Resolution 2011-33 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2011-33 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY SETTING MAXIMUM CHARGES FOR THE COLLECTION OF GARBAGE, RUBBISH, REFUSE AND RECYCLABLE MATERIALS WHEREAS, Chapter 12 of the Gilroy City Code provides that the City of Gilroy ("City") may contract for the collection, removal and transportation of garbage, rubbish, refuse and recyclable materials in the City; and WHEREAS, the City and Recology South Valley (or "Recology" and previously South Valley Disposal & Recycling, Inc.), are currently parties to an Agreement Between the City of Gilroy and Recology, dated September 2, 1997, ("Franchise Agreement"), and as amended on July 6, 1999, and June 19,2000, by which the City granted to Recology the franchise to collect, transport and dispose of garbage, rubbish, refuse and recyclable materials produced within the City limits for the benefit and in the interest of the health, safety and welfare of its citizens; and WHEREAS, the Franchise Agreement provides that after the third year of the Franchise Agreement, the rates and charges set forth in the Agreement shall be subject to adjustments which correspond to increases or decreases in price indexes in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in Exhibit "]" of the Franchise Agreement; and WHEREAS, the documentation for this rate adjustment is set forth in the City Staff report dated June 6, 2011, including the letter from Recology dated February 22,2011, which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by this reference. RESOLUTION NO. 2011-33 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Gilroy hereby adopts the maximum charges and rates for collection of garbage, rubbish, refuse and recyclable materials as adjusted in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in Exhibit "J" of the Franchise Agreement, such charges and rates are set forth in Exhibit "B", which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, to become effective on July 1,2011. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council this 6th day of June, 2011 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ARELLANO, BRACCO, DILLON, LEROE-MuNOZ, WOODWARD and PINHEIRO NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: TUCKER ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE APPROVED: ---- ATTEST;] ~ / , I i / I i Sha RESOLUTION NO. 2011-33 February 22, 2011 City of Gilroy Mr. Tom Haglund City Administrator 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 Re: July 2011 Rate Adjus~ent Dear Mr. Haglund: As outlined in Exhibit "J" section A thru E of the September 7, 1997 franchise agreement, we submit our request for 2.20% adjustment to the collection rates effective July 1, 2011. Attached are the following exhibits: Exhibit 1 - CPI Calculation CPI calculation using the formula described in Exhibit "J" of the franchise agreement for the Consumer Price Index and the Motor Fuel Index. Exhibit 2A - CPI Documentation A print out from the U.S. Department of Labor - Bureau of Labor Statistics displaying the required values of the CPI calculation. Exhibit 2B - Motor Fuel Index Documentation A print out from the U.S. Department of Labor - Bureau of Labor Statistics displaying the required values of the MFI calculation. Exhibit 3 - Rate Schedule This table applies the combined CPI factor to the current rates and calculates the adjusted rates for July 1, 2011. I have included an analysis of the last three year's rate adjustments, along with this year's proposed rate adjustment. Please note that if next year's contractually calculated CPI adjustment is estimated to be 2.0%, a 4.31 % adjustment in rates will be needed to achieve the correct rate. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at (408) 846-1395 Sincerely, Phil Couchee General Manager EXHIBIT A RECOLOGY SOUTH VALLEY CITY OF GILROY RATE ADJUSTMENT EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2011 CPI RATE ADJUSTMENT Formula outlined in Exhibit II J" Section A thru E of the September 2, 1997 Franchise Agreement. Consumer Price Index Values X (I) = December, 2010 = X (1-2) = December, 2009 = CPI= CPI= 70% of CPI = II Motor Fuel Index Values X (I) = December, 2010 = X (1-2) = December, 2009 = MFI= MFI= 10% of MFI = II Total CPI Rate Adjustment Percentage: FY2011-Rate-lncr (4).xls EXHIBIT A Exhibit 1 X (I) - X (1-2) X (1-2) 227.66 224.24 227.66 -224.24 224.24 1.52% 1.06%~ 246.29 221.11 246.29 - 221.11 221.11 11.39% 1.14%1' II 2.20%11 5/19/2011 4:06 PM Bureau of Labor Statistics Data e"~' /:l-\J",' Page 1 of I ~ ~ U 1\ j '" \ L ;\ tc l1ndel< I Site Map I FAQs I About BlS 1 Contact Us ~~.io E-madUpdates m '- IAnSn(~S -LmIB SubJect Areas I Databases & Tools f PUblications Home What's New J Release Calend_ar Economic Releases I Bela Se_rdt BLS.gov u Databases, Tables & Calculators by Subject Change Output From [2006.3 To; 12010 cl <!> Options: r lodude graphs Data extracted on: February 22, 2011 (11:40:32 AM) Consumer Price Index. All Urban Consumers Seri.es Id: Ii-' --:f'il >, 'mall Area: Item: Base Period: CUU.,M 2SAO Ad,Llsted ~dn li'ra-nci3Co..001qan,d....San Jose, C1> All Herod 1ge2-8~ "'1_00 Download: 'SJ ~ y-;;~ J;;r" hb - . I 2006 I 207.1 2007 213.688 2008 219.612 12009 222.166 ~Ol~L~ 226.145 Mar Apr _ 208.9 215.842 222.074 2?3.854 -'lV.597 --~ ....-- -u-- - M~ Jun. Jul 209.1 216.123 225.181 '=H. . 22~692 228.110 .- -_._. TOOLS Areas at a Glance Industnes at a Glance Economic Releases Databases 8. Tables Maps CALCULATORS Inflation location Quotient Injury And Illness FONr ~Ill_: More Formatting GatJons... Au 210.7 216.240 22S.411 225,801 227.9S~ Sep Oct Nov ~ 1 Annual ~ HALF1 I 'HAL~2 ! ~11.0 210.4209.2 .207.9 - 210.6 i -----~_.. Zi7.949 218.485 216.048 214.736 217.361 .. ~- ---- - 22$,824 _ ,218.528 222l~7 2.?.!J30 223.8~ 226;.051.. . l24.2J.9 224.395 22~5 ~.:.~4 -- {28.i07 _ 227.6~8 227~~ 226.994 22!.9+t HELP Help & Tutorials FAQs Glossa'Y AboutBlS Contact Us INFO What's New Careers @ BLS FUld fit DOL .Joln our Mailing LIsts Lmklng & COPYflghlltlfo L~ '......m~ '''"''m~""" Oa I "",,"yO Sow,., S."...... I .....'mon I ....._ "':,w ~~.....:" W.b.... ...,m'_J US. Bureau of labor Stabstlcs I Postal SQuare BuildlOg, 2 Massachusetts Avenue, .NE Washington. DC20212-QOOl ~..b!MOY 1 Telephone: 1.202-691-5200 J lDD: 1-600-877:.a339 I CQtltact l,Js http:,/data.bls.gQV/pdq/SurveyoutPutScrvlet EXHIBIT A "'/'}7/)011 Bureau orLaoor Statistics Data Page 1 of 1 " i1-'_L1BIB HOnlP I SUbJ(lCl Areas I CatabasH & Tools ~ - , ~~.: '.', ! . A to Zlndft I Site Map I I'AQI I About BlS I Conblct u. Su\lsmbe to E "!i!I!Updll<!S III ,'I \1 I<';T!(~S r Publ callons I F CllnOOllC Releas,e& 'Bet<l I SeiIlth IllS.p w.... New I Rei"",,, (..lend." u Databases, Tables & Calculators by Subject Change Output Options: From 12006.:J To; fiO'iIil ~ fONt ~ilF' ..... r include graphs Data extracted on; February 22,2011(11 :42:42 AM) More FOrntl!lttlna Oatlons... Consumer Price Index. All Urban Consumers Sod.. 1d: cur 1<,'14'" Ell> Jt . ~ 'ally Anj~st'd Aro.~ -C.,n Frt1r 'i.s('r- It.,..; Motor f ,. ....0 Pa",,.od, J 9B2- ~ ]' ,JC:fi.~ ~ ~.r. Download: I.:!.)~ ~~ea~ - .Jan _:j- Fe~_T. Ma~ r-~I!!~;rM!L JU!!.~?u!_ ~. ': .~'--_ __~ Nov~I._~.' ~nua{HAi.i:l . mln' l. 2006 1719.3 190.3 194.5 221.1 249,9 142.5 241.0 237.4 214.6 192.5 187.9 195;5 212.2 212.9 211.5 J :..~OO7 2oo,iiSo '~9.7491235.0~ ~.7~ 26l,!.805 l.~ .~.1'226.316 Yd:,372 235.791 259.048 255.821 237.268 J3:4."~~ ~192 .3...008 Z50~212 ~Hli'!6.~ 29l!,~!! 3~6.873 343.2Q.. 341~~!}~~ ~~,93S 265.876 18S.j!l! 1'tl.:;!47 271.~37 ~~.662 ~7.~!l ,2009 .!.~p~:r'! 164.605 17S.21)I 190.~33 221.~~t~19.178! 227.611 235.807 231.073 226.929 22.1. .105. .203.130 179.3. 10 ~~.' 95.1 j r;_~ ~~.:j-rM:e~~15~ 235:~~f~.233 ~l~?11~39'~=J1.4.0.431 230~834 23~~~ .24!:.6~51 2~~287, 235.~~1~~, .?3~.~91] TOOLS At""s al8 G'ilnt.6 IrnJuslrlO~ dl D Glance ~c.:oll.J "Ie Release~ D8Iaoas..s~ lat.I". Map:, CALCULATORS Iflna~o" LoCatloo QuotIent InJul)':Atld 1II",,!'.~ HElP Hell' & TUloals FAQ$ GloSFoa/}' AbaulBlS _o/llllct Us INFO \Mla~s N_ Care"" @ 3LS r"<ll 001. Join 001 Malllng:l!SI~ Unk IJ !. COPingl'l ;"fo L._ freedOm of lnfonn..tJon Act j Pl'ivacy r. s..urit,'Sulemcnt t Disclalmen I CllStollJOll'Su.-vey j lmporbnt Web SIte NObts ' , , U.s. Bl.ll'e.lIuof tabor'~Ustlcs ll'OstalSqUllrellllildlnO. 2 Ma~Mnue. JIlE WlIShlflQton, OC20212.0001 ' wmo.llls,gav I TelephQ/li!, 1-202-691,5200 I TOO. HjOO-877~83391 CQfllaCt U~ I -1 http;lldatabls.gov/pdq/SurveyOutputScrvlet EXHIBIT A 2112/20J J i:" CU"O "0 CU c: ... ::l U _ CU "i::-= CU 0 > U o 8~~~ ou:imm N '1""1 '1""1 I I ......ii:~~~~oo :>iVu'l""l~~o;foN'! IVCUj"OenO'lenooo ja:tJcuLl'lLl'lLl'lID~ 2~1V~ N <( = ..s Q, ii5 "i [ m'l""l oN'! ~'I""I IDa ffl '#.'#.~~ coooo "OON uiOON ~ '1""1 CU ~ -o1;;o;f CU ... "0 CU Ql > Ql Ql c::c; Q.. U U IV o ... "0 Ql III o Q, IV e j Q,- ... - Q..u U"O <( ~ Q, o -0 <( iU q- LI'l q- LI'l en ~ '1""1 co 00 N LI'l en :> j ~ o;f ui cO q- 0 q- "0 0 .-i IV Ql tJ Ql en ID 0 '1""1 ~ j a: IV III LI'l LI'l ID ID 00 ID '1""1 c: -0 ... ::l ~ 0 ... N ffl c: .! c: ii: <( 0 ii5 u u ~ N ~ ~ '#. '#. 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Residential Customers and Multi-Family Can Customers (Including Rec;ycIJngJ. 1-Can 26.22 0.58 26.80 2-Cans 37.62 0.83 38.45 3-Cans 49.32 1.09 50.41 4-Cans 63.08 1.39 64.47 Each Additional Can 13.75 0.30 14.05 Extra Can/Bag Tag 5.51 0.12 5.63 Bulky Item Pickup (Plus Disposal Cost) 16.51 0.36 16.87 Toter Subscription Changes 13.75 0.30 14.05 Low Income Senior 1-Can 2-Cans 3-Cans 4-Cans 22.09 31.41 41.11 50.83 Hillside 1-Can 2-Cans 3-Cans 4-Cans 31.66 45.10 58.87 72.65 2. Multi-Family Bin Customer Recvclin.g Per Unit Charge For recycling service only (option to choose Commercial Service) 2.07 3. Commercial and Multi-Family Bin Customer (Refustf) 1-Can 26.22 2-Cans 39.67 3-Cans 53.47 4-Cans 67.22 Each Additional Can 14.89 4. Commercial Front Loader Service Rates 2 Yard F/L (1x1wk) 175.69 2 Yard F/L (2x1wk) 329.84 2 Yard F/L (3x1wk) 483.96 2 Yard F/L (4x1wk) 638.14 2 Yard F/L (5x1wk) 792.27 2 Yard F/L (6x/wk) 946.41 2 Yard F/L (on call) 114.38 3 Yard F/L (1x1wk) 253.19 3 Yard FIL (2x1wk) 477.15 EXHIBIT B 0.49 0.69 0.90 1.12 0.70 0.99 1.30 1.60 0.05 0.58 0.87 1.18 1.48 0.33 3.87 7.26 10.65 14.04 17.43 20.82 2.52 5.57 10.50 22.58 32.10 42.01 51.95 32.36 46.09 60.17 74.25 2.12 26.80 40.54 54.65 68.70 15.22 179.56 337.10 494.61 652.18 809.70 967.23 116.90 258.76 487.65 RECOLOGY SOUTH VALLEY CITY OF GILROY RATES EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2011 Current Add New DESCRIPTION Rates 2.20% Rates 3 Yard FIL (3xJwk) 701.07 15.42 716.49 3 Yard FIL (4xJwk) 925.01 20.35 945.36 3 Yard FIL (5x/wk) 1,148.95 25.28 1,174.23 3 Yard FIL (6xJwk) 1,372.88 30.20 1,403.08 3 Yard F/L (on call) 163.07 3.59 166.66 4 Yard F/L (1xJwk) 339.61 7.47 347.08 4 Yard FIL (2x/wI<) 642.46 14.13 656.59 4 Yard F/L (3x1wk) 945.29 20.80 966.09 4 Yard F/L (4x/wk) 1,248.15 27.46 1,275.61 4 Yard F/L (5x1wk) 1,551.01 34.12 1,585.13 4 Yard F/L (6x/wk) 1,853.84 40.78 1,894.62 4 Yard F/L (on call) 226.50 4.98 231.48 6 Yard FIL (1x1wk) 494.58 10.88 505.46 6 Yard F/L (2x1wk) 940.51 20.69 961.20 6 Yard F/L (3xJwk) 1,386.45 30.50 1,416.95 6 Yard F/L (4xJwk) 1,832.39 40.31 1,872.70 6 Yard F/L (5x/wk) 2,278.33 50.12 2,328.45 6 Yard F/L (6x1wk) 2.724.25 59.93 2,784.18 6 Yard F/L (on call) 310.55 6.83 317.38 Front Loader Special (per cubic yard) 18.89 0.42 19.31 5. Compactor Service Front Loader (per cubic yard) 40.35 0.89 41.24 3-yd FIL compactor (1x/wk) 525.61 11.56 537.17 3-yd FIL compactor (2x/wk) 1,050.07 23.10 1,073.17 3-yd FIL compactor (3x1wk) 1,574.52 34.64 1,609.16 6. Debris Box Rates 20 Cubic Yard Debris Box, 427.65 9.41 437.06 Per ton charge (over 3 tons) 82.58 1.82 84.40 40 Cubic Yard Debris Box, 712.66 15.68 728.34 Per ton charge (over 6 tons) 82.58 1.82 84.40 Debris Box Compactors 40.35 0.89 41.24 (per cubic yard of capacity) 20 Cubic Yard Debris Box (recyclable) 264.90 5.83 270.73 40 Cubic Yard Debris Box (recyclable) 468.77 10.31 479.08 7. AddHional Street SWlH#ping M-F 8:00am-5:00pm (Per Hour) 101.50 2.23 103.73 Sat-Sun 8:00am-5:00pm-Per Hr+4hr Minimum 169.18 3.72 172.90 EXHIBIT B I, SHA WNA FREELS, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 2011-33 is an original resolution, or true and correct copy of a city resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a special meeting of said Council held on the 6th day of June, 2011, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 7th day of June, 2011. Sha Freels, CMC Ci Clerk of the City (Seal)