Ordinance 891 .. -' ORDINANCE NO. 891 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GILROY REVISING REGULATIONS FOR THE LOCATION, ERECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF MOBILE HOME OR TRAILER PARKS, PROVIDING MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR THE DESIGN OF MOBILE HOME OR TRAILER PARKS, AND REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: Sectiom25.l, 25.4, 25.6 to 25.9 inclusive, 25.14 to 25.19 inclusive, 25.21 and 25.25 to 25.31 inclusive of the Gilroy City Code are hereby repealed. SECTION II: Section 25.10 of the Gilroy City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 25.10. Permit to enlarge, change, etc., mobile home parks. A Conditional Use Permit will be required to enlarge, change or modify any existing mobile home park. No Conditional Use Permit to enlarge an existing park shall be granted unless or until such park shall meet all the '" requirements of this chapter excluding the requirement for the minimum park size as provided herein. SECTION III: The following sections of the Gilroy City Code are hereby adopted in the place of the sections above repealed: ARTICLE 1. IN GENERAL. Sec. 25.1. Definition. Mobile Home Park. Any area or tract of land that has been developed to the Mobile Home Park Standards where space is rented to owners or users of Mobile Homes to be used for living purposes. Sec. 25.4. Criteria. The contents of this chapter do hereby consitute the minimum standards for locational criteria and physical development from these standards may be permitted only by the Planning Commission upon such reasons as they deem valid. C(~71 The criteria as set forth in this chapter shall be considered by the City of Gilroy in the determination as to whether or not a proposed Mobile Home Park is so located as to be an asset to the City, will contribute to the well-being of the community in general, will not be in detriment to persons who reside or work in the area, will not be an encroachment into a developed area, but will lend itself to the overall design of the general area, will comply with the applicable governmental regulations and will be compatible with the General Plan. Mobile Home Parks may be permitted in any zone in the City of Gilroy, subject to obtaining a Conditional Use Permit. Access Mobile Home Parks shall be located adjacent to arterial or collector streets or adjacent to a designated freeway frontage road provided further that if located adjacent to a collector street or designated freeway frontage road it should be a reasonable distance from an arterial street or freeway access ramp. Community Services Mobile Home Parks should be located within reasonable proximity to parks, schools, (if a family type park), shopping facilities and other residential support facilities. ARTICLE II. APPLICATIONS AND LICENSES Sec. 25.6. Conditional Use Permit Mobile Home Park Developments are permitted in the City of Gilroy subject to the granting of a Conditional Use Permit by the Planning Commission upon such terms and conditions deemed necessary to insure proper development. The Commission must find prior to the granting of a Conditional Use Permit that the: -2- ,-,-,""~"_~""""",~;:.,.,,,,..._:.-:,;,....,~~,,,,,,,,;,,;;;.,.;,,,,,,,...,,,,,,...,...~..,,",,,,,,<#,,,,,,,,,,,,-",,,~~_,,~"',",,,_,",,_.-->_,.-..._.........,~..-,,,,~.~~,,,,,,,,,,,,.,..",."I"""',,",","^""'".......It" ". ~ (a) Proposed use would not be detrimental to the public interest, safety, health, morals, and general welfare; and (b) That the proposed use is essential and desirable to the public convenience and welfare; and (c) That the proposed use would not impair the integrity and character of the development in the immediate neighborhood; and (d) That the proposed use will not be contrary to or in conflict with the general purposes and intent of this chapter. Sec. 25.7. Application to Construct Mobile Home Park. (a) Every applicant for a permit to construct, establish and maintain a Mobile Home Park shall file a written application with t he Planning Commission of the City of Gilr oy for a Conditional Use Permit. (b) The application shall contain the name and address of the applicant, the proposed location of the park and the name and address of the owner or proprietor of the park. Sec. 25.8. Map to Accompany Application. (a) Each application shall be accompanied with 4 copies of a map prepared by a civil engineer or surveyor, clearly and legibly drawn on tracing cloth or paper not smaller than 18 inches by 26 inches, with a scale of one inch equals fifty fee t. (b) The map shall contain the following: 1. Name and address of owner, developer and engineer, date, north point and written and graphic scale. 2. Sufficient legal description to define the location and boundaries of the proposed park. 3. The locations, names and widths of all streets adjacent to the proposed park. 4. The property and name of owners of adjacent -3- properties. 5. The location and size of all sewer, water and storm drain facilities within and adjoining the proposed park. 6. Contours of the land at 6 inch intervals for ground slopes between level and 2 percent, 1 foot contours between 2 percent and 5 percent, and 5 foot contours for over 5 percent. 7. Location, width and flow direction of all water courses. 8. Existing buildings or structures and existing uses of the property. 9. Setback or plan lines on existing streets. 10. Improvements to be made to public street or ways. 11. The location and number of all mobile home sites, and the design of all roadways, walkways, electrical, sanitation, sewer drainage and water facilities and the location of parking areas. 12. The sizes of mobile home sites. 13. Location of areas to be landscaped and the location and type of all existing trees with a height of twenty (20) feet or greater. 14. Data showing the bearing and length of every site lines. 15. The centerline of all public streets and rights of way and the location of all easements for sewer, water and storm line, street and boundary line. (c) Said Commission shall determine whether the proposed park meets all the requirements of this ordinance and may require any changes therein which, in its estimation will make the proposed park conform to the requirements of this -4- ordinance. The Commission shall approve the map without conditions, approve the map with changes and conditions or disapprove the map. If a map is disapproved, the Commission shall state the reasons therefor and in what instances the map fails to meet the requirements of this ordinance. (d) One copy of the map as approved by the Planning Commission shall be referred to the Health Officer who shall review the same to determine that the map and all improvements shown thereon proposed to be constructed meet all the requirements of this ordinance with respect to sanitation, water, sewer and drainage facilities. (e) One copy of the map as approved by the Planning Commission shall be referred to the Director of Public Works who shall review the same to determine that the map and all improvements shown thereon proposed to be constructed meets all the requirements of this ordinance with respect to buildings, roadways, walkways and similar facilities. Sec. 25.9. Application fee. The application fee for a Conditional Use Permit for a Mobile Home Park shall be set by Council Resolution. ARTICLE III. PARK STANDARDS. Sec. 25.14. General Mobile Home Park Development Standards. The State of California, through the Department of Housing and Community Development, regulates many aspects of the construction and operation of the park. The City of Gilroy has the jurisdiction in respect to the following: (a) Park area layout and design including architectural design. (b) Lot size and shape (c) Yards (d) Landscaping (e) Walls and enclosures (f) Signs -5- (g) Parking and street widths (h) Service and Recreational facilities Mobile Home Park Area A Mobile Home Park shall have a usable area of not less than 10 acres, except by variance. Long narrow parcels are not deemed desirable for Mobile Home Park Development. Density The maximum density for a Mobile Home Park shall be eight units per net acres. Sec. 25.15. Lot Size and Design. (a) The minimum lot size permitted shall be 2,800 square feet and the average lot size for the total development shall be 3,500 square feet (excluding private streets, guest parking, recreational areas, etc.). Each lot shall have a minimum width of 40 feet except that triangular or gore shaped lots shall have a minimum width of 40 feet measured at a point midway between front and rear property lines. (b) Each Mobile Home lot shall have access directly to a private roadway. (c) The Lot area beneath each individual Mobile Home may be paved with asphaltic concrete a minimum of 60 feet from the front lot line. Each Mobile Home within the park shall be surrounded by solid skirting material. All unpaved areas shall be landscaped or sterilized for weeds. (d) A concrete slab or wooden deck area of 200 square feet minimum shall be provided on each individual Mobile Home Site adjacent to the entrances to the Mobile Home. Sec. 25.16. Setbacks and Lot Coverage. All distances between Mobile Homes and related accessory buildings shall be as per the State of California Rules and Regulations governing the construction of Mobile Home Parks, -6- excepting the following: (a) That no Mobile Home shall be located closer than 20 feet from a park property line adjacent to a public right of way. (b) That no Mobile Home shall be located closer than 5 feet to any internal street line. (c) That no Mobile Home shall be located closer than 5 feet from a park property line other than a property line adjacent to a public right of way. (d) That no Mobile Home shall be located closer than 20 feet to any recreation or community building, or closer than 15 feet to any laundry or service building. (e) No occupied portion of any Mobile Home shall be closer than 5 feet to any lot line. (f) The maximum lot coverage for individual Mobile Home 'lots shall be 75% and at least 300 square feet of a site shall be free of all structures and coverage. Sec. 25.17. Parking. All parking spaces as required by this section, shall measure ten feet in width by twenty feet in depth and shall be surfaced with P.C.C. or asphaltic concrete with header boards and suitable base materials. Guest parking spaces shall be suitably marked outlinging individual parking speces and traffic flow. (a) On-site parking spaces Ear a minimum of two cars shall be provided on each Mobile Home lot. Said spaces may be in tandem (10' x 40'). (b) Off-street parking for guests shall be on the basis of one parking space for each four Mobile Home lots. (c) Off-street parking on the basis of one parking -7- space for each 300 square feet of gross floor space in the recreational, all purpose, or community building, shall be provided. Said spaces shall be located adjacent to said facility or within a 100 foot radius of the exterior walls of the structure. Sec. 25.18. Streets. All streets within a Mobile Home Park shall be private roadways and shall be improved as per specifications of the Public Works Director. The following private roadway widths shall be permitted: (a) A minimum of 26 foot wide private roadway with parking prohibited on both sides. (b) A minimum of 32 foot wide private roadway with parking permitted on one side. (c) A minimum of 40 foot wide private roadway with parking permitted on both sides. (d) A minimum paves access of 40' as approved by the Public Works Director. (e) All roadways shall have rolled curb and gutter. If on-street parking is to be permitted, off-street guest parking on the basis of one parking space for each four Mobile Home spaces will not be required if the total number of on-street spaces provided will equal or exceed the total number of off-street parking spaces required. If the number of on-street parking spaces does not equal the guest parking requirement the difference shall be provided in off- street parking. Off-street parking for the recreation center facility will not be affected by this condition. Sec. 25.19. Walls and Landscaping. (a) The Mobile Home Park shall be surrounded with a six -8- foot high solid block wall, fence or screening acceptable to the Planning Commission on side and rear property lines. However, said wall, fence or screening shall be a maximum of 3 feet in height when within 30 feet of any entrance to or exit from the property. (b) The wall, fence, or screening adjacent to any street frontage shall be decorative in nature, of a design acceptable to the Planning Commission, and shall be set back a minimum of one foot from the property line. The resulting area between sidewalk and fence shall be landscaped. (c) A minimum average of three trees per Mobile Home site shall be planted in landscape areas adjacent to exterior property lines so as to provide a pleasant environment through the provision of color and texture and to prevent a bleak appearance of the visual horizon of the park exterior. (d) Interior areas within the boundaries of the Mobile Home Park surrounding the recreation facility and other miscellaneous common areas shall be landscaped. (e) All required landscape areas other than on individual sites shall be equipped with sprinkler systems to insure ease of maintenance. (f) Detailed landscaping plans shall be submitted in duplicate to the Planning Department to be approved prior to the issuance of permits of any type. Sec. 25.21. Recreation Facilities. (a) A minimum of 350 square feet of area for each Mobile Home site shall be devoted to indoor or outdoor recreational facilities. (b) Any permanent structure for recreational purposes shall be limited to two stories in height, not exceeding 35 feet. -9- ~ (c) Concrete sidewalks a minimum of five feet wide shall be provided from the private roadways to the Recreational Facilities as necessary. ARTICLE IV. SITE STANDARDS Sec. 25.25 Storage Yards. Areas designed for storage of travel trailers, campers, boats, etc., shall be provided within the boundary of the Mobile Home Park as per the following standards: (a) One storage space shall be provided for each five Mobile Home sites in the park. (b) Each storage space shall be 180 square feet in area and shall be adjacent to an access driveway with minimum width of 25 feet. (c) The storage yard shall be located in an unobtrusive manner within the confines of the park. (d) The storage yard shall be paved with asphaltic concrete with suitable base materials. Garbage and Storage Receptacles Storage facilities large enough to hold garbage cans shall be provided for each Mobile Home site, or there shall be central garbage facilities within reasonable proximity to all sites. Clothes Drying Yards Clothes drying yards are to be provided, they shall be completely screened from view from the exterior of the Mobile Home Park in a manner acceptable by the Planning Commission. Car Washing Facilities Car washing facilities shall be provided in a manner acceptable by the Planning Commission. Radio and Television Antennas A central radio and television antenna system shall be provided with underground wiring to the individual lots and service buildings, as -10- ,# required. No individual antennas will be allowed. Utilities All utilities within the Mobile Home Park shall be placed underground. Lighting All private roadways within the Mobile Home Park shall be provided with lighting standards spaced at intervals to insure adequate lighting of the park. Park Grading Park property shall be adequately graded and drained so as to prevent the accumulation of water within the park. Subject to the approval of the Public Works Director. Signs Advertising signs shall be permitted within the confines of the Mobile Home Park for the purpose of identifying the park only. The following sign shall be permitted: 1. A maximum of 8 feet in height, maximum of 40 square feet lighted ground sign subject to all the provisions of the Gilroy sign regulations with respect to signs. Commercial Uses Commercial uses shall not be permitted in any Mobile Home Park irrespective of the zone in which the park is located. Street Names and Lot Numbering All street names and lot numbering shall be submitted for approval to the Planning Department. Offsite Improvements Off-site improvements shall be provided in accordance with specificiations of those city departments concerned. SECTION IV: After public hearings held by the Planning Commission and by the City Council pursuant to due notice of said hearings in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Gilroy; (A) Sections 25.2, 32.2(b) and 33.2(a)(6) of the Zoning Ordinance are hereby repealed, and -11- ;_",~~,_~",;,.;.",,",,~,,,,,,,,,~:.....~*..,,,,,,,;,,,,...,,.t. ""~"'r-.;i'- ....j......".... ',...,.".",." """'_''''''''''''''''''''''''''*':'_~~~''''''~~''''''''''',.6''''''_':f<''~_'''''~'''' . , (B) Section 56 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby enacted to read as follows: Sec. 56 Mobile Home Parks A mobile home park may be permitted in any zoning district if it is first approved under a conditional use permit as provided in Section 71, and if it is established in accordance with all other regulations of the Gilroy City Code. SECTION V: All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION VI: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days frommd after its passage and approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of August, 1970, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: BATREZ, DUFFIN, KENNEDY, PATE, SILVA, WENTWORTH and GOODRICH NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ~:~ Mayor ATTEST: .' ~ ' ;,..- - ~-' . epu ty O~J City C rk -12- . ' ..::" . ..1....- ... Elaine C. Codiga ,Deputy I, ~~J~""t/t'/JlfJMMflZt City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do he'eby certify that the attached Ordinance No. 891 is an original ordinance, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 3rd day of August , 19~, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Gilroy, this 17th day of August , 19 ZQ..... Deputy a