Resolution 2007-53 RESOLUTION NO. 2007-53 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ADOPTING REVISED HUMAN RESOURCES RULES AND REGULATIONS WHEREAS, after study and consultation with all employee organizations, the Personnel Commission and staff has prepared and recommended adoption ofthe attached Personnel Rules and Regulations for the City of Gilroy, and good cause appearing therefore; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Gilroy approves the attached Human Resources Rules and Regulations dated June 11, 2007, and consisting of a cover page, a Table of Contents, sixty-nine pages, and adopts the same to define benefits and procedures in governing personnel of the City of Gilroy. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 11 th day of June, 2007 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ARELLANO, BRACCO, CORREA, GARTMAN, VALIQUETTE, and PINHEIRO NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: VELASCO APPROVED: ATTES1;: ), - )' , ~".// , , 1 iJ 'J I ..i./, , \,. '. /, 1(1 Lic I( ,/c ..,. (. l Rhonda Pellin, City Clerk L (./\.. -1- RESOLUTION NO. 2007-53 ......O......f.....G............ .... l~ .... .,.~. ..1 ......... ,;/} .... /~ ;....... . ....TO...... :Ul ..~..-.i\ ; : -J'.II ~[~.(..""""\ ! ! .,",,'':1 " , "'\ ! \ ~ \~' '''~''- "'-, - .AJ * j . ~. Ip -~. . \..'Cj~......... .....l~. ./ ". ,0", ............... "'" .' '. .....~~~.~.:..::.:..:~.~:.:....... Human Resources Department 7351 Rosanna Street GILROY, CALIFORNIA 95020 Telephone (408) 846-0228 FAX: (408) 846-0200 http://www.ci.qilroV.ca.us BIJMAN RESOURl;ES RULES AND REGULATIONS Adopted by City Council Resolution No Date: June 11, 2007 To: The City of Gilroy Employees, Commissioners, City Council, and other interested individuals: This document has been prepared to incorporate procedures and benefits in governing the Human Resource activities of this City as a supplement to the Gilroy City Code, Section 17, and the Gilroy City Charter, Article X. TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY OF GILROY HUMAN RESOURCES RULES AND REGULATIONS SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE SECTION I INTRODUCTION 1 A. Emplovee's Mission Statement 1 B. Purpose 1 C. Conflict with Charter/Collective Baraainina Aareements 1 D. Severabilitv 1 SECTION II THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN 2 A. The Nature of the Classification Plan 2 B. Maintenance of the Classification Plan 2 C. Workina Out of Classification 4 SECTION III COMPENSATION AND PAYROLL PRACTICES 5 A. Pay Plan 5 B. Placement in the Pay Plan 5 C. Break in Service/Seniority 5 D. Full-Time to Reduced Hour Status Chanae 6 E. Performance Pay Increase 7 F. Workweek 8 G. Overtime 9 H. Standby Pay 9 I. Education Incentive 9 J. Uniform Allowance 9 K. Bilinaual Compensation 10 SECTION IV RECRUITMENT, SELECTION, AND APPOINTMENT 11 A. Recruitment Request Form 11 B. Job Announcements 11 C. Applications for Job Openinas 11 D. Competitive Examinations 12 E. Oral Boards 13 F. Eliaible Lists 13 G. References 14 H. Backaround/Reference Checks 16 I. Appointment from Elioible Lists 16 J. Medical Examination 17 K. Finoerprints 17 L. Probationary Period 17 M. Provisional Appointments 18 N. Temporarv Appointments 18 O. Contractual Services 18 P. Promotional Lists 18 Q. Emplovee Performance Appraisal (EPA) 19 R. Nepotism 21 SECTION V SEPARATIONS AND DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 24 A. Separations 24 TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY OF GILROY HUMAN RESOURCES RULES AND REGULATIONS SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE A. 1. Resianation 24 A.2. Resianation/Unauthorized Absence Without Notification 24 A.3. Dismissal 24 A.4. Layoff 25 A.5. Retirement 27 A.6. Exit Interviews 27 B. Disciplinarv Actions 27 B.1. Causes for Disciplinarv Action 27 B.2. Types of Discipline 30 B.3. Procedure for Discipline 31 SECTION VI GRIEVANCE AND DISCIPLINARY/APPEALS PROCEDURES 33 A. Employee Disciplinarv Action Appeal Procedure 33 A. 1. Reauest for Hearina 33 A.2. Schedulina of Hearina 34 A.3. Private or Public Hearinas 34 A.4. Pre-Hearina Procedure 34 A. 5. Submission to the Personnel Commission 35 A.6. Record of Proceedinas and Cost 35 A.7. Conduct of the Hearina 35 A.8. Bu rden of Proof 36 A.9. Reauest for Continuance 36 A.10. Testimony Under Oath 36 A.11. Presentation of the Case 36 A.12. Procedure for the Parties 37 A.13. Riaht to Control Proceedinas 37 A.14. Hearina Demeanor and Behavior 37 A.15. Deliberation Upon the Case 37 A. 16. Written Findinas and Recommended Decision 38 A. 17. Recommendation to the City Administrator 38 A.18. Appeals to the Citv Administrator 39 A.19. Appeals to the City Council 39 A.20. Judicial Review 39 B. Emplovee Grievance Procedure 40 C. Optional Safetv Personnel Contract Grievance Procedure 42 SECTION VII LEAVE PROVISIONS 43 A. Paid Leaves 43 A.1. Vacation 43 A.2. Sick Leave 44 A.3. FamilY Illness Leave 46 A.4. Sick Leave for Job-Connected Iniurv 46 A.5. Bereavement Leave 47 A. 6. Jurv Dutv 47 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY OF GILROY HUMAN RESOURCES RULES AND REGULATIONS SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE A.7. Time Off to Vote 47 A.8. Personal Leave 47 A.9. Administrative Leave 47 A.10. Holidays 47 A. 11. Militarv Leave 48 A.12. Donation of Paid Leave Time 50 B. Leaves of Absence Without Pav 51 B.1. Unoaid Medical Leave 51 B.2. Preanancy Disability Leave (PDL) 51 B.3. Family Care and Medical Leave 52 B.4. School Leave 56 B.5. Leave for Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault 57 SECTION VIII BENEFITS 58 A. Health Insurance 58 B. Continuation of Grouo Health Coveraae 58 C. Lona Term Disabilitv Insurance (L TD) 59 D. Life Insurance 59 E. Retirement 59 E. 1. Full Time Emolovee Retirement 59 E. 2. Part Time Emoloyee Retirement 60 SECTION IX MISCELLANEOUS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 61 A. Alcohol and Controlled Substance Abuse Policv 61 B. Association/Union Dues 61 C. Human Resource Records 61 D. Outside Emolovment 63 E. Salarv Verification 63 F. Safetv and Health 63 G. Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policv 64 H. EoualEmoloymentOooortunity 68 H.1. Anti-Retaliation Policv 68 I. Guidelines for Flexible Work Schedules/Alternative Work Hours 69 3 SECTION I. INTRODUCTION A. EMPLOYEES' MISSION STATEMENT We are committed to providing highly effective public services in a professional, cooperative, and adaptable manner . We will be a proactive, informative, and responsive government through communications and actions that welcome participation from all segments of our community. We are committed to excellence through respectful, responsive, and responsible customer service. We will carry out our responsibilities in a manner that enhances the quality oflife in Gilroy. B. PURPOSE These Rules and Regulations establish the personnel system for the City of Gilroy and are adopted by resolution of the City Council pursuant to City Code 17.1. The purpose of these rules and regulations is to facilitate efficient and economic service to the public and to provide for a fair and equitable system of personnel administration and management within the City organization. These rules shall apply to all employees of the City of Gilroy except those employees or employee groups who are outside the competitive service (full-time employees not excluded below) and are excluded. Those employees or employee groups excluded are: City Administrator, City Clerk, department heads, and employees designated as part-time, volunteer, temporary, per diem, provisional or seasonal. These employees or employee groups hold their positions at the will of the City Council or City Administrator and are not obligated by or entitled to benefits provided by these rules. These rules do not create a contract of employment, expressed or implied, or any rights in the nature of a contract. C. CONFLICT WITH CHARTERlCOLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS None of these Rules and Regulations shall be in conflict with or supersede any provisions of the Charter of the City of Gilroy or the provisions of any Memorandums of Understanding between the City of Gilroy and recognized employee organizations. In the event of a conflict, the Charter and/or applicable MOU shall control. D. SEVERABILITY Should any provision contained in these rules be rendered or declared invalid by reason of state or federal legislation, court action, or emergency situation, such invalidation so declared shall not invalidate the remaining portion hereof and they shall remain in full force and effect. Page 1 of 69 SECTION II. THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN The classification plan is an occupational inventory of the positions in the City Service. It is a fundamental tool of Human Resources administration, since it makes possible standardization of class titles for purposes of employees record keeping, examining, pay administration, and related employee administrative objectives. A. NATURE OF THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN: The Classification Plan can be summarized as follows: 1. A grouping into a single class, with a common class title, of all positions which are essentially similar with respect to the nature of the work performed, and which are of approximately equal difficulty and responsibility. 2 . Written class descriptions containing, in addition to a descriptive title for each class of positions, a description of the nature of work included in the class and qualifications. Class descriptions do not restrict the assignment of duties to an employee in any way. However, assignment of a substantial volume of higher grade or lower grade duties to an employee over a period of time may result in a reclassification of the employee's position. 3. Class specifications are of considerable value in supplying systematic, authoritative information in connection with the following procedures: a. Preparing public announcements of job openings. b. Developing appropriate examinations. c. Comparing classes with each other and with outside classes in making comparisons for establishing appropriate pay rates for positions. B. MAINTENANCE OF THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN: As the Classification Plan is intended to fit each employee's position into its place in an overall occupational inventory, it is necessary that it be adjusted from time to time to reflect changes in assignment of duties made to employees by administrative officials, or brought about by change in methods of performing work. Such adjustments must be made, as their need is indicated, and in accordance with the following procedure: 1. As new positions are created, the Human Resources Director shall classify them on the basis of their duties and responsibilities. When the position has been identified for allocation to one of the established classifications in the Classification Plan, the classification action of the Human Resources Director will be final. Page 2 of 69 2. When a new classification is required, and there is no existing classification to properly classify a position, the Department Head, through the Human Resources Director, shall submit a recommendation as to the new classification and job description to the Personnel Commission for final approval. 3. When an employee's position, over a period of time, increases in difficulty and responsibility by assumption of additional and progressively more difficult duties, the Department Head may recommend through the re-classification process, a higher classification for the position and a corresponding salary level change for the employee without a competitive promotional process. If the employee's position decreases in difficulty and responsibility, a lower classification for the position and a corresponding salary level change for the employee may occur. This section shall not be used to avoid requirements for promotional examinations. Substantive changes in job descriptions or assigned salary range pursuant to this section shall be subject to the meet and confer process and Personnel Commission approval process described above. The annual evaluation date for reclassified employees shall be the date the reclassification is effective. 4. RE-CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA Available for Re-Classificatiort Examples of proven additional responsibility: Not Available for Re-Classification Examples of individual getting better at: -Current job description and/or responsibilities expanded, or moved to other or new function at the same skill level, or more volume of work. -"Supervise" personnel. - Total control of budget. -New division or function of department responsibilities. -Additional significant functions, not part of job description. -Additional or new job duties with additional complexity and which may require the employee to obtain a license or certification not currently required in the employee's job description. 5. RE-CLASSIFICA TION PROCESS Periodically, the Human Resources Director will contact Department Heads to ask if there are any job classifications that the Department Head would like to have considered for review. All requests submitted by Department Heads for review will be discussed by the City Administrator and full department head team who will then give the Human Resources Director direction on which studies will take place for the Page 3 of 69 current year. The request should be in a memo format with enough detail to support the need for the classification review. The Department Heads will be reminded that these studies are not salary reviews, but reviews of positions where there has been a significant change or changes in job responsibilities and increased/decreased complexities which would warrant a review to determine if the employee is appropriately classified. C. WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION: 1. Members of the Miscellaneous and Supervisory Employees Bargaining Units who are assigned by their supervisor, with Department Head approval, to perform the duties of a higher classification shall be paid under the provisions of the applicable Memorandum of Understanding. 2. Members of the Fire Employees Bargaining Unit assigned to work out of class in a higher classification shall receive the rate of pay of the higher classification subject to the conditions in their MOD. 3. Employees assigned by the Chief of Police, or his/her designee, to work as an Acting Corporal or Acting Sergeant, shall be paid under the provisions of their MOD. No part of this section shall be interpreted to deny any employee acting in the capacity of Supervising Officer and/or Acting Watch Commander from receiving overtime pay in accordance with past practices. Page 4 of 69 SECTION III: COMPENSATION AND PAYROLL PRACTICES: A. PAY PLAN: The Pay Plan is adopted by the City Council and provides minimum and maximum pay rates for each classification. B. PLACEMENT IN THE PAY PLAN: 1. New appointments shall be made at the minimum of the appropriate pay range. In some cases, a Department Head may request, and the City Administrator or Human Resources Director may approve, an appointment at higher than the minimum pay rate for the position. 2. In cases of promotion, the employee shall be placed on the lowest step in the higher pay range which provides not less than 5% more than his or her current pay rate. 3. In case of demotion, the employee's new salary must not be in excess of the maximum rate on the pay range appropriate for the class to which he or she is demoted. 4. In the event of re-employment subsequent to a resignation, an employee's salary shall be determined in the same manner as for new appointees, except as otherwise provided in the Miscellaneous Unit MOU, Article XI. 5. In the event of call back subsequent to a lay-off, the pay rate shall be commensurate to the available position. 6. No supervisor shall receive less than 2 1/2% more than the base pay of the highest paid person he or she supervises. A supervisor shall be identified as an employee who has direct supervision and responsibility for the performance of other full-time employees. 7. Salary actions are processed by completion and submission of a Human Resources Action Form. C. BREAK IN SERVICE/SENIORITY: For employees who have attained their current classification through longevity without promotion, the anniversary date for pay shall be the original date of hire. For employees who have been promoted into their current classification, the anniversary date shall be the date of appointment to the current classification. Total seniority with the City will be calculated from the original date of hire. A break in service shall occur when an employee is separated from the service by resignation, dismissal, unpaid leave of absence, or layoff. No seniority in the Pay Plan shall accumulate during a break in service which occurs due to a leave of absence without pay, or a layoff unless otherwise governed by Federal or State law. Said Page 5 of 69 break in service shall not affect status in seniority or in the Pay Plan which was accumulated prior to such break in service. D. FULL TIME TO REDUCED HOUR STATUS CHANGE Any regular, full-time employee may request a temporary change from full-time to reduced hour status. The request shall be in the best interest of the City as well as the employee. This change shall not interrupt the flow of work, increase the cost of operations, or become a burden to the department. Unless otherwise specified, the employee shall continue to be considered part of their regular bargaining unit. To request this change, the employee shall document their need for the change and submit this to their supervisor for approval. If approved, the supervisor will submit the request to the Department Head for his or her approval. Should the request be approved, it is submitted to the City Administrator for final approval. On final approval, the request is forwarded to the Human Resources Department for action. If the reduced hour status is granted, the following terms and conditions will apply: 1. The employee must use all accrued Compensatory Time Off and Personal Leave before reduced hour status can begin. 2. The City will not contribute to benefits such as Medical, Dental, LTD, Life Insurance unless the reduction in hours is covered by the Family Medical Leave Act. The employee will be entitled to continue health coverage on a self-pay basis in accordance with COBRA. 3. No paid time will accrue. 4. PERS service credit will continue with the employee receiving credit for hours worked. 5. The employee shall be entitled to a cost of living pay increase as per these Rules and Regulations and applicable MOU. 6. Credit toward seniority shall be suspended while on a part-time basis. 7. The employee will be allowed to return to a full-time position of comparable status at the end of the agreed time. A specified date of return will be required. One month before returning to full-time status, the employee shall send the Human Resources Department a letter informing them of intent to return to full-time status. Page 6 of 69 E. PERFORMANCE PAY INCREASE: Upon completion of six (6) months of satisfactory performance, with the recommendation of the Department Head, the City Administrator may authorize an employee's salary to be advanced one step on the salary schedule. If an employee is hired from the 1 sl through the 151h of the month, that employee will be eligible for a six (6) month evaluation and increase on the 1" of the month, six (6) months from the month of hire. If an employee is hired from the 161h through the 31'1 of the month, that employee will be eligible for the six (6) month evaluation and increase on the 1 sl of the month following six (6) months from the month of hire. For the purposes of subsequent performance merit advancement on the salary schedule, an employee's annual salary review and advancement date shall be twelve (12) months from the date of that six (6) month advancement. EMPLOYEE MERIT RATINGS (CHART) Merit reviews will follow the guidelines set by the merit matrix. The final merit increase is derived from the performance rating and the quartile (steps). The quartile is the horizontal factor, paired with the performance rating on the vertical factor to indicate the merit increase in the corresponding box. Merit Matrix Non-Exempt Employees: Performance Rating Quartiles 1 2 3 4 A-B C D E VI Exceptional X X X X V Commendable X X X X IV Meets Standards(GPOA and X X X X AFSCME); Effective (Fire) III DevelopmentalMar~nal X . . . II Needs Improvement . . . . I Unsatisfactory . . . . Page 7 of 69 Exempt Employees: Performance Rating Quartiles 1 2 3 4 A-B C D E VI Exceptional X X X X V Exceeds Expectations X X X X IV Meets Expectations X X X X III Developmental (Probationary X . . . Employees Only) II Needs Some Improvement . . . . I Unacceptable . . . . ** Ratings in I, II, or III require a Performance Action Plan X = Merit Increase · = No Increase F. WORKWEEK: To ensure compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the following shall be the official Work Week for the City of Gilroy: 1. Miscellaneous Employees The City's workweek shall be from Monday at 12:01 a.m. through Sunday Midnight. The normal workweek is forty (40.0) hours per week. Please refer to the applicable Memorandum of Understanding and Section IX, I. of these Rules for specific language regarding flexible work schedules. 2. Safety Employees Exemptions: Exemptions from this work week are Law Enforcement and Fire Protection who do not work a five (5) day, forty (40) hour work week. Safety Personnel will operate within the FLSA 7(k) exemptions and the City of Gilroy Resolution No. 85-42. The 7(k) exemptions state that Law Enforcement may have a work period of twenty-eight (28) days and Fire Protection may have a work period of twenty-seven (27) days. These periods are used as "windows of time" within which time worked (for non-forty hour/week personnel) can be averaged more accurately for calculation of benefits based on pay. Page 8 of 69 G. OVERTIME: It is hereby declared to be the policy of the City that overtime work is to be discouraged. The Department Head shall retain authority of reasonably determining, with the best interests of the operation of the respective departments, the amount of overtime to be accrued and when accrued overtime may be taken off by the employee. Each employee will have the monthly option of accumulating compensatory time off (CTO) or being paid for the accrued overtime in the next scheduled paycheck, within limitations prescribed by the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act and applicable Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). A limit is set by each Department for the maximum number of CTO hours an employee may accrue. Once this limit is reached, the employee must either take the time off or be paid for those hours. See applicable MOU for details. H. STANDBY PAY: Standby pay shall be granted at the rates specified in the applicable MOU. I. EDUCATION INCENTIVE: Not all employees are eligible for Education Incentive. Refer to the applicable MOU for details. Employees qualifying for Educational Incentive shall complete the necessary forms available from Human Resources. When this form is completed, including all the necessary signatures, it shall be returned to the Human Resources Department. Forms received between the Ist and the 15th of the month, will receive incentive pay effective that month. Forms received between the 16th and 3Ist of the month will begin receiving Educational Incentive pay effective the 1st of the following month. Employees who delay in submitting their forms will not receive retro-active Incentive Pay. Pay will be received once the forms have been processed as outlined above. Those employees applying for P.O.S.T. certification may experience delays in receiving their certificates. In those cases, pay will be retro-active to the date on the certificate. J. UNIFORM ALLOWANCE: 1. UNIFORMED MEMBERS OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT are entitled uniform allowances as noted in the MOU. This allowance does not cover badge and safety equipment which is furnished by the City. Refer to GPD Procedure Order No.10A for policy on uniform repair and replacement. 2. UNIFORMED MEMBERS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT will receive a Class A uniform as a new employee upon completion of probation and as noted in the MOU. Badge and safety equipment is also supplied by the City. a. Repair/Replacement - Uniforms are repaired/replaced as specified in the applicable MOU. Page 9 of 69 K. BILINGUAL COMPENSATION: Bargaining Unit employees who demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in both English and Spanish or other languages used by a significant portion of the City's population, as determined by the City, will be compensated in accordance with their MOU. The City Administrator shall determine whether or not any employee not covered by an MOU qualifies for bilingual pay. Page 10 of 69 SECTION IV: RECRUITMENT. SELECTION. and APPOINTMENT COMPETITIVE AND GENERAL SERVICE TO THE . Appointments to the General and Competitive Service will be filled by the following procedures. A. RECRUITMENT REQUEST FORM: To initiate a hiring action for a budgeted position, a Recruitment Request Form (available from Human Resources) must be completed by the hiring manager. It should then be forwarded to the Department Head who must sign the form and forward it to the Human Resources Director who must review and sign the request to initiate the recruitment process For part-time positions (except reimbursable part-time positions in Parks and Recreation) a memo must accompany the Recruitment Request Form stating that the hiring department has funds available for the position. B. JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements of openings for positions shall be made by posting notices in public places and other methods as are suited to obtaining appropriate publicity. Announcements shall set forth the title and pay for the position; the nature of the duties and responsibilities; the qualification requirements; whether the position is at-will or regular; the scope of the examination to be given; rate of pay and benefits for the position; the method of applying; the closing date for the application, if one is established; whether a medical and/or psychological examination, including a drug screen, will be required, post- offer of employment; and any other information deemed pertinent by the Human Resources Director. C. APPLICATIONS for JOB OPENINGS: An application form obtainable at City Hall will be filled out by all applicants in accordance with the job announcement. The Human Resources Director, in his or her sole discretion, may use one or a combination of the following methods of testing: a comparison of qualifications and experience to the job description and functions, interviews, oral boards/assessment centers, background review, or any other testing method he/she deems appropriate. In the recruitment process where a large number of applications are received and the Human Resources Director determines that giving an examination of the nature and type appropriate to all the qualified applicants would unnecessarily burden the City, the Human Resources Director or designee may rank, for qualifying purposes only, the application submitted on the basis of the applicants' experience, education, training, and work history as related to the particular position, and may choose a manageable number of applicants whom he or she determines would best fit the position. The chosen applicants shall then be given further examination in order to obtain a ranking on the eligibility list. The Human Resources Director or his/her designee shall notify, in writing, those persons whose applications have been rejected. The Human Resources Director or designee may reject an application, or after examination, may disqualify or remove the applicant's name from an eligible list for any of the following reasons: Page 11 of69 1. The applicant is found to lack any of the requirements, certifications, or qualifications for the position involved. 2. False statement by the applicant on the application with regard to any material facts, or any deception or fraud in securing eligibility or appointment. 3. Any fraudulent practice by the applicant in connection with any phase of the recruitment and selection procedure. 4. Physical or mental inability to perform the essential functions of the position with or without reasonable accommodation. 5. Criminal record of the applicant. Conviction of a crime related to the position may disqualify the applicant. 6. Failure to complete, sign or submit a legible and professional application within the prescribed time limits. 7. Failure to provide requested documentation to prove education, training, required certificated, etc. 8. Is a current user of illegal drugs. 9. Is a relative of an employee, and is subject to the Nepotism Policy in Section R below. 10. Used or attempted to use political pressure or bribery to secure an advantage in the examination or appointment. 11. Directly or indirectly obtained information regarding examinations. 12. Has had his or her privilege to operate a motor vehicle in the State of California suspended or revoked, if driving is job related. 13. For any material cause which in the judgment of the Human Resources Director or designee would render the applicant unsuitable for the position, including a prior resignation from the City of Gilroy, termination from the City of Gilroy, or a significant disciplinary action. D. COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS: The relative merit of applicants for appointment or promotion may be determined by competitive examination. Competitive examinations shall be designed to reveal the applicant's skills, abilities, and knowledge in the task elements of the job. Examination will be directed toward traits or characteristics demonstrably related to actual performance of the job, as well as customer service and interpersonal skills. Examinations shall be administered fairly to all participating applicants. The identity of Page 12 of 69 applicants shall not be revealed until after the passing score has been determined. Prior to examinations, applicants may be required to show proof of identity and/or special skills as required for the position. Examinations shall consist of written, oral and perlormance tests, as required by the classification and shall be solely within the discretion of the Human Resources Director. Failure in one part of the examination, or to meet established standards described in the job announcement, may be grounds for declaring such applicant as failing in the entire examination or as disqualified for subsequent parts of an examination. (Refer to Section IV, P. for information related to promotional lists. ) E. ORAL BOARDS: All oral board lists shall be submitted to the Human Resources Director for review and approval before the final oral board is selected and invited to participate. All Oral Boards will be structured in the following manner: At least two (2) people from outside agencies or the community. At least one (1) person that is a City employee. The Human Resources Director may select an appropriate alternate if using a City employee would pose a conflict. There may also be an observer from the hiring department. The outside agency and employee oral board members are typically chosen by the hiring department with approval from Human Resources. The community member is typically selected by the Human Resources Department. The names and contact information for department selected raters will be delivered to the Human Resources Department by the closing date on the flyer or other agreed upon date in the recruitment schedule. The Human Resources Department will send letters to the oral board members announcing the time and place of the interviews. With the approval of the Human Resources Director, an oral board interview may continue with two panel members if there is a last minute cancellation by a member of the panel. Human Resources shall take appropriate and reasonable steps to replace an oral board member if time allows. ASSESSMENT CENTERS are an alternative to Oral Boards. They identify potential talented City employees. Observers watch and record their impressions of candidates' behavior, in detail, as the candidates complete a number of exercises. Each assessor writes a report on each candidate and these reports are used as part of the selection or promotion process. F. ELIGIBLE LISTS: Applicants participating in the selection process shall be ranked on an Eligible List in categories of "Outstanding", "Satisfactory", or "Unsatisfactory". All applicants, including those failing the selection process, shall be notified of their status. Those placed in either the "Satisfactory" or "Outstanding" categories will be placed on the Eligible List, but will not be listed by rank. Page 13 of 69 With the approval of the Human Resources Director, individuals on an eligible list may request and be placed on a lower classification eligible list providing the functions are similar. All eligible lists shall remain in force for one (1) year, unless exhausted before that time. An eligible list may be extended by the Personnel Commission on the recommendation of the Human Resources Director and the City Administrator for an additional year. An eligible list shall be deemed exhausted when there are four or less names on the list or the Department Head declines to make a selection from any name on a list to fill an existing vacancy. Upon approval of the Personnel Commission, a list may be declared exhausted at any time upon written statement with supporting reasons from the Department Head. The names of the eligible persons shall be removed from an eligible list for any of the following reasons: 1. Request, in writing by the eligible person, for removal. 2. Inability to locate the eligible person within seven calendar days time by mail or by phone. It shall be the responsibility of the candidate to keep the Human Resources Department informed of their current address and telephone number. The Human Resources staff will document attempts to reach the candidate. 3. Waiver by the candidate, of job offer. 4. Failure of any part of background investigations, which may be applicable. 5. Failure to pass the medical or psychological examination required prior to appointment. 6. Establishment of any of the reasons for rejection of application as set forth in this section of these Rules and Regulations. G. REFERENCES In an effort to eliminate any City liability in providing references, the employees of the Human Resources Department are the only employees authorized to provide reference information related to any current or former City employee or volunteer. Also, with the exception of the City Administrator, who is the designated Personnel Officer, all other employees and volunteers are prohibited from providing any type of reference. Employees and volunteers are directed to immediately notify the Human Resources Department of any request for information regarding a current or former City employee or volunteer. Page 14 of69 1. EMPLOYMENT REFERENCES: a. The Human Resources Department has the authority to verify, upon written request from a prospective employer, information regarding a current or former employee or volunteer. The date of employment/service, position title, final rate of pay, and date of separation are the only pieces of infonnation that will be provided. b. The Human Resources Department may require that the affected employee or volunteer, current or former, sign a written disclosure, authorization and release prior to providing any information. c. The Human Resources Department shall not provide job performance information to third parties requesting a reference with the following exceptions: 1. The City shall comply with all employee information requests required by law. For example, an official subpoena or court order for employee records that requires a City response. 2. Upon receipt of a fully executed release from liability signed by the employee or volunteer that meets the requirements of the City, the City will allow a third party to review the employee's or volunteer's personnel file. d. In the event of an official public safety officer background investigation, and upon direction from the employee's Department Head, the City may provide documents and respond to questions regarding an employee or volunteer as a part of the official public safety background investigation. Such authorization shall be granted in advance by the Human Resources Director prior to any employee providing information to an outside party. e. In exceptional circumstances only, the City Administrator as approved by legal counsel may waive the limitations described above upon review and receipt of a written employee waiver. 2. LOAN/CREDIT VERIFICATIONS a. Provided that the current or former employees or volunteer has signed a full written authorization and release that meets City standards, employment information can be provided to financial institutions requesting employment and salary information. All such requests must be submitted in writing by the financial institution requesting the information. 1. The Payroll or Human Resources staff performing the payroll Page 15 of 69 function, or his/her supervisor, shall complete the written request for information. 2. Upon completion of the written request, the completed form and signed release shall be provided to the Human Resources Department for verification. Upon verification, the Human Resources Department shall forward the salary and employment information to the financial institution. 3. The Human Resources Department shall retain a copy of the information provided to the financial institution in the event a question arises in the future about the information that was provided. These records shall be retained for a period of two years from the date that the information was provided. H. BACKGROUND/REFERENCE CHECKS ON CANDIDATES FOR EMPLOYMENT: When a Department is ready to perform a reference and/or background check on a prospective employee, a memo from the Department shall be submitted to the Human Resources Director naming the applicant whose background needs to be checked. With the approval of the Human Resources Director, the reference /background check may begin. The reference /background checking process for each candidate/position shall be determined by the Human Resources Director. The process may include any or all ofthe following: a Department of Justice Criminal Records Check, drug screen, reference checks, credit check, complete background investigation, modified background investigation, local records check, review of personnel file(s), and any other step deemed appropriate to ensure that the City makes sound hiring decisions. The Human Resources Director may waive any or all steps of the background checking process for current full-time employees of the City. When a reference check or background investigation is completed, the information shall be submitted to the Department Head and Human Resources Director for review and approval. If the candidate is approved for hire, the Human Resources Director shall prepare a conditional job offer upon the recommendation of the Department Head. Medical and psychological exams will be conducted after conditional job offers have been made. I. APPOINTMENT FROM ELIGIBLE LISTS: To initiate action for an appointment, the Department Head shall contact the Human Resources Director who shall furnish the appropriate eligible list( s). The Department may be provided a comparable eligible list to fill a vacancy for a like position at the discretion of the Human Resources Director. The Department Head shall have a choice of any of the applicants in the "outstanding" and "satisfactory" group to fill the current vacancy. If the appointment cannot be made from the "outstanding" group or the satisfactory group, the Department Head will so inform the Human Resources Director in writing stating the Page 16 of69 reason for non-appointment. If the Department Head selects a candidate for appointment, the Human Resources Department will make a written job offer to the candidate with a copy to the hiring manager. J. MEDICAL EXAMINATION: All appointments to the City Service shall be subject to a medical (including drug screen) examination conducted by the City's medical examiner after a conditional job offer is made. An employee who, in the opinion of the medical examiner, is physically or mentally incapable of performing the essential functions of the job as documented in the position description after consideration of reasonable accommodation, may have his/her conditional job offer revoked. K. FINGERPRINTS: Fingerprints shall be taken of all new full-time employees, contractual and part-time employees for purpose of a Department of Justice criminal records check. All employees shall be enrolled in the Department of Justice Subsequent Arrest Notification System. L. PROBATIONARY PERIOD: An appointment made from an eligible list shall be as follows: 1. Safety: The probationary period for newly hired employees shall be eighteen (18) months. The probationary period for promotions shall be twelve (12) months. 2. Non-Safety: The probationary period for newly hired employees in the Miscellaneous and Supervisory Units shall be twelve (12) months with the exception of Public Safety Communicator and Senior Public Safety Communicator positions which shall be eighteen (18) months. The probationary period for promotions of regular employees shall be six (6) months unless otherwise specified in a job description. For example, the probationary period for a newly appointed Maintenance Worker I is twelve (12) months even if that employee moved up in to that position from the Maintenance Worker Assistant job classification. a. With the exception of the Fire Department, as noted in the IAFF, Local 2805 MOU, upon recommendation of the Department Head, the City Administrator may extend the probationary period for any particular employee for an additional six (6) months period. The Department Head, prior to the completion of an employee's probation period, shall recommend in writing to the City Administrator, whether to extend an employee's probation, grant the employee regular status or termination. b. An employee may be removed at any time during their probationary period upon written recommendation by the Department Head and approval of the City Administrator. Such employee has no right to hearing or appeal. c. The Human Resources Director, upon approval of the City Administrator, may reinstate to the eligible list any probationary employee whose service has been terminated if there appears to be adequate basis for anticipating Page 17 of69 that the employee might render satisfactory service III any other department which, in the future, may make use of the eligible list. The name of such an eligible person shall be omitted from future certification to the department from which he or she was removed. 3. Temporary, part-time and provisional employees are at-will and will have a continuous probationary period while employed by the City in that capacity, and are not eligible for benefits, with the exception of the part-time retirement system. M. PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENTS: When an eligible list for a particular classification is not available, provisional appointment at an hourly wage for a period not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days may be made by the Department Head on approval from the City Administrator. Provisional appointees shall be selected from applicants for the position who meet the minimum qualification requirements for the position. Upon justification by the Department Head concerned, the City Administrator may extend a provisional appointment to meet a current need up to an additional ninety (90) days. Provisional appointees desiring regular status must participate in recruitment for that position. N. TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS: A full time employee may be assigned on a temporary basis, for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months, to an open position in a different, established classification on written recommendation of the Department Head and approval of the City Administrator. The temporary appointee must participate in the established recruitment procedures before the position becomes regular. O. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: Full-time or part-time, temporary employees may be hired through "temporary agencies" to meet immediate and/or short term workload needs of the City. The services of contract employees may be obtained only through the Human Resources Department. P. PROMOTIONAL LISTS: If there is an applicable Promotional List available for filling a vacancy, such list shall be utilized before the open competitive list may be used. If there are four or less eligible persons on the Promotional List, or the Department Head declines to make an appointment, then, with proper written justification to the City Administrator, the list can be abolished by the Personnel Commission. When no Promotional List is available to fill a vacancy, the recruitment process described earlier in this section shall be held to establish such a Promotional List. Members of the Fire Bargaining Unit shall be notified in advance of promotional examinations, through the job announcement, of the job requirements, testing, and scoring procedures to be utilized, and recommended study materials, if any. For members of the Police Bargaining Unit, examinations for promotional appointments may include oral interviews, assessments, and written examinations (study and reference materials must be listed on the announcement flyer). Members who participate in the written examination process, may, in confidence, review their scores for each segment of the written Page 18 of 69 examination. Refer to GPD Procedure Order No. 4.2 for additional details on the promotion process. When an employee, who has been appointed on a promotional basis, does not satisfactorily complete the probationary period, he or she shall be reinstated to his or her previous classification, salary range, and step unless the performance justifies termination. If the previous classification has been filled, then the person filling the position must return to his or her prior position and so forth until the most recent individual hired to fill the vacancy caused by the promotion returns to the appropriate eligible list and waits for the next open position for appointment. Q. EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL (EP A): It is the policy of the City of Gilroy to encourage and facilitate a program of evaluation and training in the interest of employee efficiency and as an aid to qualify for advancement. Department heads shall periodically rate the performance of each employee; provided, however, the department heads may delegate the responsibility for rating the performance of specified employees in their departments to that employee's supervisor. Interim reports may be completed as necessary when changes in work performance occur. Each employee shall be informed in such reports of his or her strengths and weaknesses. Each performance report shall be discussed with the employee. The Employee shall sign the report to acknowledge receipt. Such signature shall not necessarily mean he or she fully endorses the contents of said report. The performance reports shall not be subject to any grievance and/or appeal procedure, with the exception of employees in the Miscellaneous and Supervisory Units who may appeal an overall rating of less than satisfactory to the City Administrator. There shall be no other form of appeal. All regular, full time employees and part time employees working twenty (20) hours per week or more on an ongoing basis receive annual EPA's. Page 19 of 69 Performance Evaluation Flow Chart: EPA Status Report Routed to each Department Head each month by the Human Resources Department Department Head forwards review to the Human Resources Department with all required signatures by the due date on the EPA Status Report. If a merit . , Increase IS recommended and approved in accordance with the salary plan, then Human Resources prepares the appropriate HRAF and forwards to payroll. EPA forwarded on to next level manager for review and Supervisor Employee signature conducts signs and and further Supervisor/Manager review with dates EP A passes on the employee ( documenting review to completes EP A and receives receipt) and higher level feedback from may add managers in the employee. comments. chain until such review is reviewed and signed by the department head. Human Resources I f forwarded either signs for Human the review corrections, Resources and forwards then prior Human Resources reviews EP A it on to the steps are logs the EP A in for City repeated noting the date completion Administrator until EP A is received. and salary for signature returned to plan or returns the Human compliance. review to the Resources Department for Head for signature. corrections. If no merit increase is recommended, or employee is at the top of the pay ange, then the EP A is copied and routed to the employee with the original placed in the employee's Human Resources File. If a merit increase is recommended then the EP A and HRAF are copied and routed to the employee with the originals placed in the employee's Human Resources File. Page 20 of 69 R. NEPOTISM: 1. ""The City Council shall not appoint to a salaried position under the City government any person who is a relative by blood, or marriage within the third degree of any member of the Council, nor shall any Department Head or other officer having appointive power appoint any relative of a member of the Council or himself within such degree to any such position." (CHARTER SECTION 810). 2. No person shall be appointed or promoted to a position in any department in which such person's relative already holds a position, when such employment would result in any of the following: a. A supervisor/subordinate relationship in which one person exercises the right to control, direct, reward or punish another person by virtue of the duties and responsibilities assigned to his or her position; b. The employees having job duties which require performance of shared duties on the same or related work assignment; c. Both employees having the same supervisor. 3. For purposes of this section, certain words and phrases will have the meanings set forth herein: a. ""Relative" means spouse, child, stepchild, foster child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, parent-in-law or brother/sister- in-law, another individual related by blood or marriage living in the same household as a City employee and domestic partner living with the employee in a spousal-type relationship. b. ""Employee" means any person employed for wages by the City. c. ""Espousal-type Relationship" means two people living together, sharing bed and board, sharing financial, recreational and social activities together, along with the normal cares and woes of being a couple and/or a family, without the benefit of a marriage license or marriage ceremony, commonly known as ""living together. " d. ""Work-Site" means a place where majority of work time is spent. Work site can be a specific City building or out in the field at a variety of sites as determined by the Department Head. e. ""Chain of Command" means your direct supervisor, your direct supervisor's supervisor, etc. up through Department Head and ending with the City Administra tor. Page 21 of 69 f. "Supervisor" means an individual who provides direct supervIsIon or who conducts performance evaluations and/or provides immediate direction to an employee on a regularly scheduled basis or one who provides more than twenty- five percent (25%) supervision of regular work assignments when a direct supervisor is not available or able to provide supervision. g. "Related Work Assignment" means two or more employees who perform joint duties, share responsibility, function in the same chain of command, or work on the same shift at the same work site. 4. Marital Status: It is the policy of the City of Gilroy not to discriminate in its employment and personnel actions with respect to its employees, prospective employees, and applicants on the basis of Marital Status. No employee, prospective employee, or applicant shall be improperly denied employment or benefits of employment on the basis of his or her marital status. This policy applies to the selection of persons for a training program leading to employment in addition to the above-designated persons. Marital status is defined as an individual's state of marriage, non-marriage, divorce or dissolution, separation, widowhood, annulment, or other marital state for the purpose of this anti-discrimination policy. Spouse is defined as a partner in marriage as defined in California Civil Code Section 4100 or domestic partner (as set forth in Family Code ~ 297 et seq.). Notwithstanding the above provisions, the City of Gilroy retains the right: a. To refuse to place a spouse under the direct supervision of the other spouse where such has the potential for creating adverse impact on supervision, safety security, or morale. b. To refuse to place both spouses in the same department, division, or facility where such has the potential for creating adverse impact on supervision, safety, security, or morale, or involves potential conflicts of interest. c. To maintain or adopt bona fide health plans which provide additional or greater benefits to employees with dependents than to those employees without or with fewer dependents. 5. If continuing employment of the two spouses cannot be accommodated consistent with the City's interest in promotion of safety, security, morale and efficiency, then the City retains sole discretion to separate one spouse from City employment. Absent resignation by one affected spouse, the less senior of the involved spouses will be dismissed; which dismissal shall not be considered disciplinary or subject to any administrative appeal. Page 22 of 69 6. ""Relatives" of current City employees will not be hired to fill positions in City Administration or the Human Resources Department due to the potential for conflict. However, if an employee working in City Administration or the Human Resources Department marries or enters into an espousal-type relationship with another employee after they are hired by the City, then the City Administrator reserves the right to evaluate the situation, positions held, potential for conflict, etc., to determine if both employees can remain employed in their current positions. Page 23 of 69 SECTION V. SEPARATIONS and DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS: This section discusses separations from City employment, whether voluntary or involuntary, as well as employee misconduct and resulting disciplinary actions. In all disciplinary actions involving police officers, the City shall honor and adhere to Government Code Section 3300 et. seq, the Police Officers Bill of Rights,. Employees who are represented by an employee organization are subject to the separation and disciplinary action provisions specified in the applicable MOU in addition to the following provisions to the extent they do not conflict with the applicable Memorandum of Understanding. A. SEPARATIONS: This section defines all avenues of employment separation. 1. RESIGNATION: An employee who voluntarily resigns his or her position shall give two weeks advance notice of this intention. Failure to give advance notice may cause the employee to forfeit his or her rights to re-appointment. Resignation must be in writing and filed with the Department Head. The Human Resources Director shall be advised, by the Department Head, upon receipt of the written resignation. A resignation becomes final when submitted to the Department Head, Manager or Human Resources. The City reserves the right to determine whether a resignation can be withdrawn. a. Reinstatement: A regular employee who has resigned, or has otherwise been separated while in good standing, may be considered for reinstatement, upon recommendation of the department head and approval of the City Administrator, to a position in the former employee's classification for a period of two (2) years after resignation or separation. Reinstatement shall require all normal pre-hiring steps, including, but not limited to, submission of an updated City of Gilroy employment application, an interview with the hiring manager, a detailed background and/or reference check, an updated Department of Justice criminal records check, a post-offer psychological evaluation, a post-offer medical evaluation, and a drug screen. The former employee requesting reinstatement must successfully complete all required steps prior to receiving a final offer of reinstatement. The employee shall be reinstated to the salary range and step held at the time of resignation or separation and shall receive a new anniversary date which shall be the first date of employment upon reinstatement. The employee will serve a new probationary period. 2. RESIGNATIONIUNAUTHORIZED ABSENCE WITHOUT NOTIFICATION: Absence, without notification and justifiable reason, or without having properly applied for a Leave of Absence, for three consecutive working days shall constitute abandonment of the employee's position and shall result in the employee's automatic resigna tion. 3. DISMISSAL: Employees who are not in the competitive service, including part-time, temporary, provisional, or probationary employees may be terminated without cause Page 24 of 69 or right of appeal, at any time, on recommendation of the Department Head with approval of the City Administrator. Full-time, regular employees, including those serving on a promotional probation basis, may be terminated for just cause as provided in sub-section B of this section, with full rights of appeal as defined in Section VI of these Rules and Regulations. Department Heads have the authority to make all appointments, removal, and disciplinary action decisions. Prior to making the final decision for these actions, Department Heads will be required to consult with Human Resources Director. The City Administrator shall impose discipline on Department Heads. 4. LAYOFF: The City Council may abolish any position in the General and Competitive service due to lack of funds, lack of work, reorganization or need. a. PROCEDURE: The layoff of employees resulting from the elimination of positions shall be governed by the following procedure: 1) Layoffs shall be made from within the affected department and job classification, in reverse order of total continuous time in that classification, including any period of probation, paid leave or active military leave. Except as regards military leave, no service credits shall be earned during any leave of absence without pay in excess of thirty (30) days. Where time in service is equal between two (2) or more affected employees, their performance evaluations shall serve as the determining factor. 2) The order of layoff in the affected department and classification or classifications shall be: a) Temporary/Seasonal employees b) On-going part-time employees c) Probationary employees d) Regular status full-time employees 3) The treatment of personnel employed by means of State or Federal grant monies shall be in accordance with regulations for retention as established by the grantor. In the absence of such regulations, these rules shall govern treatment of such personnel. 4) Probationary and regular employees III the Competitive Service who, as described above, are scheduled to be laid off shall receive at least thirty (30) days written notice to this effect. 5) In lieu of layoff, an employee may elect transfer or demotion to a vacant position in the Competitive Service which the City intends to fill and for which Page 25 of 69 the employee, in the judgment of the Human Resources Director, is qualified. In no event shall transfer or demotion result in an employee being placed in a classification carrying a higher maximum rate of pay. 6) Within ten (10) days from the date layoff notices are issued, an employee who would otherwise be laid off may elect to displace an employee in a classification carrying a lower or the same maximum rate of pay; provided, however, that the displacing employee must have held regular status in such classification and department and have greater total time in the General and Competitive service than the employee being displaced. A probationary or regular employee displaced in accordance with this paragraph shall, in turn, be provided the same notice and "bumping" privilege as set forth in this paragraph. b. RE-EMPLOYMENT PROCEDURE: 1) A re-employment list will be established in the inverse order of layoff within classification within each department. Persons on this list will be afforded first opportunity for appointment to any future employment in said class. Laid off employees are responsible for keeping the Human Resources Department apprised of their current mailing address. 2) A regular employee laid off shall, at his or her request, be placed on a re- employment list for his or her former classification and department. Where more than one employee in the same classification is laid off, the names of such employees shall be placed on this list in accordance with the date of layoff. If an opening occurs for a department other than that from which the employee was laid off, the Human Resources Director shall determine if the employee is qualified to fill the position. 3) Employees placed on such a list shall remain eligible for recall for a period of eighteen (18) months from the effective date oflayoff. Re-employment may be in the employee's former classification or in a comparable classification which does not carry a higher maximum rate of pay and which the employee is qualified to perform as determined by the Human Resources Director. The laid off employee shall have five (5) business days in which to accept a written offer of employment from the City of Gilroy. The acceptance letter shall be filed in writing with the Human Resources Director. The position may be filled through other means if the employee contacted does not provide a written acceptance letter in the five (5) business days noted above. 4) An employee refusing re-employment in either his or her former classification, or in a comparable classification for which he or she is qualified, shall automatically be removed from the re-employment list. Page 26 of 69 5) If an employee is re-employed from such a list, all service credits and sick leave accrued to the date of layoff shall be restored. Since all other leave benefits were paid at the time of layoff, they will not be restored upon re-employment. 6) At the time of layoff, the employee's name shall be removed from all promotional eligible lists, but, at the employee's request, shall be retained on open competitive lists. 7) Prior to the effective date of Layoff, the Department Head shall furnish Human Resources with a final evaluation of the employee's performance. 5. RETIREMENT: All eligible employees shall retire as set forth in the requirements of the established retirement plan (PERS). Retirement benefits for full-time and part-time regular employees are specified in the Benefits Section VIII.E. 6. EXIT INTERVIEWS: When a full-time employee departs the services of the City, voluntarily or otherwise, he or she may be asked to participate in an Exit Interview. The purpose of the Exit Interview is to provide management at all levels with insight into favorable and unfavorable aspects of the job from the employee's perspective, benefit from any suggestions the employee may have, and document the reason for leaving City services as perceived by the employee. Normally the Human Resources Director or his/her designee will conduct the exit interview. When circumstances make it advisable, the Human Resources Director may request that the Department Head or Manager conduct the interview. The City provides an Exit Interview form (available from Human Resources) on which the interviewer records a summary, not necessarily verbatim, of the employee's comments. The employee is requested to initial the form. The completed form is subsequently initialed by the Department Head (if not the interviewer) and submitted to the City Administrator. Concurrently with the above, the Department Head and/or Manager completes a Department Head Comments form, available from Human Resources, which records their perceptions of the employee and other aspects of the employment experience. Upon completion, both forms are submitted to the City Administrator and subsequently filed in the individual's human resources file. B. DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS: 1. CAUSES for DISCIPLINARY ACTION: It is not possible to provide employees a complete list of every possible type of disciplinary offense. However in order to provide employees guidance concerning unacceptable behavior, causes for removal, suspension, demotion/reduction in payor other disciplinary action may include, but Page 27 of69 not be limited to, malfeasance, willful misconduct, incompetence, and/or inefficiency as used in Section 1003 of the City Charter and shall include, but not be limited to, any of the following: a. Conviction of a felony or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, including a conviction following a plea of "no contest". b. Conduct unbecoming an officer or employee of the City, either on or off duty. Officers or employees shall be governed by the ordinary and reasonable rules of behavior observed by law-abiding and self-respecting citizens and shall commit no act, either on or off duty, tending to bring reproach or discredit to the City. c. Violation of any lawful official regulation or order; insubordination, a willful failure to submit to duly appointed and acting supervision, a failure to conform to or a failure to abide by a lawful order or lawful direction made by a supervisor or as contained in City or department policy; or insulting or demeaning the authority of a supervisor or manager. d. Reporting for duty or being on duty under the influence of any illegal, prescription, or over-the-counter intoxicant or drug, or absenting oneself from duty or rendering oneself unfit to perform fully one's duties for reasons attributable to, or produced by, indulgence in intoxicants or drugs. e. Documented incompetency (i.e. inability to comply with the minimum standard for an employee's position for a period of time) or inefficiency (i.e. failure to perform the duties required of an employee within his/her position for a period oftime), in the performance of required duties. f. Carelessness or negligence with the monies or other property of the City, or appropriating for their own use any property of the City, or loaning, selling, or giving away such property without authorization. g. Actions prohibited by Government Code Section 3201, et. seq. in Chapter 9.5, entitled "Political Activities of Public Employees" (copies from Human Resources upon request). Employees shall not, while on duty, take an active part in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate, or seek signatures on any petition seeking to advance the candidacy of any person for any office or attempting to influence the vote of another employee for or against any candidate. h. Inducing, or attempting to induce an officer or employee in the service of the City to commit an unlawful act or to act in violation of any lawful departmental or official regulation or order. Page 28 of 69 1. Acceptance from any source of a reward, gift, or other form of remuneration in addition to regular compensation to an employee for the performance of his or her official duties in violation of City policy. J. Knowingly (knew or should have known) making any false statements, certificates, marks, ratings, or reports on any public record including but not limited to time cards, or in any manner committing or attempting any fraud. k. Knowingly (knew or should have known) making any false statements concerning any employee, the City, or the City's policies or practices, or presenting any false certificates, ratings, or any other false information in connection with the selection process or any other City process. 1. Engaging in conduct which violates the City of Gilroy Harassment Prevention Policy as noted in Section IX of these Rules and Regulations. m. Possessing or bringing unauthorized firearms, weapons, alcohol, or illegal drugs onto City property unless authorized to do so in the performance of your job duties (i.e. sworn law enforcement functions). n. Knowingly (knew or should have known) disclosing unauthorized information deemed confidential by law or City policy. o. Actual or threatened physical violence towards another employee or any other person while on duty (an exception to this would be safety personnel in the performance of job duties consistent with City or Department policy). p. Violating safety or health rules or practices or engaging in conduct that creates a safety or health hazard. (Note: safety rules may vary by department and job function. ) q. Excessive absenteeism as defined in Section VII, 2, e of these rules. r. Absence without approved leave. s. Outside employment not previously authorized by the City. t. Fraud or any form of dishonesty in securing employment or making a false statement on an application for employment. u. Dishonesty involving employment including, but not limited to, knowingly providing false information to a supervisor, manager or investigator; OR withholding information from a supervisor, manager or investigator when asked to provide such information. Page 29 of 69 v. Repeated or gross discourteous and/or rude treatment of the public or other employees. w. Refusal to subscribe to any oath or affirmation which is required by law in connection with agency employment. x. Working overtime without authorization. y. Violation of policies, rules or regulations published by the City or the employee's department. z. The refusal of any officer or employee of the agency to testify under oath before any Grand Jury having jurisdiction over any then pending cause of inquiry in which the investigation of government bribery or misconduct in agency office is involved shall constitute of itself sufficient ground for immediate discharge of such officer or employee. The City Administrator has vested the right to initiate disciplinary actions with the City Department Heads. Employees excluded from these rules as set forth in Section I.B. are subject to dismissal without cause and have no right to hearing and/or appeal (except as provided for Departments Heads in Section VI.A), therefore, these provisions do not apply to them. 2. TYPES OF DISCIPLINE: a. REPRIMAND: A disciplinary action may consist of a written reprimand. A written reprimand may be issued by the Department Head, or his or her designee, to an employee to make him or her aware of an offense not serious enough for suspension, demotion, or dismissal. b. SUSPENSION: A suspension is a temporary separation from City service without pay, levied as a penalty for an offense where the cause is not sufficiently grave for dismissal. FLSA exempt employees shall not be subject to suspensions of less than one work week. c. DEMOTION: A demotion is a change from one job classification to another job classification with a lower rate of pay for disciplinary reasons. For employees covered under Government Code Section 3303, discipline includes transfers for purpose of punishment. Note: This does not include regularly scheduled assignment changes made by the Chief of Police. (Refer to GPOA MOD and GPD Procedure Order Number 5.4 - Rotation of Special Assignments and GPD Procedure Order Number 1004-SpeciaIAssignments.) Page 30 of 69 d. REDUCTION IN PAY: A reduction in pay is a decrease in salary to a lower step within the salary range for disciplinary reasons. FLSA-exempt employees are not subject to a reduction in pay. e. DISMISSAL: A dismissal consists of involuntary employment termination. 3. PROCEDURE FOR DISCIPLINE: a. Immediate Suspensions: The City reserves the right to suspend, with or without pay, in its sole discretion, any employee immediately upon oral notice when it is determined that the employee is a danger to himself or fellow employees, or to City property, and/or where the employee is accused of job offenses such as being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, theft, assault, drug abuse, moral turpitude, or insubordination. Disciplinary proceedings will be initiated by the Department Head within two (2) working days of the suspension. b. Disciplinary procedures for dismissal, demotion or suspension, or reduction in pay: 1. Notice of Intent to Discipline: The appropriate authority shall give the employee a written notice of intent to discipline which sets forth the following: a. The disciplinary action intended; b. The specific charges upon which the action is based; c. A factual summary of the grounds upon which the charges are based; d. Identification of all written materials upon which the discipline is based; e. Notice of the employee's right to respond to the charges either orally or III writing to the appropriate authority, including identification of the date, time and person before whom the employee may respond in no less than five (5) working days; f. Notice that failure to respond by the time specified shall constitute a waiver of the right to respond prior to final discipline being imposed. Page 31 of69 2. Response by Employee: The employee shall have the right to respond to the appropriate authority orally or in writing and with or without a representative. The employee's response to the intended disciplinary action shall be considered before final action is taken. 3. Final Notice of Discipline: After the consideration of the employee's response or the expiration of the employee's time to respond to the notice of intent, the appropriate authority shall either: a. dismiss the notice of intent and take no disciplinary action against the employee; or b. modify the intended disciplinary action; or c. prepare and serve upon the employee a final notice of disciplinary action which shall include the following: 1) The disciplinary action taken; 2) The effective date of the disciplinary action taken; 3) Specific charges upon which the action is based; 4) A summary of the facts upon which the charges are based; 5) The written materials, reports and documents upon which the disciplinary action is based; 6) An explanation of appeal procedures. Page 32 of 69 SECTION VI. GRIEVANCE AND DISCIPLINARY /APPEAL PROCEDURES Regular full-time employees have the right to file disciplinary and grievance appeals pursuant to this section. Bargaining Unit Employees may elect to present a grievance pursuant to the contract grievance or discipline procedure in the applicable MOU if one exists. A. EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINARY ACTION APPEAL PROCEDURE: The City Administrator has vested the right to initiate Disciplinary Actions with the City Department Heads. If an employee is the subject of a disciplinary action resulting in dismissal, suspension, reduction in payor demotion, he or she shall be afforded an opportunity for a hearing regarding such disciplinary action. All employee disciplinary action appeals shall be in writing, dated, and signed by the employee. Specifically excluded from the disciplinary appeals process are employee evaluations, written reprimands, verbal reprimands and/or counseling, and merit salary increases. Employees are, however, entitled to submit a reasonable amount of rebuttal material to be attached to performance evaluations and/or written reprimands with which they disagree. Employees have thirty (30) days from the date they received the employee performance appraisal or written reprimand to submit a reasonable amount of rebuttal material for attachment to the document that has been placed in the employee's human resources file. Public Safety employees have the choice of appealing disciplinary actions under their MOU Contract Grievance Procedure if one exists. An employee who chooses to use the MOU Contract Grievance Procedure thereby waives any right to a hearing under these rules and regulations. 1. REQUEST FOR HEARING Within ten (10) calendar days after final notice of suspension, reduction in pay, demotion or dismissal, the employee or the employee's representative may file an appeal in writing to the Human Resources Director. If, within the ten (10) calendar day filing period, the employee does not file said appeal, unless good cause for the failure is shown, the disciplinary action shall be considered final. The appeal shall include the following: a. An admission or denial of each charge with an explanation why the charge is admitted or denied. b. A statement of any affirmative defenses. c. A statement that the employee disagrees with the penalty with an explanation of why the employee disagrees. Page 33 of 69 d. The employee's current address. e. A request for a hearing. Failure to provide this information may result in the appeal not being processed. 2. SCHEDULING OF HEARING Upon receipt of the request for an appeal, the City Administrator, or his/her designee, shall schedule a hearing before the Personnel Commission. The appeal hearing shall be set not less than twenty (20) working days nor more than sixty (60) working days from the date of the filing of the appeal. All interested parties shall be notified in writing of the day, time, and place of the hearing at least ten (10) working days prior to the hearing. 3. PRIVATE OR PUBLIC HEARINGS All hearings shall be private; provided that the employee may request a hearing open to the public. Any request for an open hearing shall be submitted five (5) working days prior to the hearing date or the hearing will be closed. 4. PRE-HEARING PROCEDURE a. Subpoenas - The Personnel Commission is authorized to issue subpoenas at the request of either party prior to the commencement of the hearing. Mter the commencement of the hearing, the Commission shall issue subpoenas only for good cause. The Human Resources Department will prepare subpoenas for all witnesses; however, they will only serve subpoenas on individuals who are not currently employed by the City. It will be the responsibility of the employee and the City to submit the names of current City employees to be subpoenaed at least ten (10) working days before the date of the hearing in which they are requesting the witnesses to appear. b. Exhibits and Witness Lists - Five (5) working days prior to the date set for the hearing, each party shall serve upon the other party and submit to the Human Resources Department a list of all witnesses and a list and copy of all exhibits. An Original and nine (9) copies of the exhibits shall be presented to the Human Resources Department in 3 hole notebooks which are tabbed down the side with the exhibit numbers. The employer's exhibits shall be designated by number. The employee's exhibits shall be designated by alphabet letter. Neither party will be permitted to call during the hearing, a witness not identified pursuant to this section nor use any exhibit not provided pursuant to this section unless that party can show that they could not reasonably have anticipated the prior need for such witness or such exhibit. Page 34 of 69 5. SUBMISSION TO THE PERSONNEL COMMISSION Five (5) working days prior to the date set for the hearing, the Human Resources Department shall present each member of the Personnel Commission with a copy of the jurisdictional documents. Those documents include the notice of intent to take disciplinary action, the final notice of disciplinary action and any response from the employee to these documents. The Commission shall not be provided with copies of the exhibits. 6. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS AND COSTS a. Court Reporter - All disciplinary appeal hearings may, at the discretion of either party or the Commission, be recorded by a court reporter. Any hearing which does not utilize a court reporter shall be recorded by audio tapes. If a court reporter is requested by either party, that party shall pay the cost of the court reporter. If both parties request a court reporter the cost will be split equally. If the Commission requests the court reporter, the City shall pay the cost of the reporter. b. Employee Witness Compensation - Employees of the City who are subpoenaed to testify during working hours will be released with pay to appear at the hearing. The Commission may direct that these employees remain on call until called to testify. Employees who are subpoenaed to testify during non-working hours will be compensated from the time the employee is required to be at the hearing. Refer to applicable MOU for call back pay language if employee is called back outside of normal work schedule to testify. 7. CONDUCT OF THE HEARING a. The hearing need not be conducted in accordance with technical rules relating to evidence and witnesses but hearings shall be conducted in a manner most conducive to determination of the truth. b. Any relevant evidence may be admitted if it is the type of evidence on which responsible persons are accustomed to rely in the conduct of serious affairs, regardless of the existence of any common law or statutory rules which might make improper the admission of such evidence over objection in civil actions. c. Hearsay evidence may be used for the purpose of supplementing or explaining any direct evidence that shall not be sufficient in itself to support a finding unless it would admissible over objection in civil actions. d. The rules dealing with privileges shall be effective to the same extent that they are now or hereafter may be recognized in civil actions. Page 35 of 69 e. Irrelevant and unduly repetitious evidence may be excluded. f. The Personnel Commission shall determine relevancy, weight and credibility of testimony and evidence. Decisions made by the Commission shall not be invalidated by any informality in the proceedings. g. During examination of a witness, all other witnesses, except the parties, shall be excluded from the hearing upon motion of either party. 8. BURDEN OF PROOF In a disciplinary appeal the employer has the burden of proof by preponderance of the evidence. 9. REQUEST FOR CONTINUANCE Each side should be asked if it is ready to proceed. If either side is not ready and wishes a continuance, good cause must be stated. 10. TESTIMONY UNDER OATH All witnesses shall be sworn in for the record prior to offering testimony at the hearing. The chairperson will request the witnesses to raise their right hand and respond to the following: ""Do you swear that the testimony you are about to give at this hearing is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" n. PRESENTATION OF THE CASE The hearing shall proceed in the following order unless the Personnel Commission for special reason directs otherwise: a. The party imposing discipline (department) shall be permitted to make an opening statement. b. The appealing party (employee) shall be permitted to make an opening statement, or reserve an opening statement until presentation of their case. c. The party imposing disciplinary action (department) shall produce their evidence. d. The party appealing from such disciplinary action (employee) may then offer their evidence. Page 36 of 69 e. The party imposing discipline (department) followed by the appealing party (employee) may offer rebutting evidence, including the use of a rebuttal witness( es). f. Closing arguments shall be permitted at the discretion of the Personnel Commission. The party with the burden of proof shall have the right to go first and to close the hearing by making the last argument. The Commission may place a time limit on closing arguments. The Commission or the parties may request the submission of written briefs. After the request for submittal of written briefs, the Commission will determine whether to allow the parties to submit written briefs and determine the number of pages of said briefs. 12. PROCEDURE FOR THE PARTIES The party representing the department and the party representing the employee will address their remarks, including objections, to the Chair of the Commission. Objections may be ruled upon summarily or argument may be permitted. The Chair reserves the right to terminate argument at any time and issue a ruling regarding an objection or any other matter, and thereafter the representative shall continue with the presentation of their case. 13. RIGHT TO CONTROL PROCEEDINGS While the parties are generally free to present their case in the order that they prefer, and the Chair reserves the right to control the proceedings, including, but not limited to, altering the order or witnesses, limiting redundant or irrelevant testimony, or by the direct questions of witnesses. 14. HEARING DEMEANOR AND BEHAVIOR During the hearing, all parties and their attorneys or representatives shall not, by written submission or oral presentation, disparage the intelligence, ethics, morals, integrity or personal behavior of their adversaries or members of the Commission. 15. DELIBERATION UPON THE CASE The Commission may choose to either deliberate the case in public or adjourn to closed session to deliberate. The Commission will consider all oral and documentary evidence, the credibility of witnesses, and other appropriate factors in reaching their decision. The Commission may deliberate at the close of the hearing or at a later fixed date and time. Page 37 of69 16. WRITTEN FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDED DECISION The Personnel Commission shall render their advisory findings and recommended decisions to the City Administrator as soon after the conclusion of the hearing as possible, and in no event, later than fifteen (15) calendar days after concluding the hearing, unless otherwise stipulated to by the parties. A finding must be made by the Commission on each material issue. The Personnel Commission may recommend the sustaining or rejecting of any or all of the charges filed against the employee. The Commission may recommend sustaining, rejecting or modifying the disciplinary action invoked against the employee. If the Commission recommends reinstatement of the terminated employee, the employee is only entitled to back pay as set forth in the decision. At a maximum this shall be pay during the period of absence minus the sum the employee has earned during the period of absence. If a dismissal is not sustained, the proposed decision shall set forth a recommended effective date the employee is to be reinstated. 17. RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR The decision of the Personnel Commission is advisory to the City Administrator. The proposed decision shall be filed with the charged employee, the department head and the City Administrator, and shall set forth all findings and conclusions. Either the employee or the department may file a written appeal to the findings and recommended decision to the Commission within ten (10) working days of their decision by filing exceptions thereto with the Human Resources Director. The party desiring to contest the recommended decision of the Commission may request a transcript for review by the City Administrator within ten (10) working days of the Commission's decision. If the appealing party requests a transcript, that party shall pay the cost of the transcript. In accordance with City Charter section 1003, the Personnel Commission shall report its findings and recommendations within fifteen (15) calendar days of the hearing to the City Administrator for final decision. After considering all evidence available, the City Administrator shall inform the employee concerned of his/her decision within fifteen (15) calendar days from the receipt of the Personnel Commissions report. The employee will be advised that he or she has the right to appeal the City Administrator's decision to the City Council. If the employee wishes to have the matter appealed to the City Council, he or she must so request in writing to the Human Resources Director within ten (10) calendar days of the City Administrator's notification of decision Page 38 of 69 18. APPEALS TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR a. As an alternative to the procedure described above, the employee shall have the option of appealing the Department Head's decision directly to the City Administrator, rather than to the Personnel Commission. Such appeal must be made in writing to the City Administrator with ten (10) working days of notification of the Department Head's decision. The City Administrator shall grant a hearing, conducted as described above, to the employee who may be represented by counsel at his or her own expense. The City Administrator shall inform the employee of the decision in writing within fifteen (15) working days of the hearing. An employee who chooses to appeal directly to the City Administrator, thereby waives any right to a hearing by the Personnel Commission. b. The employee shall be notified that he/she has the right to appeal the City Administrator's decision to the City Council by filing an appeal, in writing dated and signed by the employee with the Human Resources Director within ten (10) working days of the City Administrator's decision. Department Heads have the right to appeal a. disciplinary action to the City Council following the same procedures as described for employee appeals to the City Council. 19. APPEALS TO THE CITY COUNCIL At the first regular Council meeting after the appeal to the Council is received by the Human Resources Director, the City Council shall set a date and time to, in a Personnel Session, closed or open at the option of the employee to review the records and, findings of the City Administrator. The Council shall, within thirty (30) calendar days after commencing its review of the Personnel Commission proceedings (if applicable) and the City Administrator's action, make a decision adopting, modifying, or revising the decision of the City Administrator. The decision of the Council shall be final. The decision shall be transmitted to the employee appealing the disciplinary action and to the department head. The decision shall be mailed to the employee with a proof of service by mail that shows the date of service. 20. JUDICIAL REVIEW a. Petition for Writ of Mandate - Judicial review of any decision of the City Council may be had pursuant to Section 1094.5 of the California Code of Civil Procedure only if the petition for writ of mandate pursuant to such section is filed within the time limits specified in this section. b. 90 Days from Final Decision - Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure 1094.6 any such petition shall be filed not later than the ninetieth (90th) day following the date on which the City Council gives written notice of the final decision on the proof of serVIce. Page 39 of 69 B. EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE: An employee shall have the right to present a grievance pursuant to this procedure. Bargaining Unit Employees may elect to present a grievance pursuant to the contract grievance procedure in the MOU if one exists. Employees who proceed under this grievance procedure waive their right to proceed under the contract grievance procedure in the applicable MOU. The employee may be represented by the Association or an individual of the employee's choice at the formal steps of this grievance procedure (excluding Step 1). If the representative is a fellow employee, that employee will receive time off from his or her work assignment for the time of the grievance meeting or hearing plus reasonable travel time. Forty-eight hours prior to the grievance meeting, the employee shall inform the Human Resources Office whether he or she will be represented at the grievance meeting and identify the representative. Grievances are defined as an alleged violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of the City Charter and/or the Human Resources Rules and Regulations. The procedure is not to be used for the following purposes: 1. Resolving complaints, requests or changes in wages, hours and working conditions. 2. To challenge the content of employee evaluations or performance reviews. a. EXCEPTION: Adverse evaluations may be appealed pursuant to Section H of the Police Officers MOU or as an Administrative Appeal pursuant to the Police Officers Bill of Rights. 3. To challenge a reclassification, layoff, transfer, denial of reinstatement, or denial of a step or merit increase. a. EXCEPTION: Pursuant to the Miscellaneous and Supervisory Units MOU's, employees in these units may appeal the denial of a merit step increases to the City Administrator (see Section IV Q. of these rules, Section VI A of these rules, and/or the applicable AFSCME MOU). 4. In cases of oral reprimand, written reprimand, reduction in pay, demotion, suspensions, or termination. 5. To challenge violation of law or past practice. 6. To challenge examinations or appointment to positions. Grievances shall be in writing, dated and signed by the employee and presented to his/her supervisor. Grievances must be submitted within ten (10) calendar days of the occurrence, or the employee's knowledge of the occurrence, which gives rise to the grievance. All grievances must clearly state the section of the City Charter or Human Resources Rules and Regulations that the employee alleges was violated, misinterpreted or misapplied; the specific act or omission which gave rise to this alleged violation, misinterpretation or misapplication; the Page 40 of 69 date or dates on which the violation, misinterpretation or misapplication occurred; what documents, witnesses or other evidence support the employee's position; and the remedy requested. Step 1. Initially, all employee grievances should be directed to the immediate supervisor for solution. Step 2.In the event the immediate supervisor meeting does not resolve the grievance within ten (10) calendar days, the supervisor, at the employee's request, shall present the matter to the next level of supervision within the department concerned. That supervisor and any higher level supervisor(s) in the department's normal chain of command, shall attempt to resolve the grievance. Each level of supervisor shall respond in writing to the grievant within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the grievance. If the grievance is not resolved at a level below Department Head, the supervisor immediately subordinate to the Department Head, at the employee's request, shall present the matter to the Department Head. This presentation shall be made in the presence of the employee. The employee shall be allowed adequate time to present his/her side of the matter. Step 3.In the event the grievance is not adequately resolved within ten (10) calendar days at the Department Head level, the employee may submit the grievance to the City Administrator which submission shall, include the responses received from the supervisors and the Department Head. Step 4.If the grievance is not resolved within ten (10) calendar days at the City Administrator level, the employee or the City Administrator shall notify the Human Resources Director who shall gather the written facts and present them to the Personnel Commission at its next regular meeting. The Personnel Commission (in accordance with Section 907, of the City Charter) shall hear this matter and report its findings within ten (10) calendar days, to the City Council for review. The action of the City Council shall be final. The hearing before the Personnel Commission may be conducted informally and the rules of evidence need not apply. The hearing shall be conducted in an orderly manner with a presentation of all material facts so that a fair and impartial decision may be made. The Commission Chairperson shall have full authority at all times to maintain orderly procedure and to restrict the hearing to facts relevant to the complaint. In hearing the appeal, the Commission may require the employee (appellant) to first present his/her grievance; followed by the immediate supervisor for presentation of his/her attempts to resolve the grievance; followed by the Department Head for presentation of his/her attempts to resolve the grievance; followed by the City Administrator for presentation of his/her attempts to resolve the grievance. All involved parties may be entitled to counsel if they so desire. The appellant will bear the expense of his/her own counsel. Page 41 of69 Step 5. The Human Resources Department will provide a checklist to be used in order to ensure that each grievance is dealt with in timely and proper manner. The checklist will be initiated by a supervisor when he/she is first presented with a grievance, and will be forwarded along with the grievance and all responses thereto to each succeeding step in the process until a final resolution is obtained. Each succeeding level of authority in this procedure shall refuse to hear the matter unless the preceding step of the procedure has been observed. c. OPTIONAL SAFETY PERSONNEL CONTRACT GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE: Members of the Police Bargaining Unit and the Fire Bargaining Unit may elect to resolve grievances/appeals through the contract grievance procedure specified in the applicable MOU if one exists. Page 42 of 69 SECTION VII. LEAVE PROVISIONS This section defines all types of leave provided to employees by the City. Also discussed are policies and procedures specific to the different types of leave. A. PAID LEAVES: Only regular, full-time employees are eligible for paid leaves. Regarding overall leave accrual for new employees, if an employee begins work between the 1st and 15th of the month, that employee will begin accruing leave effective the first of that month. When an employee begins work between the 16th and 31st of the month, leave will begin accruing on the first day of the following month. 1. VACATION: Eligible employees shall annually be allowed vacation leave at the rates specified in the applicable MOU and on the appropriate Benefits Summary for each employee unit. Vacation paid time shall accrue while the employee is on paid status (either working or while on leave). Vacation leave shall not accrue during leaves of absence without pay unless required by law (e.g., military leave). Exempt employees may take vacation only in full-day increments. a. ACCUMULATION OF LEAVE: Vacation is granted for the purpose of it being taken annually. However, with approval of the Department Head concerned, an employee may have the option to aCCrue up to two (2) years vacation leave for an extended vacation. For Department Heads, approval of the City Administrator is required. When the employee reaches the maximum accrual allowed by the applicable MOU and/or these rules, he/she may cease earning vacation. Prior to stopping any vacation accrual, the supervisor shall implement a vacation leave reduction plan with the employee. If the employee fails to comply with such plan in a reasonable period of time then the City may take action to stop the employee's vacation accrual. The City Administrator, in rare circumstances based on the need of the City, may allow an employee to accrue more than the maximum vacation accrual normally allowed for that employee. This decision is within the sole discretion of the City Administrator and is not subject to appeal. b. LEAVE CONVERSION DURING VACATION: Where a paid holiday falls during the period of an employee's vacation leave, that day shall not be charged against the employee's vacation accrual. An employee falling ill or incurring injury while on vacation may terminate that vacation and convert to sick leave or leave without pay upon submission of written notice detailing the reasons therefore and upon approval by the City Administrator. If an employee is called for jury duty and the employee's vacation has been scheduled, the employee shall immediately notify the court of the scheduled vacation and request a postponement for jury duty. If the court denies the request for delay, the City will re-evaluate what part of the time off will be paid Page 43 of 69 as jury duty payor taken as vacation. Employees shall provide all written documentation to support the scheduling, denial of postponement, and attendance at jury duty to their supervisor in a timely manner. c. VACATION DUE UPON TERMINATION: Upon termination, employees shall receive payment for all accrued unused vacation time. 2. SICK LEAVE: Sick leave is leave from duty which may be granted by the City to an employee because of illness, injury, exposure to contagious disease, illness or injury of the employee or the employee's immediate family requiring the employee's attendance, and medical, dental and optical appointments to the extent that such appointments cannot be scheduled outside the work day. a. An employee's immediate family shall consist of the employee's: spouse, domestic partner, children, step-children, foster children, or the mother, father, brother, sister, grandchildren or grandparents of the employee, spouse, domestic partner or other members of the employee's family residing in the employee's home; or other members of the employee's family primarily dependent upon the employee. b. Use of Sick Leave: 1. An employee may be granted sick leave only in case of actual sickness as defined above. In the event that an employee or a member of the employee's immediate family recovers from any such sickness after being granted sick leave, and during the regularly scheduled hours of work, then such employee shall notify the appropriate immediate supervisor and be available to return to duty. 2. In order to apply for sick leave use, an employee shall notify the appropriate immediate supervisor not later than the start of the time established as the beginning of the employee's work day, unless the City determines that the employee's duties require more restrictive reporting. Failure to do so without good reason shall result in that day of absence being treated as leave of absence without pay. 3. If the employee is absent on sick leave for more than one (1) day, the employee shall keep their immediate supervisor informed as to the date the employee expects to return to work. 4. Sick leave shall not be granted to any employee absent from duty as a result of any sickness, injury or disability purposely self-inflicted or caused by willful misconduct. Page 44 of 69 5. Sick leave shall not be granted to any employee absent from duty after separation from City service, or during a City authorized leave of absence without pay, or any other absence from duty not authorized by the City. 6. Sick leave shall not be granted to any employee to permit an extension of the employee's vacation. 7. The City may require a physician's certification at any time as to the sickness or injury of the employee (when the employee uses sick leave) or their immediate family member (when employee uses family illness leave) and the date of the employee's intended return to work. 8. Employees will not be permitted to use vacation or compensatory time in lieu of sick leave unless specifically approved by the Department Head. c. Accrual of Sick Leave: Employees shall accrue sick leave while in paid status. Sick leave may be used as it accrues. Employees are encouraged to maintain an adequate sick leave balance for major illness and injury. Most long-term disability plans have a 60 or 90 day elimination period before benefits may be paid. Sick leave accrual rates are specified in the applicable MOU and on the appropriate Employee Benefits Summary. d. Retirement Credit for Unused Sick Leave: Retirement credit is available through PERS for unused, accrued sick leave. If an employee retires from the City with accrued sick leave on the books, the length of service for computing the retirement allowance is increased 0.004 years for every eight (8.0) hours of sick leave. As an example, 250 days of sick leave equals one year of service credit. For purposes of calculation, 12 hrs. = 1 day for fire departmeiJt employees. e. Sick Leave or Medical Appointment Abuse: Any employee's use of sick leave for any reason other than those listed in sections 2 and 2a above will constitute sick leave abuse. Determination of sick leave abuse is established when the employee cannot produce a physician's written verification of illness upon request, and/or one or more reliable witnesses state that the employee was not absent due to illness, injury preventing an employee from performing their job, or for medical treatment. Determination of sick leave abuse may result in the employee being subject to counseling, or disciplinary action in the case of repeated incidents. Also, failure to follow doctor's orders which contribute to additional absence from work may be construed as sick leave abuse. Legally protected absences will not be counted for purposes of this policy. Page 45 of 69 3 . FAMILY ILLNESS LEAVE: In accordance with Labor Code 233, an employee may use up to one half of his/her annual accrual rate of sick leave per year to care for sick dependents. Dependents shall consist of the employee's spouse, domestic partner, children, step-children, foster children , or the mother, father, brother, sister, grandchildren or grandparents of the employee, spouse, domestic partner or other members of the employee's family residing in the employee's home; or other members of the employee's family primarily dependent upon the employee. A physician's verification of medical treatment and of necessary absence from work may be required at any time this leave is used for sick or injured dependent. In addition to the revisions above, employees may be entitled to additional time off without pay pursuant to the California Family Rights Act of 1991 and/or the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. Please refer to unpaid Family Care and Medical Leave Section of these Rules. 4. SICK LEAVE for JOB CONNECTED INJURY-- Workers' Compensation Leave: An employee who is injured on the job and is unable to work will receive additional paid leave for periods he/she is temporarily disabled from working as follows: a. NON-SAFETY EMPLOYEES: Eligible, non-safety employees will be allowed thirty (30) days/240 hours Industrial Injury/Illness Leave before deduction from accumulated sick leave, if any, is made when absent from work due to an accepted workers' compensation illness or injury. These days/hours can be used when the employee is unable to work when there is no light duty available, or when the employee needs t~ attend medical appointments related to their accepted claim. b. SAFETY EMPLOYEES: All safety employees in the Police and Fire Departments shall be granted benefits pursuant to Labor Code Sec. 4850 (copies available from Human Resources upon request) which grants twelve (12) months paid Industrial Illness/Injury leave for periods of temporary disability caused by an accepted workers' compensation injury before sick leave is used. This is in lieu of sick leave in the case of industrial illness or InJury. c. WORKERS' COMPENSATION BENEFITS UPON EXHAUSTION OF PAID LEAVE: When sick leave for job connected injury, is exhausted, if available, the employee shall receive the maximum payments as specified by California Workers' Compensation law as specified by the City's Workers' Compensation Administrator and be placed on leave of absence without pay. Employees may supplement their workers' compensation payments with sick leave or vacation until their paid leave is exhausted. The difference equal to full pay is paid by the City with the appropriate deductions from sick leave first, and then vacation leave until all leaves are exhausted. Page 46 of 69 5. BEREAVEMENT LEAVE: Eligible employees may take paid Bereavement Leave when a death occurs in the employee's or the employee's spouse's immediate family. For the purpose of this section, immediate family is defined as: Parents, Brothers, Sisters, Spouses, Domestic Partners, Natural or Legally Adopted Children, or Grandparents. (Note - refer to applicable MOU for additions/changes to this list.) Leave may also be granted in the case of the death of others with whom the employee has a significant relationship. Such leave shall be granted in the sole discretion of the City Administrator, without any right to appeal. Such leave shall not be cumulative. Bereavement Leave accrual rates are specified in the applicable MOU and the appropriate Employee Benefits Summary 6. JURY DUTY: An employee summoned for jury duty will be excused from work but must present written proof of jury duty to his or her supervisor with a copy to the Human Resources Director. The summoned employee shall have a choice of receiving full pay while on jury duty and reimbursing the City for any jury duty compensation received, or he or she may keep the jury duty compensation and not receive City pay for the time away from work. Said jury duty compensation, reimbursable to the City, does not include travel, meals, or lodging. 7. TIME OFF TO VOTE: If an employee does not have sufficient time outside of working hours to vote at a statewide election, the employee may take up to two (2) hours off without loss of pay at the beginning or end of the day. Prior approval for this time off by the employee's supervisor is required. 8. PERSONAL LEAVE: Each eligible employee will be granted paid Personal Leave annually. This leave is credited and available to the employee on July 1 of each year and if not used will not accrue the following year. The amount of Personal Leave authorized is specified in the applicable Memorandum of Understanding and in the appropriate Benefits Summary. Exempt employees must take Personal Leave in full- day increments. For AFSCME employees, personal leave is pro-rated upon hire and termination pursuant to the MOD. For additional details on personal leave, refer to applicable MOU and Benefits Summary. 9 . ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE: The employees of the Exempt group shall receive seven (7) days of additional paid leave annually which is credited on July 1 of each year and if not used will not accrue the following year. Such leave must be taken only in full- day increments. Administrative leave is pro-rated on a quarterly basis in the year of hire based upon the date of hire within the fiscal year. 10. HOLIDAYS: Holiday accrual rates are specified in the applicable MOU and appropriate Benefits Summary. The legal holidays observed by the City shall include New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day , Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day following Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. Page 47 of69 When a regular holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday shall be granted as a day off, and when a regular holiday falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be granted as a day off. Employees must be in paid status on the workdays prior to and following a holiday to be eligible to receive holiday pay. 11. MILITARY LEAVE: Military Leave shall be granted III accordance with the provisions of State and Federal law. a. Federal Government Definition: The performance of duty on a voluntary or involuntary basis in a uniformed service under competent authority, including active duty, active duty for training, initial active duty for training, inactive duty for training, full-time National Guard duty, and a period for which the person is absent from a position of employment for the purpose of an examination to determine the fitness of a person to perform any such duty. b. State of California Definition: A leave of absence from public employment to engage in ordered military duty for a period which by the order is not to exceed 180 calendar days, including travel time for purposes of active military training, encampment, naval cruises, special exercises or like activity as a member of the reserve corps or force of the armed forces of the United States, or the National Guard, or the Naval Militia. c. Salary During Military Leave: Employees that have been employed by the City for a period of not less than one year are entitled to pay for the first 30-days of military leave. A National Guard member on active duty is entitled to receive his/her salary for the first 30-days regardless of his/her length of service with the City. Employees with at least one year of service with the City, or at least one year of combined military/employment service, are entitled to pay for the first 30-days of temporary military leave. There is no exception for members of the National Guard. In order to be entitled to 30-days of pay, a National Guard member on temporary military leave must have at least one year of service with the City or one year of combined military/employment service. d. Benefits While on Military Leave: The City will pay the employee's health insurance benefits for the first 30 days of the leave to the extent that they were paid when the employee was working. Page 48 of 69 Employees on military leave beyond 30 days may elect to continue their health insurance benefits under COBRA. Contact the Human Resources office for details. City employees on active duty are not entitled to sick leave or vacation accrual. However, a National Guard member on active duty is entitled to accrue vacation and holiday privileges, but not sick leave, for the first 30 days of active service, regardless of his/her length of service with the City. Employees on temporary military leave (training) with at least one year of service with the City, or at least one year of combined military/employment service, continue to accrue the same vacation, sick leave, and holiday privileges for up to a maximum period of 180 days. In order to be entitled to the accrual of vacation, sick leave, and holiday privileges, a National Guard member on temporary military leave must have at least on year of service with the City or one year of combined military/employment military service. e. Reemployment Rights: Employees returning from military leave are entitled to reemployment rights if: 1) The employee has given advance written or verbal notice of such military service to the City; 2) The cumulative length of the absence and of all previous absences from a position of employment with the City by reason of military service does not exceed five years; and 3) The returning veteran reports to, or submits a reemployment application, to the City in accordance with the notice provision listed below. a) Employees returning from active duty after serving in time of war or national emergency must seek reinstatement with the City within 6 months after completing military service, hut not later than 6 months after the end of the war, emergency, etc. The right to reemployment does not extend to an employee who fails to return to his/her position within 12 months after the first date he/she could terminate his/her active service. b) An employee on military leave for reasons other than war or national emergency must seek reinstatement with the City within a manner and time frame that depends on the length of his/her military leave. For a leave of less than 31 days, the employee must report to the City no later than the beginning of the first full regularly scheduled work period on the first full calendar day following the completion of the period of service. c) For a leave of more than 30 days but less than 181 days, the employee must submit an application for reemployment with the Page 49 of 69 City not later than 14 days after the completion of the period of service. For a leave of more than 180 days, the employee must submit an application for reemployment with the City within 90 days after the completion of the period of service. d) An employee failing to apply for reemployment within the appropriate period does not automatically forfeit his/her right, but shall be subject to the conduct rules, established policy, and general practices of the City pertaining to absences from scheduled work. 4) If the position that the employee held prior to the military leave has been abolished or otherwise has ceased to exist, the employee shall be reinstated in a position of like seniority, status and pay if such a position exists, or to a comparable vacant position for which the employee is qualified. Exceptions to this are: a) The City's circumstances have so changed as to make such reemployment impossible or unreasonable; b) Reemployment of the employee would impose an undue hardship on the employer; or c) the position exists for a brief, non-recurrent period and there is not reasonable expectation that such employment will continue indefinitely or for a significant period. 5) An employee that goes on military leave is entitled to the seniority and rights and benefits that the employee would have attained if he/she had remained continuously employed. Employees who are members of Military Reserve or National Guard will be allowed up to one hundred seventy three point thirty-three (173.33) hours (144 hours for Fire Department Employees on 24 hour shift) of leave with pay annually for attendance at required annual training. The amount of leave allowed will be in accordance with the training period specified in verified drill schedule. Employees will be granted up to three days leave without pay per month to participate in required monthly Military Reserve or National Guard drills. Such leave without pay will be on dates specified in verified official drill schedules. NOTE: Please refer to applicable MOD for any benefits beyond what IS required by law. 12. DONATION OF PAID LEAVE TIME: Realizing the value of regular City employees and the need to retain their services, the City, under the following guidelines, and in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Regulations will allow transfer of paid leave time from one employee to another. Page 50 of 69 When an employee faces a catastrophic illness or injury that causes the employee to use all of their sick leave, vacation, compensatory time off and all other paid leaves, this procedure may be used. A City employee may transfer, accrued paid leave time to the injured/ill employee. The donation is offered on a voluntary basis. Only employees in regular full-time positions are eligible to participate in the voluntary Time Donation Program. Catastrophic injury or illness is an injury or illness, including pregnancy- related disability, which is expected to incapacitate the employee for an extended period of time and create a financial hardship because the employee has exhausted all of his or her accumulated leave. The City reserves the right to modify or terminate an established Time Donation Program as it deems necessary. See Employee Handbook for procedures and conditions under which leave credits may be donated. B. LEAVES of ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY: 1. UNPAID MEDICAL LEAVE: All employees may apply to their Department Head for a leave of absence without pay. Said leave will constitute a Break in Service and must be recommended by the appropriate Department Head and approved by the City Administrator. A leave of absence without pay may be granted to an employee who is required by medical authorities to extend sick leave or finds it necessary to extend vacation leave beyond accumulated benefits or for those employees ineligible for Family Care and Medical Leave. An employee on leave of absence without pay may continue Medical, dental and Life Insurance upon his/her payment of all premiums in accordance with COBRA rules for continuation of medical coverage. Uniform allowance, auto allowance, retirement credit, seniority in the pay plan, sick leave credit, vacation credit and other benefits shall not accumulate during the unpaid leave of absence. Accumulated seniority prior to the leave of absence will not be lost. 2. PREGNANCY DISABILITY LEAVE (PDL): A pregnant employee shall be entitled to a leave of absence without pay for up to four (4) months so long as the employee's attending physician certifies that she is physically unable to work due to pregnancy, childbirth or a related medical condition. During said leave of absence without pay, the employee has the option of using accumulated sick leave, compensatory time and/or vacation leave. Upon expiration of the approved leave, the employee shall be reinstated to her fonner position or to a comparable one if the former position is abolished during the period of leave and the employee would otherwise not have been laid off. The comparable position is one having similar terms of pay, location, job content and promotional opportunities. Prior to the employee being reinstated, the department head may require a statement from the attending physician that the employee is physically capable of resuming the regular duties of her position. Page 51 of 69 Failure to return to work after the authorized four month leave period causes the employee to have no reinstatement rights. An employee who plans to take such a leave should give reasonable notice of the date the leave shall commence and the estimated duration of the leave. Female employees shall be reasonably accommodated for conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions if the employee requests an accommodation with the advice of her healthcare provider. Refer to Employee Handbook for further information and procedures for taking PDL. 3. FAMILY CARE AND MEDICAL LEAVE: The City shall grant eligible employees leaves of absence without pay in accordance with the Federal Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and California Family Rights Act (CFRA) for up to twelve (12) weeks per '"rolling" year. The '"rolling" year is specific to each employee. a.. Eligibility - All employees who have worked for the City for at least one (1) year and have a total of 1250 hours worked in the twelve (12) months prior to requesting the leave. b. Definitions 1. "12-Month Period" means a rolling 12 month period, immediately preceding the start date of the eligible leave to be taken. Each time an employee takes eligible leave, the remaining leave entitlement is based on the amount of Family Leave taken during the immediate preceding 12 months. 2. A '"child" is a biological, adopted, foster, or stepchild, a legal ward or a child or a person standing in the place of a parent who is either (1) under 18 or (2) over 18 but incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability. 3. A "serious health condition" is an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves: (1) inpatient care (i.e., an overnight stay) in a hospital, hospice, residential medical care facility, including any period of incapacity or any subsequent treatment in connection with such inpatient care exceeding three calendar days; or (2) continuing treatment by a health care provider. 4. "Continuin~ treatments" means two or more treatments by a health care provider, by a nurse or physician's assistant under direct supervision of a health care provider; or two or more treatments by a health care practitioner (e.g., physical therapist) on referral from, or under the direction of a health care provider; or a single visit to a Page 52 of 69 health care provider that results in a regimen of continuing treatment under the supervision of the health care provider (e.g. medication therapy). 5. Health Care Provider means: a) Doctor of medicine or osteopathy who is authorized to practice medicine or surgery by the state in which the doctor practices; b) Podiatrist, dentist, clinical psychologist, optometrist, and chiropractor (limited to certain treatments as defined under the law); c) Nurse Practitioners and nurse mid-wives who are authorized to practice under State law and who are performing under the scope of their practice as defined under state law; and d) Christian Science practitioners listed with the First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts. c. Reasons For Leave 1. The birth of a child or to care for a newborn of an employee; 2. The placement of a child with an employee in connection with the adoption or foster care of a child; 3. Leave to care for a child, parent or a spouse or domestic partner who has a serious health condition; or 4. Leave because of a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the essential functions of his/her position. d. Amount of Leave That May Be Taken 1. Eligible employees are entitled to a total of 12 work weeks of leave during any 12-month period. 2. If leave is requested for the birth, adoption or foster care placement of a child of the employee, leave must be concluded within one year of the birth or placement of the child. In addition, the basic minimum duration of such leave is two weeks. However, an employee is entitled to leave for one of these purposes (e.g., bonding with a newborn) for at least one day, but less than two weeks duration on any two occasions. 3. In any case in which a husband and wife or domestic partners both employed by the City of Gilroy are entitled to leave, the aggregate number of workweeks of leave to which both may Page 53 of 69 be entitled may be limited to 12 workweeks during any 12- month period if leave is taken for the birth or placement for adoption or foster care of the employee's child (i.e., bonding leave). This limitation does not apply to any other type of leave under this policy. e. Substitution of Paid Accrued Leaves 1. Employee's Right To Use Paid Accrued Leave a) Where an employee has earned or accrued paid vacation, administrative leave, compensatory time, or personal or donated leave, that paid leave may be substituted for all or part of any (otherwise) unpaid leave under this policy. b) An employee is entitled to use sick leave concurrently with leave under this policy if: 1) The leave is for the employee's own serious health condition; or 2) The leave is needed to care for a parent, spouse or child with a serious health condition, and would be permitted as sick leave under the City's sick leave policy. 2. City's Right to Require an Employee to Use Paid Accrued Leave a) Employees must exhaust their accrued leave concurrently with FMLA/CFRA leave to the same extent that employees have the right to use their accrued leaves concurrently with FMLAlCFRA leave with two exceptions: 1) Employees are not required to use accrued compensatory time earned in lieu of overtime earned pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act; and 2) Employees will only be required to use sick leave concurrently with FMLA/CFRA leave if the leave is for the employee's own serious health condition. 3. If an employee takes a leave of absence for any reason which is FMLA/CFRA qualifying, the City may designate that non- FMLAlCFRA leave as running concurrently with the employee's 12-week FMLA/CFRA leave entitlement. The only exception is for peace officers who are on leave pursuant to Labor Code 4850. Page 54 of 69 4. If an employee requests to utilize accrued vacation leave or other accrued paid time off without reference to a FMLAfCFRA qualifying purpose, the City may not ask the employee if the leave is for a FMLAfCFRA qualifying purpose. However, if the City denies the employee's request and the employee provides information that the requested time off is for a FMLAfCFRA qualifying purpose, the City may inquire further into the reason for the absence. If the reason is FMLAfCFRA qualifying, the City may require the employee to exhaust accrued leave as described above. f. Employee Notice of Leave Although the City recognizes that emergencies arise which may require employees to request immediate leave, employees are required to give as much notice as possible of their need for leave. If leave is foreseeable, at least 30 days notice is required. In addition, if an employee knows that leave may be needed in the future, but does not know the exact date(s) (e.g. for the birth of a child or to take care of a newborn), the employee shall inform his/her supervisor as soon as possible that such leave will be needed. If the City determines that an employee's notice is inadequate or the employee knew about the requested leave in advance of the request, the City may delay the granting of the leave until it can, in its discretion, adequately cover the position with a substitute. g. Medical Certification Employees who request leave for their own serious health condition or to care for a child, parent or a spouse who has a serious health condition must provide written certification from the health care provider of the individual requiring care if requested by the City. If the leave is requested because of the employee's own serious health condition, the certification must include a statement that the employee is unable to work at all or is unable to perform the essential functions of his/her position. If the City has reason to doubt the validity of a certification for the employee's own serious health condition, the City may require a medical opinion of a second health care provider chosen by the City. If the second opinion is different from the first, the City may require the opinion of a third provider jointly approved by the City and the employee. The opinion of the third provider will be binding. Page 55 of 69 If an employee requests leave intermittently (a few days or hours at a time) or on a reduced leave schedule, the employee must provide medical certification that such a leave is medically necessary. "Medically necessary" means that there must be a medical need for the leave and that the leave can best be accomplished through an intermittent or reduced leave schedule. Refer to Employee Handbook for procedures and forms required in connection with leave under this policy. h. Reinstatement Upon Return From Leave Upon expiration of leave, an employee is entitled to be restored to the position of employment held when the leave commenced, or to an equivalent position with equivalent benefits, pay, and all other terms and conditions of employment unless legitimate business reasons unrelated to the employee's leave have resulted in the elimination of the job of any equivalent position. If the same or any equivalent position ceases to exist because of such business needs, the City will attempt to make reasonable accommodations by alternative means to avoid an undue hardship. For example, the City may offer an employee any other position which is available and for which the returning employee is qualified. As a condition of restoration of an employee whose leave was due to the employee's own serious health condition which made the employee unable to perform his/her job, the employee must obtain and present a fitness-for-duty certification from the health care provider that the employee is able to resume work. Failure to provide such certification will result in denial of restoration, until such verification is provided. See the Human Resources Department for exception for "Key Employees". Key employees are defined as employees among the highest paid 10% of the employees. 1. Employee Benefits While On Leave While on leave, employees will continue to be covered by the City's group health insurance to the same extent that coverage is provided while the employees is on the job. However, employees will not continue to be covered under the City's non-health benefit plans which are not provided pursuant to the City's group health plan. Refer to Employee Handbook for procedures and forms required in connection with leave under this policy. 4. SCHOOL LEAVE: The Family School Partnership Act is a California law that allows parents, grandparents, and guardians to take time off from work to participate in their children's school or child care activities. As such, any City employee who is a parent, Page 56 of 69 guardian or grandparent having custody of one or more children in kindergarten or grades 1 through 12 or attending a licensed day care facility shall be allowed time off to participate in their child's school activities. Employees may take off up to forty (40) hours each year (up to eight (8) hours in any calendar month to participate in activities at your child's school or child care facility. Employees may use vacation time, compensatory time, personal leave, or administrative leave (exempt only) for school leave. If no leave time is available to the employee, the employee may be granted time off without pay. Employees must let their employer know in advance that they wish to take school leave. Employee shall follow their department's policy regarding the amount of time in advance that time off will be requested. It is possible that last minute requests may be denied. Also, the employee may be requested to provide written proof of having participated at your child's school or child care facility. School leave will be granted for any actIvIty that is sponsored, supervised, or approved by the school, school board, or child care facility. Examples might be volunteering in the child's classroom, back-to-school night, open house, field trips, participating in parent-teacher conferences, assisting in community service learning activities, or extra-curricular activities and/or sporting events sponsored by the school, school board, or child care facility. Please refer to the Employee Handbook or contact the Human Resources Department for additional information regarding School Leave and the Family School Partnership Act. 5. LEAVE FOR VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND SEXUAL ASSAULT: An employee who is a victim of domestic violence is entitled to take time off from work to seek relief, such as a temporary restraining order, or other assistance to help safeguard the ""health, safety, or welfare" of the employee and/or his or her child. Domestic violence is abuse perpetrated against a spouse or former spouse, an individual regularly residing in the household, someone in a dating or engagement relationship, an individual with whom the abuser has a child, or other family relation. The City will not discharge or discriminate against employees who are victims of domestic violence or sexual assault for taking time off to attend court hearings, to seek medical, legal, or psychological assistance, or to protect their own safety. Certification in connection with these absences will be required. An employee requesting time off under this section shall use leave time from one of his/her available leave time banks (personal leave, vacation leave, compensatory time, or administrative leave). Contact the Human Resources Department for further information. Page 57 of 69 SECTION VIII: BENEFITS A. HEALTH INSURANCE: 1. MEDICAL INSURANCE is availahle for all regular, full-time employees hy the City. Literature on Health Benefits shall he provided to each employee hy the Human Resources Department when starting employment or upon request and can he found in the appropriate Benefits Summary document. 2. DENTAL INSURANCE is availahle for all regular, full-time employees hy the City. Literature providing details on this insurance shall he provided to each employee hy the Human Resources Department when starting employment or upon request. 3. OPTIONAL, EMPLOYEE-PAID VISION INSURANCE is made availahle hy the City. Literature providing details on this insurance shall he provided to each employee hy Human Resources when starting employment or upon request. 4. PREMIUM CONTRIBUTIONS: The City's premium contribution rates for medical, dental and vision insurance, applicahle deductihles, and the percentage of treatment reimhursahle for eligihle reasonahle and customary dental charges are specified in the applicahle MOD and descrihed on the appropriate Benefits Summary of each employee unit. The City's premium contrihutions for health insurance are made, in part, through an IRS approved 125 Cafeteria Plan. A copy of the Cafeteria Plan can he ohtained from Human Resources. Current contrihution amounts are distrihuted annually to all employees hy Human Resources. NOTE: The information contained in this section is suhject to change and the City reserves the right to make changes from time to time as they occur or are negotiated with a lahor group. B. CONTINUATION OF GROUP HEALTH COVERAGE: Federal COBRA law requires that the City provide limited continuations of group medical insurance benefits for reasons as stated helow. All employees will he notified of this henefit twice; once when hired and again when they experience a qualifying event as defined helow. The eligihle employee and/or dependents must request group continuation coverage within sixty (60) calendar days after the event which caused eligihility. The employee or dependent that chooses group continuation coverage must pay to the City 102% of the monthly premium hy the 25th of the month prior to the month covered. Rates are suhject to change when the City group rates change. Continued group health coverage is for thirty-six (36) months as follows: 1. For the employee and dependents, when the employee loses health insurance through an unpaid leave or reduction in hours or leaves employment with the City for reasons other than Gross Misconduct. Page 58 of 69 2. A spouse who loses group coverage because of divorce or legal separation, or the death of the employee. 3. A dependent child who marries or reaches the age limit for group coverage, or a change in custody. 4. The premiums for the extended coverage are 110% of the monthly premium. 5. Continuation Coverage will terminate when: a. The applicable time limit (36 months) has elapsed. b. The employee or dependents become entitled to Medicare benefits. c. The covered person(s) does not comply with the rules for payment. d. The City terminates all group health plans. e. The employee or dependents become covered under any other group health plan. C. LONG TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE (LTD): LTD is provided by the City to eligible employees to ensure continuation of income should an employee be injured or become ill, when not at work, and be unable to return to work within ninety (90) calendar days. The City's premium contribution and the specifics of the LTDI benefit are contained in the applicable MOD and described on the appropriate Benefits Summary for each employee unit. D. LIFE INSURANCE: The City provides group life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance for employees as specified in the applicable MODs and described on the appropriate Benefits Summary for each employee unit. E. RETIREMENT: 1. FULL TIME EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT: The City contracts with the Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) to provide retirement benefits for all eligible employees. The plan in which each employee group participates is specified in the applicable MOU and the appropriate Benefits Summary (which contains enhanced details) for each employee unit, including identification of whether an employee or the City pays the employee portion of PERS pursuant to IRS Code 414(h)(2). Exempt employees are covered by the City's PERS Miscellaneous contract with the exception of unrepresented Fire and Sworn Police Personnel who are covered by the City's PERS Safety contract. To ensure timely processing, applications for retirement should be submitted to CalPERS at least 90 days before the intended retirement date. The effective retirement date can be no earlier than the first of the month in which the application is received at CaIPERS, except in special circumstances. Page 59 of 69 Inquiries regarding retirement benefits should be addressed to PERS (800) 352-2238 or www.calpers.ca.gov. Limited PERS retirement materials are available from the Human Resources Department. NOTE: The City of Gilroy does not withhold Social Security (FICA) taxes from employee salaries, nor participate in the Social Security System. The Human Resources Department will provide employees hired after January I, 2005 a statement which will explain how your retirement benefits are affected. Your Medicare benefits will not be affected. 2. PART-TIME EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT The City is a member in the Public Agency Retirement System (PARS) and has adopted an eligible defined contribution retirement plan. The following is a summary of the plan benefits, however, specific inquiries should be directed to the plan documents, which may change from time to time, and are controlling. Plan documents are available from the Human Resources Department. Under PARS, the part-time, seasonal and temporary employees contribute 6.2% of their gross salary to the PARS. This money is put in a retirement trust fund in the employee's name. The City also contributes an amount equal to 1.3% of eligible employee's gross salary to this same trust fund to equal a minimum retirement benefit of 7.5%. When a separating part-time employee leaves the City, the employee has the option of leaving the money in the trust, exercising a tax free roll over, or withdrawing it immediately.. As long as the separated employee has any balance amount in his/her account, he/she must maintain contact with PARS at least every three (3) years. Before separation they must complete a W4-P form. This form is submitted to the Human Resources Department to comply with tax withholding requirements. Page 60 of 69 SECTION IX: MISCELLANEOUS POLICIES and PROCEDURES A. ALCOHOL AND CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE ABUSE POLICY: It is City policy that employees shall not be under the influence of or in possession of alcohol or controlled substances; nor possess alcohol or drugs while on City property, in city vehicles, at work locations, while on duty or subject to being called to duty; nor sell or provide alcohol or drugs to any other employee or to any person while such employee is on duty or subject to being called; nor have their ability to work impaired as a result of the use of alcohol or drugs. Alcohol and substance abuse will not be tolerated and disciplinary action up to and including termination will be used as necessary to achieve this goal. Contact the Human Resource Division for more information and/or to review the detailed policies regarding alcohol and controlled substance abuse including drug testing which had been adopted for individual bargaining units. City employees utilizing Class A driver's licenses follow DOT Drug and Alcohol Policy contained in the AFSCME MOU. B. ASSOCIATION/UNION DUES: Automatic payroll deduction changes for employee association and/or union dues shall be authorized in writing by the appropriate association/union to the Human Resources Department. This notification shall be made no later than the 15th of the month in which the desired change should take effect. Initial employee association/union dues deductions require the written authorization of the employee. Employees requesting to reduce or stop association/union dues deductions must submit the request in writing to Human Resources Department, with a copy provided to the designated union representative, and must also follow any process contained in the MOD. C. HUMAN RESOURCE RECORDS: 1. General: The Human Resources Department shall maintain a master record for each employee showing the original date of employment, the original classification and pay rate of the employee's position, together with any subsequent changes in the status of the employee in the course of his or her employment with the City. In addition, a Human Resources file shall be maintained for each employee in which copies are kept of forms and other records affecting the employment status of the employee. At the time of an employee's separation from service, the master record will be placed in his or her Human Resource file and the file transferred to an inactive file which shall be kept for six (6) years from date of separation. 2. Notifying City of Changes in Personal Information: It is the responsibility of each employee to promptly notify the Human Resources Department, and the department to which he or she is assigned, of any changes in address, dependent status/coverage, telephone, marital status, or emergency contact person. Page 61 of69 3. Medical Information: a) Separate Confidential Files: All medical information about an employee or applicant is kept separately and is treated as confidential in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the California Confidentiality of Medical Information Act. b) Information in Medical Files: The City will not obtain medical information about an employee or applicant except in compliance with the California Confidentiality or Medical Information Act. To enable the City to obtain certain medical information, the employee or applicant may need to sign an AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF EMPLOYEE MEDICAL INFORMATION. c) Access to Medical Information: Access to employee or applicant medical information shall be strictly limited to only those with a legitimate need to have such information for City business reasons. In the case of an employee with a disability, managers and supervisors may be informed regarding necessary restrictions on the work or duties of the employee and necessary accommodations. The City will not provide employee or applicant medical information to a third party (except as permitted under the California Confidentiality of Medical Information Act) unless the employee signs an AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF EMPLOYEE MEDICAL INFORMATION. The City will release only the medical information that is identified in the employee's authorization. If the employee's authorization indicates any limitations regarding the use of the medical information, the City will communicate those limitations to the person or entity to which it discloses the medical information. 4. Employee Access to Human Resource File: a). Inspection of File: An employee may inspect his or her own human resource file or payroll record, to the extent defined in California Labor Code section 1198.5, at reasonable times and at reasonable intervals. An employee who wishes to review his or her file or record should contact the Human Resources Department to arrange an appointment. The review must be done in the presence of a Human Resource representative. b) Copies: On request, an employee is entitled to receive a copy of any employment-related document and/or employee's payroll record. An employee who wishes to receive such a copy should contact the Human Resources Department. Page 62 of 69 c) The Human Resources Department shall respond to an employee's request to inspect or copy the employee's payroll records as soon as reasonably possible, however, the law allows up to 21 days to respond. D. OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT: Full time and part-time employees of the City may engage in other employment or occupation outside their regular working hours if such employment does not interfere with the efficient performance of their duties for the City. Employees must make request and receive approval in writing prior to beginning second employment. Such employment must be approved by their Department Head with a notice of such approval forwarded to the Human Resources Director to be filed in the employee's Human Resources file. Such approval for outside employment may be revoked by the Department Head if the efficiency of the employee is being impaired thereby. Such notice of revocation shall be in writing with a copy forwarded to the Human Resources Director for inclusion in the employee's Human Resources file. An applicant must disclose other employment they intend to continue prior to date of hire with the City. E. SALARY VERIFICATION: Public employees have a right to privacy with respect to salary information. Human Resources shall request a signed release form before releasing salary information to an outside party. All salary verifications will include the following: ./ Base Pay ./ Education Incentive Pay ./ Holiday Pay ./ Bilingual Pay No other contributions are included. It will be the responsibility of the Human Resources Department to provide this information. F. SAFETY & HEALTH: The City of Gilroy is committed to the safety and health of all employees in the workplace. To that extent, we have implemented the Injury and Illness Prevention Program. Members of management are expected to do everything within their control to assure a safe environment and to always be in compliance with federal, state, health, and local safety regulations. Employees are expected to obey safety rules, follow established safe work practices and exercise caution in all their work activities. All employees are expected to immediately report any unsafe conditions to their supervisor. Employees at all levels of our organization who are responsible for correcting unsafe conditions should do so. Working together, we can succeed in having a workplace which is safe, healthful and shall do everything necessary to protect the life, health and safety of all employees. Contact the Human Resources Department for the Injury Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). Page 63 of 69 G. DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT PREVENTION POLICY The purpose of this policy is to establish a strong commitment by the City to the prevention of all forms of discriminatory harassment in employment, to sensitize and educate employees to the issue of discriminatory harassment, to define discriminatory harassment and to set forth a procedure for investigating and resolving internal complaints of harassment. The City of Gilroy maintains a "zero tolerance" standard regarding any form of discriminatory harassment. This policy is subject to modification as needed by the City Administrator, however, changes within the scope of bargaining are subject to the meet and confer process under MMBA. This policy applies to an applicant, employee, volunteer, or person providing serVIces pursuant to a contract. This policy shall also apply to elected and appointed officers of the City of Gilroy. 1. DEFINITIONS: Harassment can consist of any form or combination of verbal, physical, visual or environmental conduct. It need not be explicit, nor even specifically directed at the victim. Sexually harassing conduct can occur between people of the same or different genders. Also, as noted below, one person's attempt to compliment a co-worker on dress or appearance or to be funny or witty may be perceived by the co-worker as harassment. Harassment includes, but is not limited to the following misconduct: a. Verbal Harassment - For example, epitaphs, derogatory comments or slurs on the basis of actual or perceived race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical condition, marital status, age, sexual orientation or gender or sex, or other characteristic protected by law. This might include inappropriate sex oriented comments on appearance, including dress or physical features, well- intentioned compliments, talking about sexual fantasies, or race oriented stories. This also could include referring to an adult as "girl", "hunk", "doll", "honey" or "boy" . b. Physical Harassment - For example, assault, impeding or blocking movement, with the physical interference with normal work or movement when directed at an individual on the basis of actual or perceived race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical condition, marital status, age, sexual orientation gender or sex, or other characteristic protected by law. This could be conduct in the form of kissing, pinching, grabbing, patting, propositioning, extended staring at body parts, blocking a person's path, or making explicit or implied job threats or promises in return for submission to physical acts. Page 64 of 69 c. Visual Forms of Harassment - The display or circulation of offensive or derogatory visual or written material related to race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical condition, marital status, age, sexual orientation, gender or sex or other characteristic protected by law. For example: derogatory posters, notices, bulletins, cartoons, or drawings, graffiti, computer graphics or electronic media transmissions. d. Hostile or Offensive Work Environment - Unwelcome conduct, request(s) for sexual favor(s), joke(s), innuendo(s), epithet(s), and other verbal or physical conduct that has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment that a reasonable person would find hostile or offensive. A hostile work environment can exist where the complainant is not the direct recipient of the inappropriate behavior, but rather the inappropriate behavior is taking place in the complainant's work environment. Whether a work environment is hostile or offensive is determined by looking at all of the circumstances, including the frequency of the abusive conduct; its severity; whether it is physically threatening or humiliating; the effect on the employee's psychological well-being; and whether it unreasonably interferes with an employee's work performance. e. Retaliation - Retaliatory conduct may exist when a person reports harassment and then is disciplined, transferred, shunned, or denied a promotional opportunity due to his/her filing a complaint. Romantic or sexual relationships between supervisors and subordinate employees are discouraged. There is an inherent imbalance of power and potential for exploitation in such relationships. The relationship may create an appearance of impropriety and lead to charges of favoritism by other employees. A welcome sexual relationship may change, with the result that sexual conduct that was once welcome becomes unwelcome and harassing. 2. GENERAL: a. No supervisor or manager may condition any employment, employee benefit of continued employment by the City of Gilroy on an applicant's or employee's acquiescence to the behavior defined above. No supervisor or manager may retaliate against any applicant or employee because that person has opposed a practice prohibited by this policy or has filed a complaint, testified, assisted or participated in any manner in any investigation, proceeding or hearing conducted by an authorized person related to a violation of this policy. b. No employee shall create a hostile or offensive work environment for any person by engaging in any discriminatory harassment or by tolerating it on the part of any employee. No employee shall assist any other individual in doing any act which Page 65 of 69 constitutes discriminatory harassment against any employee of the City of Gilroy. No employee may retaliate against any employee because that person has opposed a practice prohibited by this policy or has filed a complaint, testified, assisted or participated in any manner in any investigation proceeding or hearing conducted by an authorized investigator. c. Any retaliation against a person for filing a harassment charge or making a harassment complaint is prohibited. Employees found to be retaliating against another employee shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. 3. COMPLAINT PROCEDURE: a. Filing - Any employee, job applicant or volunteer who believes he or she has been harassed may make a complaint orally or in writing with any of the following: 1) Employee's Supervisor 2) Any Department Head 3) City Administrator 4) Human Resources Director Any Department Head, manager, or supervisor who receives a harassment complaint should notify the Human Resources Director immediately. b. Because prompt, appropriate action may stop incidents of harassment, an employee should attempt to, at least initially, tell the offending individual that his/her behavior is unwelcome, offensive and inappropriate. The employee should also immediately report the situation to one of the persons listed above in Section 3.a. c. Upon notification of a harassment complaint, the Human Resources Director shall: 1) Authorize the investigation of the complaint and supervise and/or investigate the complaint. The investigation will include interviews with: a) the complainant; b) the accused harasser; and c) any other persons the Human Resources Director has reason to believe has relevant knowledge concerning the complaint. This may include victims of similar conduct. 2) Review factual information gathered through the investigation to determine whether the alleged conduct constitutes harassment; giving consideration to all factual information, the totality of the Page 66 of 69 circumstances, including the nature of the verbal, physical, visual or sexual conduct and the context in which the alleged incidents occurred. 3) Report the results of the investigation and the determination as to whether harassment occurred to appropriate persons including to the complainant, the alleged harasser, and the department director. If discipline is imposed, the discipline will not be communicated to the complainant. 4) If harassment occurred, take and/or recommend to the appointing authority (City Administrator) prompt and effective remedial action against the harasser. The action will be commensurate with the severity of the offense. 5) Take reasonable steps to protect the victim and other potential victims from further harassment. In some cases, where the complainant and the subject of the complaint work closely together, it may be necessary to change the work hours or shift of the complainant or the subject of the complaint at the outset of the investigation until the allegations can be investigated and findings arrived at. If such a transfer occurs of either party, it shall not be considered punitive, retaliatory, or disciplinary in nature, but merely necessary to ensure that the investigation of the complaint can proceed in an orderly and objective fashion. 6) Take reasonable steps to protect the victim from any retaliation as a result of communicating the complaint; and 7) If appropriate, take action to remedy the victim's loss, if any, which resulted from the harassment. d. Should the complaint involve the investigation of a sworn peace officer, the investigation shall be conducted in accordance with Government Code Sections 3300-3311 of the Police Officers Bill of Rights. e. In addition to the above stated complaint procedure, harassment and/or discrimination complaints may be filed with the State Department of Fair Employment and Housing within 365 days or with the Federal Equal Employment Opportunities Commission within 300 days of the harassment or discriminatory event. f. Complaints shall be kept in confidence as long as legally and practically possible during the complaint process. Page 67 of 69 4. DISSEMINATION OF POLICY: A copy of this policy shall be provided to all employees, elected and appointed officials and volunteers of the City, as well as displayed in prominent locations throughout the City. Employees of the City shall receive periodic training on the policy. Managers and supervisors shall be trained every two years in accordance with AB 1825. H. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The City of Gilroy does not discriminate against qualified employees or applicants for employment on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, gender, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age marital status, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, sexual orientation, or any other basis protected by law. The City will afford equal employment opportunity to all qualified employees and applicants as to all terms and conditions of employment, including compensation, hiring, training, promotion, transfer, discipline, and termination. Employees who believe they have experienced any form of employment discrimination are encouraged to report this immediately, using the Complaint Procedure provided in the City of Gilroy Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy, section G.3. of these rules. 1. ANTI-RETALIATION POLICY: It is the policy of the City to prohibit the taking of any adverse employment action against those who, in good faith, oppose, or participate (as witnesses or accused) in investigations into complaints of alleged violations of City policy or State or Federal law in retaliation for that reporting, opposition, or participation. Disciplinary action, up to and including termination, will be taken against an employee or officer who is found to have violated this Anti-retaliation Policy. Any elected official or contractor who violates this Anti-retaliation Policy will be subject to appropriate sanctions. a. Policy Coverage: This Anti-retaliation Policy prohibits City officials, officers, employees, or contractors from retaliating against applicants, officers, officials, employees, or contractors because of any of the protected activity as defined herein. b. Definitions: 1) "Protected activity" includes any ofthe following: ./ Filing a complaint with a federal or state enforcement or administrative agency ./ Participating in or cooperating with a federal or state enforcement agency that is conducting an investigation of the City regarding alleged unlawful activity ./ Testifying as a party, witness, or accused regarding alleged unlawful activity Page 68 of 69 ./ Associating with another employee who is engaged in any of the protected activities enumerated here ./ Making or filing an internal complaint with the City regarding alleged unlawful activity ./ Providing informal notice to the City regarding alleged unlawful activity 2) ""Adverse action" includes any of the following: ./ Real or implied threats of intimidation to attempt to prevent an individual from reporting alleged wrongdoing or because of protected activity ./ Refusing to hire an individual because of protected activity ./ Denying promotion to an individual because of protected activity ./ Taking any form of disciplinary action because of protected activity ./ Issuing a poor evaluation because of protected activity ./ Extending a probationary period because of protected activity ./ Issuing a poor evaluation because of protected activity ./ Extending a probationary period because of protected activity ./ Altering work schedules or work assignments because of protected activity I. GUIDELINES FOR FLEXIBLE WORK SCHEDULES/ALTERNATIVE WORK HOURS Before a department head authorizes the use of a flexible work schedule for an employee( s) or changes the work hours for an employee(s), the following guidelines must be met. 1. The change will have a positive effect on customer service. 2. The change will have no adverse effect on other City employees. 3. The change will not cost the City any additional monies. 4. The department will have ""retreat" rights, if the change does not work out in the opinion of the department head. 5. The change meets the overall needs of the department and the City. 6. The department head or his/her designee shall be provided a seven (7) calendar day notice of an alternatelflexible work schedule change under this section unless the employee and department head (or designee) agree upon a shorter notice period or if there is an immediate need of the City which necessitates the employee being provided with less than a seven (7) day notice. 7. The department head or his/her designee shall review the applicable MOD to ensure that any MOU requirements are addressed/met. Page 69 of 69 I, RHONDA PELLIN, City Clerk ofthe City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 2007-53 is an original resolution, or true and correct copy of a city resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 11 th day of June, 2007, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 18th day of June, 2007. )/- )1 \: v~//Lf) L?t>c I )~-~.ll L~ (A -- City clerk of the City of Gilroy (Seal)