Ordinance 17s ORDINANCE N0. 17. An Ordinance relating to the as- sessment and collection of taxes in the town of Gilroy for the year 1869. The Inhabitants of the town of Gilroy, by the Board of Trustees of said town, do ordain as follows: SEC. 1. The assessment,of taxes in and for the town of, Gilroy made by the Assessor of said town for the year 1869, as equalized and settled by the Board of Trustees of said town is hereby approved and confirm - e 1, and the Assessment Roll made and returned by said Assessor, as amended and corrected by said Board of Trustees, is hereby declared to be the assessment Roil of said town for the year 1869; and the taxes as assessed and levied in said Assess- ment Roll, are hereby declared to be due and owing from the persons and upon the property respectively, as the same appears entered upon said Assessment Roll, and the said assess- ment and levy* of taxes for the year 1869, as appear upon said Assessment Roll, are hereby declared to be a lien and shall continue and remain a lien against the property assessed respectively, from the time of such assessment until the taxes respective- ly due shall be paid. SEC. 2. The said Assessment Roll, as corrected by the Board of Trus- tees, *ball be certified by the Clerk of said Board to be the Assessment Roll of the town of Gilroy for the year 1869, and shall, by said Clerk, then be delivered to the Marshal of said town, who shall immediately proceed to collect the taxes. He shall forthwith give notice to the tax- payers of said town, by posting in three conspicuous places in said town, written or printed notices, and by publishing said notice sense in tke newspaper published in said town; that the town taxes for said year of 1869 are now due and .payable, and that the. laws in regard to their col- lections will be strictly enforced. In ten days from the date of such notice . the Marshal shall attend at s,. me place in said town, (to be designated in said notice,) from 9 o'clock A. m. un- til 5 o'clock P. M., and shall, continue day after day to attend within said hours at said place, for the purpose of collecting said taxes, so long as the said Assessment Roll is in his hands. SEc. 3. Whenever any tax is paid to the Marshal, he shall mark the word "paid," and the date of pay- ment in the Assessment Roll opposite the name of the person, or descrip- tion of the property liable- .for such tax, and shall give � receipt tlierefor, specifying the amount of the assess- ment, the amount of the tax and a description of the property assess- ed. . SEc. 4. On the 3d Monday of Oc- tober, 1869, the Marshal shall enter upon the Assessment Roll a state- ment that he has made a levy upon all the property therein assessed, up- on which the taxes have not been paid, and shall make out and append to said roll a statement, which he shall -verify by his oath, showing a list, of the persons and pro�,pperty in said town, then delinquent,,for, which statement or 110t l _ pleted by the 4th ;'Mtn ¢ :List of said town for the year 1869. At anytime after the 3d Monday in ' ` lection of delinquent taxes in the October, and the making of said De- town of rrilrov. linquent List, any�,tax -payer then SEC. 8. At any time after the Delin .- . t lhnquent may pay his taxes, but quent List has been so delivered up he Marshal shall. collect, in addition by the Marshal and before the insti -- o the amount of Aaxes over, 5 per tution of quit for the collection of Sent thereon, which per tentage shall delinquent taxes, any tax -payer de- be returned and accounted for by said linquent on said list may pay the Marshal. The Delinquent List, when amount of taxes owning by him to completed, shall bd delivered by the the town treasurer; but in addition Marshal, with his lsworn statement, to the taxes due by him, he shall be as aforesaid, to the President or required to pay ten per cent upon Clerk of the Board of Trustees. the whole amount due by him. Up- SEC. 5. The Marshal shall, on Sat- on receiving the amount of the taxes ' urday of each week after the close of with the ten per cent thereon added, his official business n that day., .com- the treasurer shall give the delis - mencing on the ' econd Saturday' quint tax =payer a receipt for the after giving the notice, as directed amount paid, and shall make an en- in Sec. 2, of this ordinance, pay over to the town treasurer try of the payment on the Assessment Roll, opposite the name of the ail moneys col- party lected by him for taxes, with a state -- or property assessed, with the date lent of the amount verified by his of the payment. lath, that the amount, so paid over SEC. 9. After suit brought for the D the treasurer, is all the money ,hick he has collected as taxes collection of any delinquent taxes, the delinquent at any time before ni %id town since the last payment by .party shall have the judgment ad the im. The treasurer shall receive the taxes Y coney paid him by the Marshal, and but in addition to the amount owing call give to the 'Marshal a receipt he shall p47 twenty per cent upon r each and every sum of money so the whole amount so owing and _uY.f:- bid to him. This receipt shall be paid. e Marshal's voucher. The treas- SEC. 10. Nothing contained in this ter shall keep an account of all ordinance shall be construed so as to coneys paid tp him by the Marshal prohibit the Marshal of the town of i a book to be kept by him, and this Gilroy from levying upun any per - ook shall be subject to 'inspection sonal property for the payment of t any time by the Board of Trustees delinquent taxes in said town; but >r any member thereof. At the time he shall, at any time after; ten days when the Marshal delivers over the have expired, froiu the time of giving Delinquent List, as provided by Sec. the notice required bY section 2 of 4, above, the Marshal shall make oiit this ordinance, upon demanding a detailed statement, under oath, to the taxes due by any tax -payer o f accompany the Delinquent List, of said town, and upon his refusal to all his settlements with the treasurer pay the same, seize and levy uport during the year, showing the several any personal property belonging to amounts paid to the treasurer and said tax - payer, and after giving no- the sum total of the taxes collected Lice of the sale thereof for five days, by him since the Assessment Roll by posting three notices in as many came into his bands. This statement conspicuous places in said town, de- shall be filed away by the Clerk of signating the time and place of sale the Board for reference. and the amount of the taxes clue, SEC. 6. If the Marshal shall refuse with 'a description of the property to for a period of five days to makf the be sold, shall sell such property or payments and settlements; or anv one sufficient thereof, to pay the taxes of the payments at`t e time and in due and owing by such tax - payers, the manner as above directed, The Marshal shall sell all property, he and his sureties shall be held lia- so seized and levied upon by him for able to pay to the inhabitants of the gold or "silver coin. He shall only town of Gilroy the' full amount of sell enough property to pay the taxes charged said Assessment Roll, taxes due, and any surplus money re- and which have not been received by maining after paying the taxes stf the town treasurer, and the Board of owing from the sale of any property, Trustees shall have the right to shall be paid over to the owner there - have suit instituted therefor. of. In all cases of seizure and -Kale, SEC. 7. Upon receiving the said as above provided, the costs of Delinquent List fr m the Marshal, such seizure; levy and sale shall be the Clerk of the Bo cd%hall deliver the same to such rney at law as added to the amount of taxes duo l and shall be collected by the Marshai the Board shall diredt, who shall be and for his services, pre shall l)e al authorized to commence and pyrose -, lowed the,ahmo fees and shares as cute civil actions, in`; °any court hav- are allowed to constables of Santa ing jurisdiction of tte right smatter, Clara 'county for leyy and sale if to recover the amount of any taxes property under execution. delinquent and owillg and unpaid, appearing upon the #aid Delinquent SEC, 11. The town Marshal shall { be allowed, List; and all the provisions of the laws of this State relating to the in- as nom ensation for his services, for collecting the stitution and prosec=ution of civil taxes assessed in the town of Gilroy for the year 1869., commissions at th suits by the District Attorney for the rate of five per cent upon all monevi collection of State a, county taxes, and for the entry of j gmentand the collected by him. This,ordinance to take effect on and after its passage, sale conveyance thereunder of real estate for delinquent taxes, so far as Passed and approved this sixteenth day,,of August, 1869. the same can be m de applicable, shall be deemed to a ply to the col.. Approved: WM. GrnLMmLs, President of the Board of Trustees. Attest: 11. Waacc+ENjawlK ... Clerk of the Board. E 1*K Al ,:v