Ordinance 33�CIIivAl'V�7Illb 33. ,�compei ,ation, and provide forpt4tha, government of the same_. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy, do ordain as follows: Section 1. The Police Depart - riient shall consist of a_Marshal, and Orle regular policeman, and snc,h special policemen as may hereafter be appointed. ° Section 2. The Marshal shall per - ,form all the duties and possess all the powers, prescr abed in an Act of the Legislature of the State of Cali- fornia, entitled "An Act to incorpo- � rate the City of Gilroy," approved 114axch the 12th, 1870. Section 3. All orders and rules for the control and regulation of the police force made by the` Mayor and Common Council of the: -City of Gil- roy, or issued bythe Marshal shall read publicly at the d fail'pr to hearing of the Police eliartmenjt° and a copy thereof posted in some edn- spicuous place in said jail See tign 4, It Shall be tbp,Abfty of the Ma;"a A,ivhonever trho peace of the ci, y,, �Irrcatened ry any riotous, or t q lour assom lags„ to su3n- 1rJon r�"o police to assemble at sow© vlaco within the city, alb ,and to member 'of the Polic dart "ant, when thus notified, w halr4g 1 to attend at the time and ace' desig- nated. in said summons,' shall be lia- ble to instant dismissal from the ser- vice and to forfeit all compensatio clue him for services. Section 5. The Mayor shall have power, and it shall be his duty t suspend, until a meeting of the Com- mon Council can be held, any mein bar of the Police Department violat iug the provisions of this Ordinance or the rules or orders inado for th conduct and government of said De partmont. lto p-4lall report at sue meetin; the naiuo of the person su. pended, and the cause of such sus pension, and tlso Board shall tai immediate action thereon. l Section G. 7 he Marshal, in addi tion to the dutiE s and powers rs expres ly pros rilwd by the aforesaid Ac approved 'surd h the 12th, 1370, sh. have sue} other powers and parlor such other duties as are now, or m hereafter be required by Ordinane not hicolusistont with the provisio of said Act. Section 7. It shall be the, duty all pohcemon, v-hen on clot;, to c o 4stLntly patrol his beat or district pr' vent t ^y l:ie presence end au`hori cos aruts.,�,ion of eriinc , a 113 promptly sire o ail :licn:L:r�s, a .anvdercll-ct.on :f olsity n t��is respo ehall canoe a, forfeitu:'c of tiro otTon er's 1�1 ,ee and salary, to date. Sect_ on 8. No }:olio c n: -nn when duty shall enler a:iy ��, l,it<�. drinki place, gambling, l.ou'c , Lc�i��; of i fame, or place of pul i,c amu�ames unless for the pnrposo of qu,-1ling disturb:uwe; cr �in other discLarr � of his o flc ial dui__ Section o () t1ae o: c i.rc cnco ..fine in the c its + ai polio , „Y, (act_, lar or fspeci:v) off uu�„ , a' .,'`I rep imnlediv. %eIv to the [steno cf coni gration, and aid in prer:erving; ord bavinn pioperty z,nd r�.rre.sting all p sons (wand at :;li .g or couamitti other depre(Lo-ion7 . Seci;oa 1 -9. All sneni'i)ers of i Policee Departloen;,, eras, -.t spec policemen, �:a1:a11 devote thei* att tion to the busir_ess of the _Depa meat, and not follow any olh+ r ba ness or callll.g. And l.o re.-u policeman ails .il absent 1:im�elf fr the city without permission is v; ing from the Board of Comn Council. section 11. Pogular and special policemen shall b ent -itle1 to receive a foe of $2 in addition to the compere - sation specified in the next gnawed - in„ Section, for e ich and every ery arrest made whc.n is consirtion is lwd, to bo ta'Tedagaiustthc:> clefcrsderrl, and in no i ease to be a claar�e acIdw"t the City; ana no regular policeman xhall re- eeive any fee or reward for the per - formance of any duty, except his salary and fee, as pr©vided for in this •Ordinance, uni'ess with the written permission of`'thc Common Council. Section 12. The Marshal shall , have charge of tho City, Jail, and the custody of the prisoners committed thereto, and no person arrested for a violation of auy city ordinance, or within the limits of said City, sliall be confined otherwise than in the City Jaii, eic�ept as hereimaftor pro- vided. Section 13. It: shall be lawful fur I the City'ijanhal, whenever any per- ,,on shall bo eonfined in the city prix- on, for violation of any of the or- dinancee of said city, to take the said person or persons and put them. to labor upon the public streets, public squares or ditches, or any of the public works within the limits of said city. > >JS�etion 14. For the purpose of preventing any of said prisoners trots escaping while engaged in any put)- lie works, under the direction of said Marshal, he shall have power to use a chain, or a chain and ball, if ne- cessary, on each or any one of said prisoners. Section 15, The City Marshal shall; be allowed out of the Treasury the n sum of dollars per day as a compensation for his services for eu- perintending the working of said per- sons as hereinbefore provided, and sliall be responsible for the prisouers Oile at work. - Section 16. The policemen as hero - inbefore provided for, shall be ap- pointed by the City'lllarshal and con- firmed by the Common Council, and shall receive a monthly compensation s- : of seventy -five dollars, which shall be paid by a warrant drawn by the ce Mayor on the Treasurer, countor- signed by the City Clerk, to be paid out of the General Fund. s Section 17. The Common Coun- t, all f" cil may, upon the application of tea ! tax - payers, to be paid bythepetation- m ers, appoint for a particular beat ay or district, a special >oliceman, , e, which special policeman Sall be 1111- f us Lder the supervision of the City 111ar- shal, and sut)ject to his orders, and all of the provisions of this Ordinance, and R- liable to dismissal from their posi- to tion as in the case of regular police - ty 1 men. �. to Section 18. All ordinanecs or n �yar� of ordinaneko in oonfliut with i + +vaier _ -- - the ;l'egoing, are hereby repealed. Seotior 19. This Ordinance shall be iiforce from and after its appro- val by, the Mayor. Passed and approved this 30th day Oki 1870, by the following vote: Aye s— Councilmen, l inlay, Hanna, '13oward, ?Morey, Isaac. Nays—Councilmen Rcither. Abselit - -N one. Attest: Gro. T. CLARK, City Clerk J. -M. BROWNE, Mayor. It