Ordinance 642 ORDINANCE NO. 6L~2 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE LOCATION, ERECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF MOBILE HOMES OR TRAILER PARKS, PROVIDING MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR THE DESIGN OF MOBILE HOME OR TRAILER PARKS, AND REGULATING THE liCENSING AND CONDUCT OF MOBilE HOME OR TRAILER PARKS, PROVIDING PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF AND REPEALING All CONFLICTING ORDINANCES. THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF GilROY DOES ORDAIN AS FOllOWS: ARTICLE 1. GENERAL 1.1 PurpOse and Intent. It Is the purpose and intent of this ordinance to establish standards for the establishment and operation of mobile home parks to provide occupants of mobile homes with suitable living environment. It Is based upon the premise that the use of mobile homes for residential purposes constitutes essentially a residential use of property and Is adopt- ed to promote the general health, safety and welfare of occupants of mobile homes. 1.2 Short Title. This ordinance may be cited and known as '~he Mobile Home Ordinance". 1.3 Definitions. Except as Is otherwise provided herein. the following words and phrases shall have the meanings herein set forth, unless the con- text requires a different meaning. 1.31 Awning: Any shade structure installed. constructed, erected or used adjoining a mobile home, excluding window awnings. 1.32 Building: Any building or structure containing public toilets, baths, laundries or sanitary facilities or storage facilities construct- ed for the exclusive use of occupants of a mobile home park. 1.33 Cabana: Any portable. demountable or permanent enclosure. room. building or structure to be used for living purposes constructed. erected or placed on any mobile home site within 10 feet of any mobile home. 1.34 Carport: Any awning or shade structure the sides of which are less than 50 percent enclosed. 1.35 Llquifled Petroleum Gas: Petroleum hydrocarbon or mixtures thereof In Ilqulfled or gaseous state. having a vapor pressure In ex- cess of 26 psi at a temperature of 100 degrees Farenhelt. The symbol therefore In this ordinance shall be "LPG". 1.36 Mobile Home Or Trailer: Any camp-car. trailer, trailer coach or other vehicles with or without motor power constructed to travel on publIc thoroughfares and designed, constructed or used for human habi- tation. (a) Expandable Mobile Home or Trailer: A mobile home.or trailer wider than 10 feet. (b) Dependent Mobile Home or Trailer: A mobile home or trailer not equipped with a toilet for sewage disposal. (e) Independent Mobile Home or Trailer: A mobile home or trailer equipped with. toilet for sewage dIsposal. 0~lv ~-- 1.37 Mobile Home or Trailer Park: Any area or tract of land where space Is rented or held out for rent to two or more owners or users of mobile homes to be used for living purposes. 1.38 Mobile or Trailer Site: Any portion of a mobile or trailer park designed for the location. use and occupancy of a mobile home or trailer. 1.39 Site line: The exterior boundaries of a mobile home or trailer site. 1.310 Structure: Anything which Is built, constructed or erected In some definite manner, excluding mobile homes or trailers. 1.311 The term "Mobl1e Home" Is synonymous with the term "Trailer" and whenever the term "Mobile Home" Is used it shall mean "Trailer". 1.312 Ramada: Any roof or shade structure Installed. erected or used above a mobile home and site or any portion thereof. ARTICLE 2. PARK STANDARDS 2.1 Size. The ml n i mum size sha 11 be two acres. - 2.2 Setback. On public streets, the site lines shall be set back from the street right of way line the same distance as buildings are required to be set back on adjoining property on the same street but In no ease less than 15 feet. (a) No mobile home, building or structure, or parking area shall be closer than 20 feet from any street right of way line or closer than 5 feet from the exterior boundaries of a mobile home park. 2.3 Fences. Solid fences 6 feet in height shall be constructed on site lines along street frontages and along the other exterior boundarIes of a mobile home park. 2.4 landscaping. All areas In a mobile home park between park fences and street right of way lines and all areas not Improved by roadways, walkways, pathways or occupied by other park facilities shall be landscaped. Native and ornamental trees wIth a height of twenty (20) feet or greater shall be retained unless theIr removal Is specIfically allowed by the Department of Public Works. 2.5 GradIng and Drainage. Park property shall be adequately graded and draIned so as to prevent the accumulatIon of water within the park. 2.6 Roadways. Park roadways shall be paved and have the following minimum widths; (a) Roadways serving sites on both sides thereof - 32 feet. (b) Roadways serving sites on one side only - 24 feet. (e) Roadways upon which parking of automobiles Is prohibited - 20 feet. 2.7 Walkways. Paved walkways at least 3 feet wide shall be constructed to serve each site and each building, utility building and sanitation facility. 2.8 Parking. ProvisIons shall be made for parking one automobile per site at a paved location other than on park roadways. ."":i;',:",,,;;.~.: ',,'-;'f~':"'l.nt;",-:>i<~','.'_'\<'*'"~:"';: s~;:"'~.""'I""..)lt,~.~;';'4'~,.nu;~i;:.;~~"-:":-"':i'.::"E~!E?>,E{!:~'~:~';~~"W.;:t"ill~,';;:::;-fi",:;,}:"~:~:;;:~2'>;;;"'_::':-l::~-::!~:'~~~"';_:;"&~!'~:'j.} >!;;.~S;:';':';;J:>,:'-?,::.h:";\: 2.9 MobJle Homes on Sites. All mobile homes In the mobile home park shall be located upon a mobile home site and all mobile home sites shall be so designed to acconlodate Independent mobile homes. 2.10 Gas HeatlnQ EquIpment. All gas heating equipment shall be provided and Installed In conformIty with the rules and regulations set forth In Part 4. Chapter 9, TItle 8 of the California AdmInistrative Code. 2.11 FIre Protection Equipment. Fire protection equipment shall be pro- vided and Installed Inconformity with the rules and regulations set forth In Part 13. Article 4, Chapter 9. Title 8 of the California AdmInistrative Code. ARTICLE 3. MOBILE HOME SITE STANDARDS 3.1 Size. - 3.11 The average size of sites designed for non-expendable MobIle homes without cabanas shall be 1500 square feet and In no case less than 1000 square feet. Each site shall have an average width of 30 feet; provided. however, that the minimum frontage width on park roadways shall be 21 feet. 3.12 The minImum size of sites designed for expandable mobile homes or mobile homes with cabanas where parking Is provided on the site shall be 1750 square feet. Each site shall have an average width of 35 feet; pro- vided, however, that the minimum frontage width on park roadways shall be 21 feet. . 3.13 The minimum size of sites desIgned for expandable mobile homes or mobile homes with cabanas where parking Is not provided on the site shan be 1500 square feet. Each site shall have an average width of 30 feet; provided, however, that the minimum frontage width on park roadways shall be 21 feet. 3.14 The average depth of sites shall be 50 feet, and In no ease less than 35 feet. 3.2 location of Mobile Homes and Structures on Sites. 3.21 No structure or mobile home shall be closer than 3 feet to a site line except (I) the front of a mobile home may be adjacent to a site line on a park roadway. (2) an unenclosed carport may be adjacent to a site line. and (3) a structure designed exclusively for storage and serving more than one site may be on or over a site line. 3.22 No structure or mobile home may be closer than ten (10) feet to any bull ding. structure or mobt1 e home on any other mobile home site or any other area of the park. except that a carport may be within seven (7) feet of structures or mobile homes on another site or area of the park. and except that a storage structure may be within seven (7) feet of any structure or mobile home located on a site which Is served by the storage structure. 3.23 No more than 75 percent of a mobile home site shall be covered by a mobile home, buildings or other structures, and at least 300 square feet of a site shall be free of all structures and coverage. 3.24 Boundaries of each site shall be permanently delineated. 3.25 Areas designed for the location of a mobile home shall be paved. ARTICLE 4. SANITATION FACILITIES 4.1 ToIlets. Baths and LavatorIes. A Mobile home park shall be provIded with separate public toilets. baths and lavatories for each sex. 4.11 for the first 30 mobile home sites there shall be two toilets, baths and lavatories for each sex; for the next 40 sites there shall be one addItIonal toilet, bath and lavatory for each sex. and for each 50 additional sites or fractional part thereof In excess of 70 sites there shall be one additional toilet. bath and lavatory for each sex. 4.12 Toilet facilities shall be maintained and readily accessible for the exclusive use of-the occupants of the park at all times and shall be 14;JCeted no further than 200 feet from any site to be used by dependent mobile homes. 4.13 Water closet compartments In any building which houses toilets, baths and lavatories shall be at least 30 Inches wide. 4.14 All toilets, baths and lavatories shall be clearly marked "Men" and "Women". 4.15 The floor of each water closet compartment shall be constructed of cement, concrete or other water proof materIal and shall be maIntained In a waterproof condition. Floors of such rooms shall be drained Into the sewage system. The waterproof material shall be applied on Interior walls thereof to a height at least twelve (12) Inches above the floor and to a height of four (4) feet behind lavatories. 4.16 Bathing facilities. with hot and cold running water, shall be In- stalled In separate compartments which shall be equipped with a self- closing door or waterproof draw curtain. The floor of every shower bath compartment shall be constructed of cement, concrete or other waterproof material and such material shall be applied to InterIor walls to a height of at least 6 feet above the floor. 4.2 A mobile home park Shall be provided with laundry facilities conslst- ing'of at feast 2 laundry trays. 4.21 The floors of laundry compartments shall be drained Into the sewage system. SaId floors shall be of waterproof masonry composition and such materials shall be applied to the Interior walls to a height of at least twelve (12) Inches above the floor and to a height of four (4) feet be- hind washing machines and sinks. 4.22 Each laundry compartment shall have window areas equal to at least one-eighth of the floor area but In no ease less than nine square feet. 4.23 Laundry facilities shall be equipped with hot and cold running water. 4.24 Sufficient space shall be set aside convenient to laundry facilities for drying of clothes; such space shall be shielded by an appropriate board fence or landscaped so as not to be visIble from any mobile home site or from outside the park. 4.3 At least one lavatory shall be provided In the same room In which toilets are located. 4.4 There shall be an adequate supply of pure water. - 4.41 Water faucets sha 11 be located wi thin 100 feet of each part of the park. 4.42 Drinking fountains may be installed and maintained; the use of dipping vessels or water cups is prohibited. 4.5 GarbaQe. Waste and Rubbish. Disposal areas for garbage. refuse and other waste matter shall be provided. 4.51 Such areas shall be enclosed and situated no more than 100 feet from any sIte to be served thereby. 4.52 One or more metal garbage cans with tight-fitting covers shall be provided for every four mobile homes or fractIon thereof. 4.53 All areas of the park shall be kept free and clear from the accu- mulation of refuse. garbage. rubbish or other debris. 4.6 Construction. 4.61 All awnings, portable. demountable or permanent cabanas. buildings or wIndbreaks shall be constructed In conformity with the rules and re- gulations set forth In Article 4. Chapter 9, Title 8 of the California AdministratIve Code, except that the construction of ramadas is prohibit- ed. Permanent structures shall be constructed In conformity with the UnIform Bulldtng Code. 4.62 All electrical wiring and equipment shall be Installed In conform- Ity wIth the rules and regulations set forth in Article 5. Chapter 9. Title 8 of the California Administrative Code and the Uniform Electrical Code~ 4.63 All plumbing, drainage and sanitary sewer systems and facIlities for Independent mobile homes shall be constructed In confonnlty with the rules and regulations set forth In Article 3, Chapter 9. Title 8 of the California AdministratIve Code and the Uniform Plumbing Code. ARTICLE 5. PERMIT. PLANS AND LICENSE 5.1 .AppHcatlon to Construct Mobile Home Perk. 5.11 Every applicant for a permit to construct. estabHsh and maintain a mobile home park shall file a written applIcation wIth the. Planning CommIssion of the CIty. 5.12 The application shall contain the name and address of the applIcant. the proposed locatIon of the park and the name and address of the owner or proprietor of the park. 5.2 Map to Accompany Application. 5.21 Each application shall be accompanied with 4 copies of . map pre- pared by a civIl engineer or surveyor, clearly and legibly drawn on tracIng cloth or paper not smaller than 18 Inches by 26 Inenes. with a scale of one inch equals fifty feet. 5.22 The map shall contain the following: (a) Name and address of owner, developer and engineer, date, north point and written and graphic scale. (b) Sufficient legal description to define the location and boundaries of the proposed park. (e) The locations. names and widths of all street adjacent to the proposed park. (d) The property and name of owners of adjacent properties. (e) The location and size of all sewer. water and storm drarn faci- lities within and adjoining the proposed park. (f) Contours of the land at 6 Inch Intervals for ground slopes be- tween level and 2 percent. I foot contours between 2 percent and 5 percent. and 5 foot contours for over 5 percent. (g) Location, width and flow direction of all water courses. (h) ExistIng buildings or structures and existing uses of the property. (I) Setback or plan lines on existing streets. (j) Improvements to be made to public street or ways. (k) The location and number of all mobile home sites. and the design of all roadways, walkways. electrical, sanItation, sewer drainage and water facIlities and the locatIon of parkIng areas. (1) The sizes of mobile home sites. (m) Location of areas to be landscaped and the location and type of all existing trees with a height of twenty (20) feet or greater. (n) Data showing the bearIng and length of every site lines. (0) The centerline of all public streets and rights of way and the location of all easements for sewer, water and st..m line, street and boundary line. 5.23 Said Commission shall determine whether the proposed park meets all the requirements of this ordinance and may require any changes therein which, In Its estimation will make the proposed park conform to the re- quirements of this ordinance. The Commission shall approve the map with- out conditions, approve the map with changes and conditions or disapprove the map. If a map is disapproved, the Commission shall state the reasons therefor and In what instances the map falls to meet the requirements of this ordinance. 5.24 One copy of the map as approved by the Planning Commission shall be referred to the Health Officer who shall revIew the same to determine that the map and all Improvements shown thereon proposed to be construct- ed meet all the requirements of this ordinance with respect to sanitation. water. sewer and drainage facilities. 5.25 One copy of the map as approved by the Planning Commission shall be referred to the DIrector of Public Works who shall review the same to detennlne that the map and all Improvements shown thereon proposed to be constructed meets all the requirements of this ordinance with respect to buildings, roadways, walkways and similar facilities. 5.3 Permit to Construct. Upon approval of the map by the Planning Commis- sion. Health Officer and the Director of Public Works. each shall cause one copy of the map to be endorsed showing such approval. The Director of Pub- lic Works shall then Issue a pennlt to construct the mobile home park pur- suant to the application and map as approved, and all improvements proposed to be constructed therein; provided. however. that all necessary buildings. electrical and plumbing permits as may be required by any other ordinance or ordinances of the City of Gilroy are duly Issued. 5.4 Application Fee. The application fee for permit to construct a mobile home park shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00). 5.5 Application to Enlarqe Exlstinq Mobil Home Park. 5.51 The provisions of Sections 5.1, 5.2. 5.3 and 5.4 shall apply to all applications to enlarge. change or In any way modify any mobile home park or trailer park existing on the effective date of this ordinance; pro- vided. however. that In addition said applIcation shall be accompanied by plans showing the exist:ng park, the location of trailer sites. road- ways. walkways, sanitation facIlities, sewer facilities and d~alnage fa- cilities situated on such existing park. 5.52 No permit to enlarge such existing park shall be granted unless or until such park shall meet alJ the requirements of this ordinance excluding the requirement for the minimum park size as provided in Sec- tion 2.1. 5.6 license to Operate. 5.61 Upon completion of a mobile home park pursuant to the permit to construct. the owner. operator or person Intending to operate the same shall file an application to operate with the Director of Finance on the form prescribed by him. 5.62 Said application shall be accompanied by a fee as prescribed In the Business License Ordinance. 5.6) Upon receipt of said application the Director of Finance shall re- - fer It to the Director of Public Works and the Health Officer who shall Inspect said park to determine if all of the Improvements required to be made under the permit to construct have been constructed and installed, and that the park conforms to all of the requirements of this ordinance, and upon approval thereof by the Director of Public Works and the Health Officer, the Director of Finance shall thereupon Issue a license to operate. 5.64 The license to operate shall be for the term of one year and shall be renewed thereafter uPOn application and payment of the fee prescribed in Section 5.62 of this ordinance and upon approval by the Director of Public Works and the Health Officer that the park conforms to all the requirements of this ordinance. 5.65 J:1.Ee.!!s.! .,!o_ORe.r.ale_a.n ~x.ls!i.!!9...M.2bll.! .Ho,me_oL !r.!lle,! !a,!k~ Licenses to operate mobile home or trailer parks existing and operating on the effective date of this ordinance shall be Issued as follows: 5.651 The owner or operator shall file an application with the Director of Finance on the fonm prescribed by him which shall for the first ap- plication after the effective date of this ordinance be accompanied by a map showing: (a) Date, north point, and written and graphic scale. (b) The location and names of existing streets within the vicinity of the park. (e) Existing sewers. culverts, wells or other public utilities within the park. (d) The location and use of existing building and structures in the park. (e> The layout of each basically different type ef site upon which a trailer or mobile home Is situated showing the areas of usage attributable to each trailer or mobile home. (f) The size of the smallest site occupied by a mobile home or trailer and the average size of a site occupied by a mobile home or trailer. '"'R'","~;'-'.;C:;{;;' "C';::;':",~.~:",'~iX.;::r-'a0:1.%~~,'_t~7f,'}.:!'~~~:~~J';'''',':!Ii't:2:'.~:.:~~'(;;'>t~\il"~W'k.f.'i':!i;",,,,-vJ:"_'::-'!.::/:"~:-,,-,~!~~:-f':~;K$:cS';'t2-~~i;;~",n::!::_"-,o_::c::;,,,'.:"'i"'i;:. , (g) The locatIon and width of all park roadways and walkways. (h) The locatIon of all sanItary, laundry. water. electrical and garbage facilities. 5.652 The application shall be referred to the Health Officer who shall Investigate and Inspect said park to determine whether all of the requIrements for trailer camps and parks as set forth In Part 2. Division 13 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California have been met. Upon approval thereof by the Health Officer. the DI- rector of Finance shall Issue the license to operate. 5.653 The license fee shall be the same as that provided In Section 5.62. 5.654 The license to operate shall be for the term of one year and shall be renewed thereafter upon application and payment of the fee prescribed In Section 5.62 of this ordinance and upon approval by the Health.Offlcer that the park conforms to all of the requirements of this ordinance as applIcable and all of the requirements of Part 2, Division 13 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of CalifornIa. 5.7 RevocatIon or Susoenslon. 5.71 "Any lIcense to operate a mobIle home or trailer park granted hereunder may be revoked or suspended by the City Council for the vIola- tion of any of the provisions of this ordinance. fraud. In obtaIning the license to operate or for conductIng and operating the traIler or mobile home park In such a manner as to constitute a menace to the public peace. health, safety and welfare. 5.72 !r.,gc,!dj!r.! ,!o_R.!v.2k.! J:ISe.!ls.!. 5.721 The Health OffIcer shall deliver either personally or by re- gIstered matI a notice to the licensee, which said notice shall contain the following: (a) The provisions of this ordinance, or in the ease of trailer parks existIng on the effective date of this ordinance, the pro- visions of Part 2, Division 13 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California and any regulations adopted pursuant thereto and/or the manner in which the conduct and operation of the trailer or mobile park vIolates said provIsions or constItutes a menace to the public peace, health. safety and welfare. (b) The notice shall set forth the time and place at which the CIty CouncIl will hear the matter of revocatIon or suspension of said license as the ease may be. (e) Require the licensee to appear before the City Council to show cause why said lIcense should not be revoked or suspended. 5.722 SaId notice shall be delivered to said licensee at least ten days prior to the date of the hearIng by the City Council. 5.723 At the hearing by the City Council, the licensee shall have the rIght to appear in person or by counsel and to Introduce such evidence as he may desire In connectIon with the proposed revocation or sus- pension and the license to operate. 5.724 The Council upon hearIng the matter may revoke or suspend the license to operate and Its decIsion thereon shall be final. ARTICLE 6. OPERATING REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Waste Water. Waste water or material from sinks or other plumbing fixtures shall not be deposIted upon the surface of the ground, and all such fixtures must be connected to a sewer system. 6.2 Clear Refuse. The space beneath each mobIle home shall be kept clear of refuse and rubbish and shall not be used for storage. 6.3 I ulfled Petrole Gas. a No cycllnder shall be located wIthin a bulldln9 enclosed on four sides, nor within a trailer coach. nor within five (5) feet of a source of ignition. nor below ground, nor below ground level. nor with the outlet less than five (5) feet away from any building opening which Is below the level of such outlet. No more than two (2) vessels having an aggreg8te capacity of twenty-five (25) gallons shall be lo- cated on any mobile home or trailer. Such vessels shall be securely but not permanently fastened to the trailer hitch bracket. The discharge from safety valves shall be vented in such a manner as to prevent any Impingement of escaping LPG upon the vessel. and such discharge point shall be not less than five (5) feet. measured hori- zontally from any building opening which Is below such discharge. (b) Each tank shall be located wIth respect to the nearest source of ignition or line of property adjoining. which may be built upon In accordance with the following table. Vessels and first-stage re- gulating equipment carrying more than 20 psi pressure shall be located 'outside the buildings or trailer coaches except as hereinafter pro-- vlded. Each Individual vessel shall be located with respect to the nearest important building or group of buildings or line of property adjoining, which mty be built upon. In accordance with the following table: Volumetric capacity of vessels Minimum (In U.S. Gallons) Distance Not more than 500 U.s. gallons. . . . . . . . . . . 10 feet SOl to 1,200 U.S. gallons. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 feet Over 1.200 U.S. gallons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 feet (e) Regulating or filling equipment on tanks fitted on consumers' premises shall not be less than IS feet from any opening into or under a building where such opening Is below the level of the outlets of such regulating or filling equipment. (d) Readily Ignitable material shall not be permitted within ten (10) feet of any vessel. regulator, or vaporizer. 6.4 Cvllnder. No cylinder shall be charged within ten (10) feet of any mobile home or structure In a mobile home park. 6.5 ReQlster. Every person who owns or operates a mobile home park shall keep a register In which shall be entered (.) the name and address of each guest who is the owner or operator of an automobile or mobile home, and the name and address of each member of his party. for which space Is rented; (b) the make, type and license number of the automobile, and mobile home. If any, and the state In which such vehicle or vehicles Is or are register- ed and the year of registration. 6.6 Liqh~lnq. In every mobile home park there shall be Installed and kept burning from sunset to sunrise sufficient artificial light to adequately illuminate every building containing public toilets and public showers, and the area containing the mobile home park. 6.7 Animals. Oogs shall not be permitted to run at large. Barnyard ani- mals. Including poultry, are prohibited. 6.8 Caretaker. It Is unlawful for any person to operate or maintain. or cause or penmlt to be operated or maintaIned. any mobile home park, unless there Is a caretaker In the park at all times. The caretaker shall enforce all parts of this ordinance governing the operation and maintenance of m0- bile home parks. "."-,"-';:'.''''.'''''~::1f~'.'''i'::;;:~',:;<lI\y",;,;;:;.-L''l}=",-;';;.>-,.,.,,""'~"'" ''-;;'.''>''_''i<-''_'',,-;'';'~'M';':i'';':-~:'!.',,,",,",'Y.:,,",-,,'''';''l':;t-;:t:t'';'d'''~'.."~-'W':; ,'~"'.~";_-e"';~"c';,"::>.'"#.\X'j;;"_~';\;~,,,"S~~',"~";H^'iIf:c';;:''j!'~;>':r~'~~""~,j.'lZ,'L.":;.':Jo'c;_'-~"Js:.:;-:"r~z;;:j~'i,-.~'~'"t:''';;-:::ill:;;:.[7~'.~2;,;:::c.::;..,;..,~,. 6.9 It shall be unlawful for any person In a mobile home park to cause or permit to be used for occupancy: (a) Any mobIle home from whIch any tire or wheel has been removed therefrom, except for the purpose of making temporary repairs or plac- Ing It In dead storage. (b) Any mobile home to which is attached any rigid water, gas or sewer pipes; provided, however, that metal tubIng not to exceed one- half Inch InsIde diameter may be used for water and gas. (e) Any mobIle home which Is permanently attached with underpinning or foundation to the ground. (d) Any mobile home which does not conform to the requirements of the Vehicle Code. (e) Any mobile home whIch Is structurally unsound and does not protect its habitants against the elements. (f) Any mobile home wIth a water pipe outlet which Is not connected to the park sanitary sewage system. (g) Any mobile home which does not carry a current yearly lIcense In accordance wIth the current registration requirements of the State of Ca 11 forn I a . (h) Any mobile home site not occupied by a mobile home. (I) Any mobile home site on which Is located more than one mobile home. 6.10 It shall be unlawful for any park owner, operator. or his employee or agent to rent, lease, sublease. let or hire out for occupancy any mobile home wIthin a mobile home park or any space occupied by a mobile home when such mobile home Is in the possession or control of such park owner. opera- tor. employee or agent. 6.11 Tent camping Is prohibited In Mobile Home Parks. ARTICLE 7. APPEALS, ENFORCEMENT, VIOLATION 7.1 ADDeals. Any person aggrieved by any order or decision of the Planning Commission. Director of Public Works or Health Officer In granting. approv- ing or disapproving any application to construct a trailer or mobile home park or in the granting or denying of a license to operate a trailer or mobile home park may appeal such order or decision of the City CouncIl by filing a written notice of appeal to the City Clerk. The City Council shall set the appeal for publiC hearing and give notice thereof by publicatIon at least ten days before the date set for hearing. At such hearIng the Council shall hear and consIder all evidence submitted by the appellant and any other interested person, and shall determine whether the decision appeal- ed from shall be sustained. overruled or modified. Such decision shall be final in all respectS. 7.2 Effect of Ordinance On ExlstlnQ Trailer Courts. Trailer parks exist- Ing upon the effective date of thIs ordinance shall not be deemed to be governed by the requirements of this ordinance. except as to those provi- sions requiring licenses to operate. and the fees required, except that If and when any such existing traIler camp or court Is proposed to be enlarged. then prior to the enlargement thereof such trailer court must In all respects conform to the requirements of this ordinance except the provisions of Sec- tion 2.1. Such existing trailer parks shall be governed by the provisions of Part 1, Division 13 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of CalIf- ornia and any and all rules and regulations as may have been adopted pur- suant thereto. 7.3 Constitutionality. If any section. subsection. sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held by a court of competent juriSdiction to be unconstitutional, such decIsion shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The CIty Council hereby expressly declares that It would have passed and adopted this ordi- nance and each section, subsection. sentence. clause and phrase hereof Ir- respective of the fact that anyone or more of said sections. subsections. sentences. clauses or phrases hereof be held unconstitutional. 7.4 Penalty. Any person. firm or corporation violating any provIsions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). or by Imprisonment In the City Jail not to exceed six (6) months for each violation, or by both such fine and Imprisonment. 7.5 JJ1.ectlve Date. This ordihante Shalt be InfuJl force and effect thlrt~.ys after Its adoption. 7.6 ~eD..1 of C9"fllctli1Q Orslil1anees. An ordinances .nd p'rts of ordl- nancet Jn conn let her.wTth ate hereby repealed. PASSED and ADOPTED thts 5th, day of foJ loWlftg vote: December. . , 1960 by the AYES: COUNCIL MtMsERSi Goodrich,Jordan,Pate,Petersen,Rush, Wentworth, and Sanchez. COUNCil MEHBERS~ None COUNCil MEMBERS: None NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: (-'> )1ldhA1/'nU ~, f?t-<-j1V-1 CITY CLERK U APPROVED: ~ / , /.' /' ~../ c fL,-r~L-:;lX--'- , MAYOR L/ I, Susanne E. Payne , City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Ordi- nance No. 642____is a tyUO and correct copy of the whole of such Ordinance, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 5th day of December , 19~, at which meeting a quorum was present. I further certify that the said ordinance has been pub- lished in accordance with the charter of the City of Gilroy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af- fixed the official seal of the City of Gilroy, this 6th day of December 19 60 . , ---- :; Cr)z?M1'J11&I -city Clerk of