Ordinance 489 y- - .~ ~-~ ~.~~~. -'-~'- - ,~& -~~ -:"~l ~ ~~ .""':';' ,. '. .\-... " .. ~.~.....~"'~,. ' ~ l"~__ '......t:''lI~~ ':c,' ,:' ~ ., ~ :At.... Q 11 ~ 1 N A IT ~ g 1'l Q. 489 ,- J:' ... ... 30b f, i i " ,jIi ., AN OijDINANGE lU.rEJ\lDING O~DINANCE NO. 422 OF THE CITY OF GILROY PROVIDING F0R THE ESTABLISHMENT IN SAID CITY 0F C'~RTAIN DISTRICTS IN WHICH CLASSES uF BUILDINGS AND STRDCTlffiES AND THE USE THEREOF ARE LIMITED, COMMONLY KNUNN 1-I.S THE "ZGNING U:RDINANCE", BY CHANGING THE CLASSIFICATION GF SAID PROPERTY LOCATED AL0NG THE NuRTHERLY LINE uF FIRST STREET UF THE CITY UF GILRUY FROM ZUNE "B" DISTRICT TO ZuNS "C-l" DISTRICT AND CHANGING THE BUUNDARY LINES OF SAID DISTRICTSo THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY uF GILROY DOES ORDATN AS FOLLOWS: Section 10 That the following described premises in the said City of Gilroy now located in and classified as Zone "B" District are hereby taken from said Zone "B" District and placed in Zone ltC_I" District, to-wit: Lot s 38 to 45 inclusive and the Easterly 25030 feet of Lot 46 of Tract 232 Gurries Addition tofue City of Gilroy, as shown upon the map thereof on file and of re~ord in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, said premises extending along the northerly line of First Street from the westerly line of Church Street to the premises now or formerly Nmed by Trinchero Bnd extending northerly to an alley. Reference is hereby had to the Maps and general zoning ordinance of she City of Gilroy now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, Section 2. Boundaries of nB" District, in which said property is loca ted, and of "C-l" District 'are hereby 'changed a ccordance with and to conform to this ordinance, and that the map constitu~ing a part of the zoning ordinance of the City of Gilroy and referred to therein shall be made to conform to the changes herein set fortho ADOPTED AND PASSED this Band day 0f NQV8mbe~ , 19509 by the following vote: A YES : Councilmen: George M...MaS.. on,J.H. Wentworth.! James B..l.'homas ,Dale D.Danle15, Councilmen: None . Oarl W.Pate. NOES: ABSENT: Counc~lmen: ~ Attes~ .U,~ City Cler fF'l