Ordinance 18a r ro 'e "rr the an :P istod® institviting`and,',m ntaining proseenti:ons for violations of -Town ordinances. The Inhabitants of the ` town of G Board of 'Trustees of s� SEC. 1. All prosecutions for viola- tions of town ordinances shall be com d menced and ,conducted in the name a r of "The' inhabitants of they town of p Gilroy ", before the Town;R,ecorder ,'or_ e before any ,Justice of the Peace hav= ` e ing his office within the inborpo- s rated limits of said town. All pro- e secutions shall be "commenced by-the 6 making and filing of a verified com- I plaint before said Recorder or Jus- tice of the Peace, setting forth the f facts constituting the offense in plain t and ordinary language, upon the £ filing of which the Recorder or Jus- tice shall issue his warrant for the -arrest of the party accused. The 1 town Marshal or any, officmr author- t ized to make arrests may ,arrest the 1 party accused, and take him before the magistrate issuing the warrant, or any magistrate authorized to try ? %ccused or to hold 'hi4 to ans- wer. Upon being brought be- fore the Recorder or magistrate, the party may be. tried or held to answer. If the accused demand a jury trial, a jury shall be summoned from the inhabitants of the town. c ,.'Q. It shall be the duty of the town Marshai to arrest any person violating ordinance in his prey- whenever? 11n ornied c f'' j u of any ordinance, to '�k� _ "dInplaint,� -or-to Cause cove- i 6 plaint to1Se made against the offender and to forthwith ,arrest ma4e com- w. citizen of the town many 'plaint against any person for violat• lug i1n ordinance and cause the of fender to be arrested and. tried. SEc. 3. An all prosecutions for vio• "lotions of town ordinances the Record Justice of the Peace 'n addition to imposing j f` may' ed for by the particu- the fine, . Tender judgment F: lay or mr�uce, meat of that, in default of payment posed the dine im the defend - i ant be imprisoned in the town s. ntil the same be paid at the ` 7 one days imprisonment for _ r posed. wo 4, of the fine iml SEc. 4. In addition to the mode above provided for the enforcement or judgments rendered for violations Of town ordinance -5, the, Recorder or Justice of the Peace may also, upon entering upon. judgment in. his in osing fine uton exec .stun shall b® timed and satisfied in' all respects like e,,utions issued in civil cases in this State. This ordinance to take effect on and after its passage. Approved: Wx. GmLMILLS, President of the Board of Trustees. H. NVOGFNIMIk Attest: Clerk. of the Board.