Ordinance 757 ORDINANCE NO. 12!.- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE IV OF CHAPTER 21 OF THE GILROY CITY CODE BY REPEALING SECTIONS 21.97 to 21.105 INCLUSIVE, and ADOPTING IN LIEU THEREOF BY REFERENCE ORDINANCE NO. NS-llOO. 29 OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA RELATING TO EXCAVATING AND GRADING AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NOo NS-llOO.21.1 OF SAID COUNTY1 WITH CERTAIN DESIGNATED EXCEPTIONS THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I: Sec. 21.97 to 21.105 of the Gilroy City Code are hereby repealed and in lieu thereof, the Council does hereby adopt, by reference, the same as though fully herein set forth, Ordinance No. NS-llOO.29 of the County of Santa Clara relating to excavating and grading, as amended by Ordinance No. NS-llOO.29.1 of said County of Santa Clara, with the following exceptions: 1. The words "City of Gilroy" are hereby substituted in the place of "County of Santa Claraft wherever the latter occur in the body of the Santa Clara County ordinance. 2. Wherever the word "Director" appears in said ordinance or said amendment thereto, it shall mean "Director of Public Works of the City of Gilroy". 3. Any reference to a zoning ordinance in said County ordinance or amendment thereto shall mean the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Gilroy 4. Subdivision 1 of Section 11.1.2-4.3 is amended to read as follows: An excavation which (a) is 2 feet or less in depth, or (b) which does not create a cut slope greater 'than 5 feet in height and steeper than one-half horizontal to one vert.ical. /.. -" 5. Subdivision "b" of Section 11.1. 2-4.6 of said Santa Clara County ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: (b) Plans and Specifications: With each application for a grading permit and when required by the Director for enforcement of any provisions of this Code, three complete sets of plans, specifications, and profile maps, and seven additional plot plans shall be submitted. Except as waived by the Director for small and unimportant work, the plans shall be prepared and signed by a civil engineer licensed by the state and shall show the following: 1. A vicinity sketch or other date adequately indicating the site location. 2. Property lines of the property on which the work is to be performed. 3. Location of any buildings or structures on the property where the work is to be performed, and the location of any building or structure on land of adjacent property owners which are within fifteen (15) feet of the work. 7,J*"'7 ( 1) 4. Accurate contours showing the topography of the existing ground. 5. Elevations, dimensions, location, extent and the slopes of all proposed grading shown by contours and/or other means. 6. An estimate of the quantity of excavation and fill involved and estimated starting and completion da tes . 7. Detailed plans of all drainage devices, walks, cribbing, dams, or other protective devices to be constructed in connection with, or as a part of, the proposed work, together with a plat or sketch showing the drainage area and estimated runoff of the area served by any drains. 8. Such additional technical information as is required to clarify the above. 6. The said Santa Clara County ordinance is hereby amended by eliminating subdivision (a) of Section 11.1.2-4.9 (Fees) thereof and by amending subdivision (b) of said Section of said Santa Clara County ordinance covering Grading Permit Fees by eliminating any fee for 100 cubic yards or less and by eliminating the designation" (b)" of said Section. 7. SECTION 2 of said Santa Clara County ordinance, as amended, is not a part of this City of Gilroy ordinance. 8. Section 11.1.2-4 of Santa Clara County ordinance is not a part of this ordinance. Section II: All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section III: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby expressly declares that it would have passed and adopted this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase hereof irrespective of the fact that anyone or more of said sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases hereof be held unconstitutional. Section IV: This ordina~e shall take effect and be in full force thirty (3Q days from and after its passage and approval. This ordinance was introduced at a regular session of the City Council and ordered published by title and summary at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 4th day of October, 1965, and finally adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 18th (2) day of October, 1965, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTES:r : /-, .<,/ ) / COUNCILMEMBERS :A 11 emand, Duff in, Ecka rd ,Goodr i ch, Wentworth, and Petersen. COUNCILMEMBERS :Quarti rol i COUNCILMEMBERS :None APPROVED. ~ >f'/ ....,--..- / ./.... - c' ,...."".".."".;.,.,'-., "" /( - , _, .' /'.. ......, . j/ <-..J?.-<:"_R_--L..z..C!..,,-r:.. Mayor rJ)')./o/(/.'/yJu i [V;t:'/Zt,'./) ~ t,.......&f f/i/j/r/./ Y City Clerk ( 3) ,. ORDINANCE NO. NS-llOO.29.1 AN ORDINANCE A.V!T<.J\TDING SECTION 11.1.2-4.9 OF THE COUNTY ORDINANCE CODE RELATING TO EXCAVA- TION AND GP,ADING FEES. I I The HOCllrd of SuperViiS'Oil'S of ,the County 'Of Samta Clara, St9;te r,( Cs'}irc'f":"lIe, do o:od"rin 'rus fol,]ows: SECTION 1: :Seotilon 11.1.2-4.9 ,j!S amended to reaJd as foHows: 1 LL2-4.9: Fe~s (:1) Plan-checking Fee: Tore}<Ccav,a,tion land f;i,lI on rtbe s''''me s'lte, Ithe fee sha'll :bebHsed on Ithe volume of :the eX'cavl2ltilOln or fBL "",hi'chever is grealter. Before ac- cErpti'll!g a :se,t 'ad' plan1s ,a:nd speoifioaltilQlll's for cheakring, tlhe DireCitorSiba:ll c'Olleot a plan-checking fee. Sep- alr'2lt0 nerm,!,tls e:nd fees sha'l1 8'PDlv ,t,o reta:inilng waills elf major 'dl'alirn::lIg;e suructures las 'indioa,ted elsewhere in 'Inii!::; C'()Ide. There sha'll be no :S'epal!1aJte chalrge for ,slDamrdamd itermce drair,ls ,and ,simHarfaciliities. The PI'''1,O'l.]I:1.t of ,the p18in"cheoki'J1Ig fee for grading p1ans sha,la he as set ,!'orth in TaJble No. 70-A. TA,BLE No. 70...'\ PLAN-CHECKING FEES 50cuhi,c Y'al1ds or less mm................mm..m'mm No Fee 51 1;0 100 cubric yards um.mm....'....................mm. $10.00 1 ()1 ,+f) Inno cllibi:c ,-"g'rds ...mm...m......mm......m... 15.00 1001 Ito 100,00 cubi,c ymds .h.........mmm....mm..m 20.00 J () 001 It'o ]On 000 euibi~ v~'rds -- $20.0.0 for rtJhe fkst 10000 cUlbk V'alrds plus $10.00 for each 'addilmooall 10.0,00 eulbk ya:rdsor lfimotion thereof. 100.001 Ito 200,000 cubic Y'ardrs - $110.00 for t1he fi:rst 1000,00 cubk YPJrds, pIlUS $6.00 far €achadrli'monal 10000 oubik yards lOr fralctJion 'thereof. 20000.1 ouibk yal1'ds lOr mOl"e - $170,00 :liar ,the flilI1st 200.000 culbilc yards. plus $3.00 -tior 'eaoh additional 10,000 oobic Y'rurds lOr fmotion thereof. ~b) Gr::!din~ Permit Fees: A !'ee for each gmdring permit el'-'9M he :pla.id to Ithe Bui1dilng Ofifiidrulais ,set fonth in TaJb1>e No. 70,B. TArBLE No. 70~B GRArDING PERMWI' FEES 50cubi'c y,ards 'Or less ....................m......m............ $10.00 I 51 to 100 cubic ya:rds mm....................mm.m........ 15.00 101 to 1000 cubic ya:l1ds - $15.00 for the fkst 100 enbi'c yards, prIus $7.00 for Caleb add~,tiollia,l 100 ,cubic yalrds or fl1aotion :th'ereof. 1001 Ito 10,000 culbi,c yards - $78.00 13011 the f~IIist 1000 cubd.'c y,ards, prIus $6.00 :liar ,eaoh adcHtional 1,000 cubic 'Y1a:rds 'Or fmotJi'On ,thereof. 10,001 Ito 100,000oobic yards - $132.00 :for the fl' t 10',000 oulbic Y'Uirds plus $27.00 for each 'addi'tio, I 10 aDO oub:ic y,a;rds Of ,firaoNlOn Ithereof. 100,001 'ourbilC y,airds or more -$375.00 for 1Jhe f st 100,.000 cUlbic yards, :plus $15.00 Tor ,eaoh OOdimonaJ. 10 000 :oubi:e yards or~r3!otilQrn ,thereof. GraJdi'llig permilt !fees wiH be 1WIa:i,ved when cOIllISltroomon j,s under Ithe supm.vision of ia OilVli:1 EnlgJirneer. The fee ltior a igil1ading permilt authoID2JilIlJg iaJdd:iltionaI \-vork tlOtha:t under avall:id permilt shaJ~1 be ltile dif- ferenoe !between ,tlhe fee :pallid ,fortJhe loI1tg,i[JJaJl permit and ,the 'fee sholWn :liar Itheentke ipl1ojeot. SECTION 2: 'I1hils Ordi'!l'anrce shaM take ,effect ~nd be lin fiol1ce on and ,,,-f,ter ,thirty (3D) days f,rom H:s passage, lal1ld !befiore the expiiJ:laJtion of Ifilf,ueen (15) days ,arfter riltJs passage, ii,tShaJH !be :publ:ilshed .ol1lce viith Ithe !DiaffiOS orf Itthe members of 'the iBoaro of ISupervisors '{oiilng for ,and agaulns:t the ,same,sa:id pulblrioaJtiOlll :to !be made ,in a !newspaper lof generaJI drcUllation pUlbl:irShed in ithe Oounlty of Sal:1.ltlCl Cllall'a. P AJSISED AND A:DOPTBD by Ithe Board of SUipervi:SOI1S of ,the Couinity IQlf Santa Oku11a, SrtaJte lof Oaililfiomia, :tIhiIS 2nd day of November, 1964, Iby ItJhe ,fiollLowil!llg Viote: A YiES: Supervisors, L'eVlin, De1:l:a Mruggiore, S:pangiler, iMehrrken:s, SaJllIohez. NOES: Supervisors: None. A:BSEJNT: Superv~SOI1s: Nonie. M. J. SPA:NGLER, Cha:i'I'IInaJIl, Boal1d iOf SupervilSors. ATI1ElST: JEAN PULLAN, Ollerk, Boall1d 'Of SupevvmSOl'Is. (November 6, 1964 - 300 - 5(0) I , SUSANNE E. PAYNE , City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Ordinance No. 757 Is an original ordinance, duly adopted by the Counci 1 of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 18th day of Oct0ber , 19 65 , at which meeting a quorum was present. . I further certify that the said ordinance has been pub- lished in accordance with the charter of the City of Gilroy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af- fixed the official seal of the City of Gi Iroy, this 19th day of 65 /City Clerk of the Cit