Ordinance 471 / ... I ) -" ,/ .~ -l ~/s-' o R D I NAN Q ~ N.Q. i.'Z.L AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REGISTRATION AND LICENSING OF BICYCLES AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF. THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Any person, firm or corporation owning a bicycle shall have such bicycle registered as herein provided; and shall make application in writing to the City Marshal upon forms provided by that officer, upon which form of application shall be shown the name and address of the applicant, also signature of applicant, a description of such bicycle, including the name, serial number if any, and color thereof, together with such other information or description as may be required by said City Marshal sufficient to identify the same; said application shall be signed byapplicant. Upon receipt of any application the City Marshal shall re.gi ster the said bicycle in a permanent register maintained by him and such bicycle shall be given a serial number and an identifying letter. In addition to registering such bicycle in such permanent reigster, the City Marshal shall issue to such applicant a registration cert- ificate and license plate bearing a number which must also be entered in said permanent register. Such registration and license plate shall be good from the date of registration to the date upon which the ownership of the bicycle changes at which time such bicycle shall be re-registered in the name of the new owner. In the event that the license plate is lost, stolen or mutilated, the person, firm or corporation owning any such bicycle shall make an application to re-register such bicycle and a new license plate shall be procured from the License Collector, for which the applicant shall pay a fee in the sum of $1.00. The City Marshal shall cancel the registration of such bicycle in the permanent register and suah bicycle shall be re-registered and if necessary, be given a new serial -1- 'f 7 / T r ~ } " ~-" ---( number and identifying lettero SECTION 20 A person, firm or corporation shall not wilfully remove, destroy, mutilate or alter, or cause or permit to be removed, destroyed, mutilated or altered any license plate issued by or on behalf of the City of Gilroy for any such bicycle or any seal or reg- istration certificate relating to such bicycle during the time in which said license plate, seal or registration certificate is operativeo Provided, however, that nothing in this ordinance shall be deemed or construed to prohibit the City Marshal from stamping any number on any such bicycle for identification purposeso SECTION 30 A person shall not operate or use, or cause or permit to be operated or used any such bicycle in, along or across any public highway in the City of Gilroy unless there shall have been first ob- tained by or on behalf of the owner of such bicycle a license so to dO, which license shall be procured from the City License Collector, and for which the applicant shall have paid a license fee in the sum of $1000. Each such license shall be subject to renewal whenever the ownership of the bicycle changeso Each such license when so issued shall entitle the licensee to operate such bicycle for which such license shall have been issued, ~on any of the public highways within -",,,,1.\ the City of Gilroy to the next ".~.Fy 1st; a new application for a (1~.f license shall be filed and license obtained prior to the lOth day of ';&4.t~ 48ftHQYY of each yearo &.t! . The License Collector is hereby authorized and directed to issue upon written application bicycle licenses which shall be effective as herein providedo ~Vhen issued such license shall entitle the licen- see to operate such bicycle for which the license has been issued upon the public highways of the City of Gilroy, exclusive of sidewalks in any business district of said City. SECTION~. The License Collector shall provide for each bicycle, licensed pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance, a metallic -2. T I p' r.:;:' J 7 license plate, which plate shall be serially numbered for each ident- ifying letter, commencing with Number 1 and the letters GoP.D.B.Lo stamped thereon; and each such metallic license ilate shall be suit- able for attachment upon the frame of the bicycle for which issued, and it shall be the duty of the licensee to immediately attach such metallic license plate to the frame of the particular bicycle for which issued, and the person, firm or corporation shall not transfer or cause or permit to be transferred any such metallic license tag to any bicycle for which the same shall not have been originally issued. A person shall not operate any such bicycle on, along or across any public highway in the City of Gilroy unless the metallic license ilate issued therefor shall at all times be maintained upon such bicycle for which issued and attached thereto; provided, however, that no license provided for under the provisions of this ordinance shall be issued by said License Collector unless and until the bicycle described there in has been registered by the City Marshal pursuant to the ~ovisions of this ordinance. SECTION 50 Upon the sale or transfer of title of any such bicycle licensed pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance, the purchaser or transferee thereof, upon the payment of the sum of $l.OO to said License Collector, shall be entitled to have a license issued for such bicycle in the name of the new owner thereof. Each application for such a license shall be made to said License Collector in writing shall be accompanied by a written transfer of title and shall describe such bicycle in sufficient detail to identify the same and shall include the serial number, letter of other identifying mark existing / thereono SECTION 60 All persons engaged in the business of buying second-hand bicycles are hereby required to make a daily report to the City Marshal upon forms provided for that purpose specifyings -3- T ;;.' / f 1. The name and address of the person from whom each bicycle is purchased. 20 The description of each bicycle purchased. 30 The frame number thereof. ~. The number of the metallic license plate found thereon, if any. 5. A description of the person selling the bicycle together with his name and addresso SECTION 70 All persans engaged in the business of selling new or second-hand bicycles are hereby required to make a weekly report to the City Marshal upon forms provided for that purpose, giVing a list of all sales made by such dealers which list shall include: 10 The name and address of such person to whom a bicycle was sold. 20 The kind of bicycle sold. 30 The description and frame number thereof. ~. The number of the metallic license plate attached thereto, if anyo SECTION 8. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ord- inance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not to exceed One Hundred ($lOOoOO) Dollars or by imprisonment in the city jail of the City of Gilroy for a period not exceeding 30 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and each such persons as principal, agentror otherwise, shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each day during any portion of which the violation of, or failure, neglect or refusal to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance is oommitted, continued, or permitted by such persono SECTION lO. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published three times in the Gilroy Evenlng Dispatch, a newspaper of general circulation published and circulated in the City of Gilroy. SECTION ll. The ordinance shall be in effect from and after July lst, 19~9. -l+- T .;r" ,.....'" ) ~/- ~'" el/ cr ADOPTED AND PASSED this 2nd day of following vote: ATTEST: G.(!.~ City Cler May , 19~9, by the AYES: Councilmen J.H. Wentworth ,Ray LoStevens,James B.Thomas,David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels. NOESr Counc ilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen None . '/ r,(W~ -Iii:!::}. o~"" tam -5-