Ordinance 470 . ('" . """' -/ ." " '\, I . " -r- ' ;. /3 .y ....." . o R DIN A N C E --------- I l! .Q .i7.9 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. ~, PROVIDING FOR THE REORGANIZATION OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF GILROY, AMENDING ARTICLES I AND II OF CHAPTER II OF 'lnE MmnCIPAL CODE, PROVIDING FOH ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL IN rrBE POLICE DEPARTMENT AND FOR THE SUSPENSION A~1) DISMISSAL OF POLICE OFFICERS, /n~D FIXING THEIR TEEM OF EMPLOYMENT, BY AMENDING SECTION 131 THEREOF SO AS TO PROVIDE THAT POLICE OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF GIIROY, APPOINTED BY THE COM1VION COUNCIL, SHALL HOLD OFFICE AT THE WILL AND Pllip,.SURE OF THE C01HrCIL. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy do ordain as follows: SEC'llION 1. That Section 131 of ARTICLE I of CHAPTER II of the Municipal Code of the City of Gilroy as amended by said Ordinance No.~, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows.: ARTICLE I. Officers. Sec. 130. Police Department. A Police Department for the City of Gilroy is hereby established. Sec. 131. Police Department Officers. The Peace Officers of the Police Department shall consist of: (a) The C.ity Marehal, who shall be the Chief of Police. (b) Captain of Police. (c) Traffic Officer. (d) Pa trolman. (e) Radio Operator- Police Woman (f) Such other police officers as the Police COTr,;-,1ission deems necessary shall be appo'inted by the common Council by an order or resolution entered on its minutes. (g) ~uch ?pecial police officers as the Common Counell may deem necessary and appoint from time to time by order or resolution entered in its minutes. P:aoe officers, except special police officers snaIl be appointed to serve during the will and pleasure of tne Common Council. 0/70 '""",,.. ,,"" ~..'" ~ 'r ~ "', . \ J \ "~ 0< J L/ '''" . I . ",..J ~., . ,,~: fi, ,#)tt..' 1-3 Their compensation shall be fixed by order of the Council. The term of office and compensation of special police officers shall be fixed by the council at the time of appointment by order or resolution entered in its Minutes. Such Special Officers shall be other than and in addition to Special policemen who may be appointed by the Marshal as provided by Section 42 of t he Charter of the City of Gilroy. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after March 7th , 1949. ADOPTED AND PASSED THIS 7th day of by the following votes: March , 1949, AYES: Councilmen: George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens, James B.Thomas,Dale D.Daniels NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT : Councilmen: David V.Stout ,/fih-f- ~ ~~~. · ' j/J r~ L"./' Mayor ATTEST: ~~~ ~~. -2-