~: ~ t'" ~.. l .;. < 'l' " Appendix E Tbe Forest Residential Subdivision Initial Study Mitigation Monitoring Program Introduction On January 1, 1989. the California State Legislature passed into law Assembly Bill 3180. This bill requires all public agencies to adopt reporting'or monitoring program~ when they approve projects subject to an environmental impact report (Em) or a negative declaration (ND) that includes mitigation measures to avoid significant adverse environmental effects. The reporting or monitoring program. is to be designed to ensure compliance with conditions of project approval during project implementation in order to avoid significant adverse environmental effects. The law was passed in response to historic non-implementation of mitigation measures presented in enviro~ental documents and subsequently adopted as conditions of project approval. In addition, monitoring ensures that mitigation measures are implemented and thereby provides a mechanism to evaluate ~he effectiveness of the mitigation measures. A definitive set of project conditions would include enough detailed information and enforcement procedures to ensure the measure's compliance. This monitor- ing program is designed to provide a mechanism to ensure that mitigation mea- sures and subsequent conditions of project approval are impl~mented. Monitoring Program The basis for this monitoring program is the mitigation measures included in the initial study. These mitigation measures are designed to eliminate or reduce significant adverse environmental effects to levels of insignificance. These mitigation measures become conditions of project approval which the project proponent is required to complete during and after implementation of the proposed project. The attached checklist (Attachment A through Attachment E) is proposed for monitoring the implementation of the mitigation measures. This monitoring checklist will contain all 'appropriate mitigation measures contained in the initial study. 11/30/04 Ttffi 19:42 FAX 4089382579 BERLINER & COHEN Monitoring Program Procedures It is recommended that the City of Gilroy utilize the attached monitoring checklist for the proposed project The monitoring program should be imple~ mented as follows: 1. The City of Gilroy Planning Director should be responsible for coordination of the monitoring program. including the monitoring checklist. The Planning Director should be responsible for 'completing the monitoring checklist and distributing the checklist to the responsible individuals or agencies for their use in monitoring the mitigation measures. 2. Each responsible individual or agency will then be responsible for deter- mining whether the mitigation measures contained in the monitoring checklist have been complied with. Once all mitigation measures have been complied with, the responsible individual or agency should submit a copy of the monitoring checklist to the City of Gilroy Planning Director to be placed in the project file. If the mitigation measure has not been complied with, the monitoring checklist should not be returned to the Planning Director. 3. Prior to issuance of an occupancy.permit. the PlaDning Director should review the checklist to ensure that all mitigation measures and additional conditions of project approval included in the monitoring checklist have been complied with. An occupancy permit should not be issued until all mitigation measures and additional conditions of project approval included in the monitoring checklist have been complied with-. 4. If a responsible individual or agency determines that a non~compliance has occurred, a written notice should be delivered by certified mail to the project proponent within 10 days. with a copy to the Planning Director. describing the non-compliance and requiring compliance within a specified period of time. Ifa non-compliance still exists at the expiration of the spec- ified period of time, construction may be halted and fines may be imposed at the discretion of the City of Gilroy. . l{l]01l " I I I I I I I I I I I I ;1 I I I I I I 11/30/04 11m 19:42 FAX 4089382579 BERLINER & COHEN ~012 Attachment A MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM CHECKLIST The Forest Residential Subdivision Initial Study Prior to submittal of a Tentative Subdivision Map'for phase~ IB and 2,'the following mitigation shall be implemented: Mitigation Nature of Mitigation Nun1ber Party Responsible for, party Responsible for Implementation Monitoring 1 Geotechnical investigation PrQieet Proponents Citv Plannin~ Director 11/30/04 Tlffi 19:42 FAX 4089382579 BERLINER & COHEN III 013 - -" - I I AttachmeDt B I MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM CHECKLIST The Forest Residential Subdivision Initial Study I .Prior to approval of the Tentative Subdivision Map, the following mitigation shall I be implemented: party I Mitigation Nature of Mitigation Responsible for party Responsible" for Number Implementation Monitoring Revised bioloeical survey Proiect PrODonents City Plannine- Director I 3 I .1 I :1 I I t , I I 11/30/04 TUB 19:42 FAX 4089382579 BERLINER & COHEN 141014 Attachment C MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM CHECKLIST The Forest Residential Subdivision Initial Study Prior to Recordation of the Final Map of any of the phases in the proposed project, the following mitigations shall be implemented: party Mitigation Nature of Mitigation Responsible for Party Responsible for Number Implementation Monitoring 2 Mitigation measures in Project Proponents City Public Works Director geotechnical investigations for aU phases included in final map and imnrovement nlans 6 Demonstration to adequately Project Proponents City Fire Marshall provide water pressure and su'Oolv 10 Liehtine- Design Plan Pr~iect. Proponents City Planning Director 11/30/04 Ttffi 19:43 FAX 4089382579 BERLINER & COHEN Attachment D MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM CHECKLIST The Forest Residential Subdivision lpitial Study Prior to issuance of Grading Permitst the following mitigations shall be implemented: Parly Mitigation Nature of Mitigation Responsible for party Responsible for Number Implementation Monitoring 4 Tree replanting/replacement Project Proponents City Planning Director Dro~m 5 Tree replanting/replacement Individual City Planning Director 1)T02ram Developers 8 Contractor specifications Project Proponent City Building Deparllnent & Individual Develouers 9 Conceptual and final project Individual City Planning Director siting, architectural, and Developers landsc8nin~ nlans 1.2 Construction speci'ficatioqs to Individual City Planning Director insure indoor and outdoor noise Developers levels are below maximum levels 13 Cultural resources language City Building City Planning Director included in grading and building Department permits fOT majoT subdivision impro'lrements and individual home construction proiects 141015 \"~ I I. I I I I I I .1 :1 I .R I I I I I I I 11/30/04 Tl~ 19:43 FAX 4089382579 BERLINER & COHEN ~016 Attachment E MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM CHECKLIST The Forest ResideJ;ltial Subdivision Initial Study Prior to the issuance of Building Permits, the following mitigations shall be implemented: I Mitigation Number Nature of Mitigation Party Responsible for Implementation party Responsible for MOJiitoring 13 CultUral resources language included in grading and building permits foJ' major subdivision improvements and individual home const:ruct.ion Pl"o.iects Individual Developers Individual DeveloJ)et's City Building Department City Planning Director 7 Impact fees paid to school district Lighting Plan City Planning Director City Planning Director 11 I, RHONDA PELLIN, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 2004-103 is an original resolution, or true and correct copy of a city resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 6th day of December, 2004, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 14th day of December, 2004. (Seal)