Ordinance 679 AI ' 1 \t .y; ORDINANCE NO. 679 ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBDIVISION 20 OF SECTION 22 OF ORDINANCE ~(). 646 BY DECREASING '!"BE ~OUNT. OF LICENSE FEE TO BE PAm BY CON- TRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORSt AND ALSO AMENDING SECTION 21 OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 646 PROVIDING FOR THE GENERAL BUSINESS LICENSE FEES TO BE PAID IN THE CITY OF GILROY 0 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 21 of Ordinance No. 646 of the City of Gilroy is hereby amended to read as follows: GENERAL BUSINESS LICENSE: Every person, firm or cOrporation, conducting, managing, or carrying on, at a fixed place of business in the City of Gilroy, any business, trade, profession, or calling, whether as a merchant or otherwise, not otherwise specifically licensed by other sections of this ordinance shall pay a license tax, for revenue purposes only unless otherwise specified, the amount of which shall be fixed and regulated as to the amount of the gross quarterly receipts of such business, trade, profession, or calling, as follows, to wit: Where the gross quarterly receipts do not exceed $2,000.00, the license tax shall be $3.00 per quarter; Where the gross quarterly receipts exceed $2,000.00 but not $3,000.00 the license tax shall be $4.00 per quarter; Where the gross quarterly receipts exceed $3,000.00 per quarter, an additional license tax shall be paid at the rate of $.50 per quarter for each $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, by which such gross quarterly receipts exceed $3,000.00 and up to and including $45,000.00; Where the gross quarterly receipts exceed $45,000.00 per quarter, an additional license tax shall be paid at the rate of $.25 per quarter for each $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, by which such gross quarterly receipts exceed $45,000.00 and up to and including $100,000.00; Where the gross quarterly receipts exceed $100,000.00 per quarter an additional license tax shall be paid at the rate of $.20 per quarter for each $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, by which such gross quarterly receipts exceed $100,000.00 and up to and including $200,000.00; (0 '7 cl Where the gross quarterly receIpts ex~eed $200,000.00 per quarter, <3n addItional license tax saall be ..aid at the rate of $.15 per quarter for each $l.oOO,.,OQ, or frncttcm thereGf$l by whIeh such gross quarterlyre~.lpts exceed $200,000.00 nnd .up to and IncludIng $300,,000.00; Wh~re the gross quarterly receIpts exceed $300,000.00 per quarter) an <3ddltIonal lIcense tax shall be paId ~t the rat€ of $.10 per quarter for each $l~OOO.OO, or fractIon thereof, by whI~h such gross quarterly receIpts exceed $300,000.00; Pf$vIded, however, that In the ~ent Gny new busIness aiaIl be started In the CIty of Gilroy, and the LI_ensa Collect0r Is unable to 0btaI~, and such busIness Is unable to furnIsh a statement showIng the gross re~etpts of smId busIness, then, and In such event, th~ LicenSe collec:tor shJlU ~ollect the sum of $2.50 each ~nd every month durIng ths tIme saId busIftess Is S0 operated, untIl such tIme as the gross receIpts of saId busIness may be determined pursuant to th~ terms hereof. SECTION 2", SubdIvla;Ion 20 of SectIon 22 of OrdInance 646 Is hereby am~d~d to read as fo 119ws: CONTRACTORS ANP SUBCONTRACTORS.. Any contractor or sub... contractor as defined by theD~partmen~ ofProfessl.naI and VocatIonal Standards of the State of CalIfornI~ QOntta.tIng to do work In the CIty of GIlroy shall pay a lIcense fee as follows: quarterly $20.00; semIwAnnually $35.00; annu4Ily $60.00. When a lIcense fee of $20.00 hAS been paId for the fIrst quarter of aay fiscal year the Ucensee may obtaIn a lIc~ens~ for the remaInIng three quarters for a fee of $40.00. Before IssuIng any lIcense pursuant to thIs paragraph, th~ applIcant shall exhIbit to the LIcense Collector evidence of Issuan<re to ~ppUeant of any State lIeense requIr~d by the l~ws of the State of CalIfornia to be procured by .pplI~ant as a condition to his rIght to engage In the business of contractIng In Callf9rnia. SECTION 3", All OrdInances Gnd parts of Ordlnanc;es In cenfllct wI th thIs OrdInance ~re hereby repealed. SECTtON 4. ThIs OrdInan$e shall take effe4t ~nd be in full f.rce en July 1, 1962. PASSED and ADOPTED thIs 2lst U L l dayef May) 1962~ by the followIng votes: AVES: NOES: COUNclL MEMBERS: Duffin,Goodrich,Jordan,Petersen,Quartirol i, Clnd S.elnchez. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Wentworth APPROVED: ~'/ /' By: .::J( ,-,0 Mr,lt:->-Z __ _/ . i "'a~ J "~l I II 11 ATTEST; , ) . ': J. '-I"'~ 9~~10;/<;~2~ .. , 1 .;: I , SUSANNE E. PAYNE , City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Ordinance No. 679 is a true and correct copy of the whole of such Ordinance, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy, at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 21st day of May , 19 62 ,at which meeting a quorum was present. I further certify that the said ordinance has been pub- lished in accordance with the charter of the City of Gilroy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Gilroy, this 22nd May , 19~. day of ? ., ."\ ....iQ)"ll/ City Clerk of