Ordinance 515 "~":;.,. ~: - "."-. ~ c o R D 1 NAN C L NO. ,15 AN ORDINANCE AL.2.NDING SUBDIVISICN NO. 5 OF SECrl'ION NO. 240 OF THE NfUNICIP AL CODE OF THE CITY OF GIIROY, RBLATIVE TO THE PIRB LIMITS, AJID ESTABLISnIlm TFffiEE FIRE ZCNES. o . . 0 0 .' . . . . . T:r.r:b; I,;AYOR AND COllNlGN COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GIlROY DO ORDAIN AS F'OLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Subdivision 5 of Section 240 of the Municipal Code of the City of Gilroy be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Subdivision 5. 'llhe City of Gilroy shall be and is hereby divided into three (3) fire ?Ones hereby designated as the first fire zone, second fire zone and third fire zone. The boundaries and description of said fire zones is as follows: A. The first fire zone shall comprise all the territory in the City of Gilroy described as follows: 07i-"",""1~-' 00mmencing at a point on the southerly line of Pirst Street in the center of th~ alley .extending through Block 5 North of rtanE",e I ~~est of the City of Gilroy and runnine; thence in an oas,ter1~r direct:ion along the southerlJT line of ~irst Street to the center line of Ilonterey Street; thence in a northerly direction alonrr the center line of Monterev Street to the ~J L j.ntersection thereof with the westerly prolonGation of the southerl"" boundary liYJe of Lo t 5 of the Las Animas Partitio~ Suit; t~ence in an easterlT direction alone said prolon~ation and said southerly line of said Lot 5 to the westerly line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way; thence in a southerly direct~_on aloDC the said westerly lire of' said right- of-way to the intersection t-il.ereof with the center line of Lewis ~treet; thence in nn easterly direction alon~ the center I-ne of Lewis Street to its inter- " section with tho center line of Railroad Street; thence in a southprli' dil'ection alom' the center line of Railroad Str~et to its inter~ection with the ceDtn' li:'le of OJ.d Gllro:r Street; thence in a VTest()rl~~ c1:i rect:on alon; the cerlter li'1e of Old Gilroy Street to the west('rly line of the South(~rn Pac 5.fic Raj lroad Com~"'an:~ ri [';ht -of-v!ay; thence alone the said line of said rj en t-of-way in a southerly direction to the south cit~, limits of the City of Gilroy; thence in a we:',~('rly direction alor[ the said city limits to the center line of Monterey Street; thence alont'; the cen ter line of Monterey Street in a northerly direction to the intersection thereof with the center line of Eir,hth Street; thence in a westerl:, direction along the center line of Ei[;:1th Strec:t to the' pOint thereon distant -- ,,5 / ~,5 :>'..lb... 150 feet westE'rly of the westF'rly line of Monterey Street; thence in a northerly direction and naralle 1 wi th the westi'rly line of konterey Street to the cen ter line of the alley in the northerlv line of Seventh Street extending through Block I South of Range 1 West of the City of G:i.lroy; thence in a northerly direction along the center line of said alley to the southerly line of Sixth Street ;" thence in a northwesterlv direction across ~ixth Street to the point~ of intersection of the northerly line of Sixth Street with the center line of the alley extending throuph Block I North of Rance 1 We st of the Ci t;y of Gilroy; then ce in a straight line in a northerly direct: on to the point of beginning. B. The second fire zone shall comprise the following described territory in the City of Gilroy: Commencing at the point of intersection of the northerl v line of Seventh Street wi th the center line of the?lley extending through Block I South of Range I West of the Cit~,/ of Gilro'y and running thence in a northerly direction along the center line ef said alley to the southerly iine of Sixth Street;thence in a northwesterl;' direction across Sixth Street to a point on the r:ortherly line of Sixth Street in the center of the alley extending through Block 1 North of Ranf'e 1 Wr'st of the City of Gilroy; thence in a straight line in a northerly direction an eq'lidistant from the easterly "c,oundary line of Eigleberry Street to the southerly line of .t'irst Street; thence in a westerly direction along the southerly line of Pirst Street to a point there- on 150 feet East of the easterly line of Church Street and thence in a southerly direction in a straight line to a point on the northerly line of Seventh Street in the center of the alley extending through Block 1 South of Ranf'e 2 West of the City of Gilroy; then ce along the r ortherly line of Seventh Street to the point of beginning. ALSO, commencing at the point of intersection of the eas terly c i t;T limits of the City of Gilroy with the northerly line of Old Gilroy Street, and running thence in a northwesterly direction along the said easterly city limits to a point that is 150.00 feet measured by the shortest distance from the northerly line of Old Gilroy Street; thence runninf~ in a westerly direction at a uniform distance of 150.00 feet from the northerly line of Old Gilroy Street to the northeasterl"17 line of Lot 4 in Block 2 South of Range 7 East of the City of Gilroy; thence in a southwesterly direct:1.on parallel with the souther- ly line of Eighth Street to the southwesterly line of Bast Street; thence in a northwesterly direction along the southwesterl:T line of East Street to .the line dividing Lots 1 and 2 in Block 2 South of hani:e 6 hast of the City of Gilro-y, and thence in a south- westerly direction alonr the said dividing line to the center line of the alley running through said block; thence ~n a northerly direction along the ~enter line of said alley and its northw~sterly extension to the center line of Seventh ::)treet; -2- '""1'"' , _UtA.i" ~i~! ' ! x thence in a westerly direction along the center line of Seventh Street to its intersection with the center line of Forest Strf et; thence in a northerly direction along the center line of Porest Street to its intersection with the northeasterly prolongation of the line dividing Lots 4 and 2 in Block I South of Rante 3 East of the City of Gilroy; thence in a southwesterly direction along the said line dividing said lots and its said prolonp,a tion te the easterly line of Lot 5 in said Block; thence along the easte~ly line of said Lot 5 to the most northerl:T corner thereof; thence 5n a westerly direct50n along the nortbrly line of said Lot 5 and p3.rallel wi th the southerl~ line of Sixth Street to the westerly line of Alexander Street; thence in a northwester- ly direction along the westerly line of Alexander utreet to a point thereon 149.50 feet northwest of the northerly line of Old Gilroy Street; thence at riGht angles in a southwesterly direction to the cente.r line of the alley extending through Block I .;)outh of Ranre 2 East of the City of Gilroy; thence j.n a northvvesterly direction and parallel with tLe easterly line of Railroad utreet to the center line of Lewis Street; thence in a south- westerly direct: on alonE; the center line of Lewis Street to its intersection with the center line of Railroad Street; thence in a southeasterly direction along the center line of Railroad Street to the center line of Old Gilroy Street; thence in an eas terl-r dire cti on along the center line of Old Gilroy Street to its intersection with the center line of Alexander Street; thence in a southeasterly direction along the center line of Alexander Street to its intersection with the westerly prolongation of the line dividing Lots IO and II of Grant's Block; thence in an easterly direction along the said line and its said pro- longation to the '\:"esterl;T line of the alley running throur:h said Grant's Block; thence in an easterly direction to the westerly common corner of Lots I and 2 of said Grant's Block; thence in an easterly direction along said line. dividing said Lots I and 2 and the easterly prolongation thereof to the east- re1:!ly' line of Forest Street; thence j,n an easterly direct10IJ to a point on the easterly line of Forest ~et distant thereon 195.51 feet south- easterly ~'the point of intersection of the said line of Forest Str<et with the southerlv line of Old Gilroy Street; thence in a northeasterly direction narallel with the northerlv line of ~ighth Street 150.00 feet; thence at"rieht angles in a southeasterly direction 45 feet; thence at right angles in a ,northeasterly direction to the westerly line of Uhestnut Street; thence j,n an easterly direction across Chestnut Street to a " . point thereon 150 feet measul'ed by the ntarest distance from the s011.therly line of Old ilroy Street; Vthence in an easterly d~rection parallel with the southerl:' line of Old Gilroy Street to the center of Maple Street; thence in a south- easterly direction along the center line of Maple Street to its intersection with the center line of Eighth Street and thence in a northeasterly -3- direction along the center line of Eighth Street 'to the ensterl:" city limits of the City of Gilroy and thence in a northwesterly direction along said city limits to the point of beginning. ALSq, Commencinrc: at a -point on the northerl~T line of First Street, distant thereon 150.00 feet westerly from the point of intersection of the westerly line of Monterey Street with the northerly line of First Street, and running thence along the northerly line of First Street to the easterly line of the alle-;.r vvhich forms the eastE:rl'>,T boundar7T of Lot 1 of the Gl1.rries Addition to the Cit:T of Gilroy, and runn~!.ng thence along the said easterly line of said alley in a northerlv direction to t. he most northerly corner or'Lot 2 of said Subdivision; runnin~ thence in a westerly'direction along the northwesterly line of Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 of said uubdivision to tne most easterl:, corner of Lot D in said Subdivision; thence in a northerly direction aloi1r the eas terly line of Lots 8, 9, 10, II and 12 of saiu Subdivision to the most northerl~T corner of said Lot 12 and thence along the northwesterly continua tion of the said line 32f~. 6'1 feet to the northerly boundary line of the said G1Jrr<.es Addition~ to the C:i.ty of G4.1roy; thence north B70 50' E. 45.00 feet; thence :in a northvFsterly direction parallel with the westerly line of :Monterev Street te the )1ortherl IT c itv limi ts of' the Cit:T of Gilroy; thence along the'norther17T city limits of tne City of Gilroy in a northeasterly direction to the westerly line of Monterey Street; thence in a southeaster1:v di!'ectj_en along the westerlv Ih1e of 1:onteJJev Street to its'intersection with the northerly line ;f First Street, and thence along the nortnerly line of First Street 150000 feet to the point of besinning. ALSO, cOPlmencinG at the point of intersection of the easterbr line of' Monterey Street "'lith the southerly boundary line of S~blot 5 as said Sublot in designated upon Map Ho. 4 accompanving the report of the referees in the Darti tion suit of Henry ~,Ij.ller et al vs. I\lan sey iJ.1hon8. set a 1 in the S,lperior Court of the Sta l;e of Californ in, in and for the County of Santu Clara, and runnin,r; thence in a northeas:terl~T direction along the southerly line of said uublo; to the v'lestf:rly line of the SrutE:rn Pacific Ra:Llroad Company's ri["ht of way; thence in a northwesterly direction along the said line of said right of vray to the southerly line of Casc-y Street; thence in a south\"JerJterly direction aloD[ the said line of O~sey Street to its intersection with the eas~erly line of I\Tonterey Street, find thence in a ~outhpasterly direct~on alan: the ea3terl~ line of Monterey Street to tho ;Joint of ber;innj.nc,. ALSO, the easterly h~lf of Blocks 3 SOll.th of Han:'G 1 ':,'0 s tEnd 4 South of Hen r;;e 1 "fest of the Oi tv of Gilroy; also, all tnat nart of' the City of Gilrov l:d.n~' Soutt of illenth 3 GrOG t R.nr'! bounded on the g;st by the we s tor]:T li.De of I.Ionterov Stree t and on the ~:Iest b-;T 8 lino)crallol with 8nd d:i.stnnt ISO.OO feet vvest of the westerl;T lire of Tonterey Street. -4- 'J,t ~ c 'ALSO, commencing at the point of intersection of the southerly line of Hecker Pass Highway wi th the easterly line of Miller Avenue and running thence along th~ easterly line of Miller Avenue 190 feet; thence in a northeasterly direction to a point on the southwesterly line of Princevalle Street 150.00 feet southeast on said line from the southerly line of Hecker Pass Highway; thence in a northeasterly direction across Princevalle Street to the point--- thereon cow~on to Lots 10 and II in Block 5 North of Range 7 West of the City of Gilroy; thence in a northeasterly direction along the line dividing said Lots 10 and 11 to the easterly line of the alley ex'c;end5.ng tbrough said Block; thence in a southeasterly direction along the said line of said alley to the most southerly corner of Lot I in s~id Block; thence in a northeasterly direction along the southeasterly line of said Lot 1 and its northeaster- ly prolongation to the center line of Carmel Street; thence in a southeasterly direction along the center line of Carmel Street to a point thereon that :t.s 140 feet south measured by the nearest dista~ce from',-the sou~herly line of Hecker Pass Highway; thencEr'- in an easterly directi.on and parallel with the southerly line of Hecker Pass Highway to the westerly line of Hanna Street; thence in a northeasterly direction across Hanna Street to the point on the easterly line of Hanna Street common to Lots 6 and 7 in Block 5 North of l(ange 4 Wes t of the Ci t.y of Gitroy; thence in a northeasterly direction along the south- easterly boundary line of LJts 5 and 6 in said Block to the most easterly corner of Lot 5.and thence in a northwesterly direction along the northeasterly line of said Lot 5 and its most westerly prolongation to the center line of F:Lrst Street; thence in a northeasterly direction along the center line of F:i,;rst Street to the .!.ntersecti on therewith of the westerly line of Church Street; thence a long the westerly line of Church Street to the center line of the alley in the Gurries Addition and extending in a northeasterly and southwesterly direction between Gurries Drive and li'irst Str.eet; thence in a southwesterl;T d5_redtion along the center line of said alley and its southwesterly extension to the westerly line of Hanna Street; thence in a north- westerly direction along the westerly line of Hanna Street to the line dividing Lots 8 and 9 in Block 6 North of Hanre 5 West, Loupes Northern Addi tion to the City of Gilroy; thence in a southwesterly direction along the line dividing said Lots 8 and 9 of said subdivision to the most westerly corner of Lot 9; thence in a southeasterly direction along the southwesterly line of Lots 9, 10 and II to the northeasterly line of Lot 21;'thence along the northeasterly line of Lots 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 to the easterly line of Sargent Street; thence in a westerly direction and parallel with the northerb; line of Hecker Pass Hi-hway to the eaqterly line of Sublot 41 of the Las Animas Partition;thence in a northerly direction along the easterly line of said Sublot 41 to the northeasterly corner thereof; thence in a we sterl;' direction along the northerly line of said Sublot 41 to the northwesterly corner thereof; thence in a so,utherly direction along the westerly line of said ~ublot 41, 45000 feet;thence -5- . :r .~ 1) ... ~ 11'1 a w.st.r17 4ireetloa parallel wlth tbe northerly l1ae of ...... Pu. Hlp.,. to the center 11_ of _laid 1&D.e, tbenoe 11'1 a .outbeast.,.ly 41reetton. alolll the center 11_ ot wayland lAne '0 1t. 1I.t....Ot10R w1th tbe northerly prol...a'.!.. ot tbl ...t.r17 11De ot M111erA..nuaad tbene. 1n a .outherly dlrectlo. to tbe po'" ot 'be,1_11l1_ C. The th1rd 1"1re son. oo.p1'I... all that part ot the Clty ot Gilroy not lnc lud.4 in the tSJt at ...eooD4 t1r. .01'1.'. ~ .a. All of the 1nllWIll restrictlona and coadl tlona ,.t torth in Ordlnanc. No. '+36 01 tM Q1 t,. ot GllroY' as ..eDdeel, shall apply to structure" bul1dinp aDd worb within the tlre .0'" as . stabll,he4 111 ~ct.i on 1 of 1Z1. or4lDano.. ~.3.' Th1. or41_oe ..11 take ett.et and be 11'1 tull toroe tro. and .rter It, pasl..e aDd approval. ~!t. AU or41__.s aat part, ot ordinance. 111 contllct herev1th are hereby repealed. PASSED and ADOPfF:D thi. 18t. day ot. February 195'4, by' the tollow1na vote. AYES. NOm. ABSENT. COWlCIllllen Pat.e, Rush ,Kennedy, Gall.o, Wh1 te ,. Ronald CO\Ulel1aea None C_ll_A ~ ~ ~~ Att..t~~ d ., . -6-