Ordinance 475 Q. Ii 12. ! Ii f::. N Q. ~ !i Q.. m of the CITY 01" GIL.H.OY AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 451 of the Oity ot Gilroy BY PROVIDING THJ\T THE RECREATION CO:tviMISSION OF ThE: OITY OF GIUtOY M.AY RECOMMEND TO THE CITY OF GILrlOY THE PUliOHASE OF sUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT AND THE SEOURING OF SERVICES, AND FURTHER PROVIDING THAT SUCH SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES SHALL BS SECUHillD THROUGH THlli CITY OF ,GILWY. The Oommon Oouncil at the City of Gilroy do ordain as 1"0110'''8: "Sectlon 4. The Reoreation Oommission shall prepare and recommend to the Oommon Oounoil a budget tor reoreation annually during the period that the Common Oounoil is arrang- ing 1ts genepal budget tor the year, and at the same time submit to the Oommon Oouncil the program of activlt1es wh10h it reoommends for the year. The Oomm1ss10n shall have power and authorit1 to maintain and oonduct reoreation oenters and recreat10nal aotivitles on suoh grounds or in such buildings as may be plaoed under their Jurisdiotion or made available to them, including the use of such school facilities as may be permitted by the school distrlct authorities. The Oommls- slon shall have power to oonduot children's playgroundS, lndoor and outdoor reoreational actlvitles and formulate plans and grograms therefor, andlngeneral do any and all things neo$ ssary'and prQpertor the establl.shmerr'tt and d&velopmen t ot a reoreation program,all, ho...,ever, subJeot to the approval of the City Oouncil. The 01ty Oounail may, in 1ts d1soretion, appoint a general manager whO shall be known as the Superintendent of the Recreation Department and such other employees as may be. / \ <1 ~ ~\ \ deemed neoessary, upon \be ~eoommendatlon of the Oommission. The Oommlssion shall reoommend to the Oommon Council the pur- ohase,of such suppl188 and apparatus as may in the Judgment of the Oommission be aeoe.aar1 and proper for carrying on the recreatlonal activl'~e8. All at such supplies and apparatus shall be purchased \brOQIB 'he Oity of Gilroy, the same as other city supplies are ~~8ed.. Section II. ~''''.~on S of sa1d Ord1nanoe No. 451 of the Oity of G1lro7 be ",4 the same is hereby amended to rend as follows: "Seotion S. All 1101\8'. approprlated for tbe purpose by the CODUllon OOU1lo.1.1 Gr 0111"07 or the Board of Eduoation, the Gilroy Union High 8oboolO1'~iot and the Gl1roy Elemontary Sohool D1strlot, or froa'An1 .~.. ,ubllo body, and all donations, legaoies or beques'.'fro. aft7 other souroe, shall be deposlted in the Treasury ot the 01ty of Gilroy in the Recreation Fund, and shall only be paldout atter approval by the Oity Oounoil as other oity mone,. are eXpended on '''arrants drawn against said fund and sigped b1 the C1ty Clerk of the City of Gilroy." ADOPTED AND PASSED ~is 19th da1 ot September, 1949, by the following Votes. AYES: Oouno11..nJ George M.Mason,J.H.Wenthworth, Raf L.St.vens,James B.Thomas Da'f'14 V.Stout, Dale D. Daniels. Ooullc11men: None NOES: ABSENT: Oouncil.en: Hone t!. ?r)~ Millae Attest: G.B. Oarr fSep. '01 ty CJ.erk -2-