Ordinance 2003-05 ORDINANCE NO. 2003-5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY TO REZONE CERT AIN PARCELS TO CONFORM TO THE CITY'S NEW GENERAL PLAN CATEGORIES. WHEREAS, the City of Gilroy ("City"), the applicant, submitted application Z 02-03 to amend the zoning of certain parcels to conform the zoning of those parcels with the applicable land use designation of the City's newly-adopted General Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on January 2, 2003, at which time the Planning Commission considered the public testimony, the Staff Report dated December 19, 2002, ("Staff Report"), and all other documentation related to application Z 02- 03, and unanimously recommended that the City Council approve said application; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on January 21, 2003, at which time the City Council considered the public testimony, the Staff Report, and all other documentation related to application Z 02-03; and WHEREAS, the City prepared an Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") for the City's General Plan Update and on June 13, 2002, certified the Final EIR for the General Plan Update and adopted a Statement of Overriding Considerations in compliance with California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), and the potential environmental effects of this project were thoroughly analyzed in that Final EIR, and no further environmental review for this project is required pursuant to California Public Resources Code section 21083.3 and CEQA Guidelines section 15183; and WHEREAS, the City desires to amend the zoning of certain parcels as shown on the attached Exhibit "A" to conform the zoning of those parcels with the applicable land use designation of the City's newly-adopted General Plan; and WHEREAS, the location and custodian of the documents or other materials which constitute the record of proceedings upon which this project approval is based is the office of the \NVH\585592.1 01.040803.04706002 -1- Ordinance No. 2003-5 City Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I The City Council finds that: A. The proposed rezomng IS consistent with the General Plan Land Use Designation and the objectives, policies and programs of the City's General Plan document. B. The proposed rezoning will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to persons or property in the vicinity of the new districts. C. The proposed rezoning will not have any adverse affect on the environment. SECTION II Based on the above findings, Zoning application Z 02-03 is hereby approved to change the zoning designations of certain parcels within the City as shown on the attached Exhibit "A," which is hereby incorporated by reference, and the City's zoning map. SECTION III If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or otherwise void or invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. SECTION IV This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after the date of its passage and adoption. \NVH\585592.1 01-040803-04706002 -2- Ordinance No. 2003-5 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of May, 2003, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: A TTESr _ ...... ...) \,-4 /l;u' {J~ / '. . 'J . .. ,'" Co,! LV'll'\. '.".{ C { .A..... Rhdnda Pellin, City Clerk \NVH\585592.1 01-040803-04706002 DILLON, GARTMAN, MORALES, VELASCO, and SPRINGER ARELLANO PINHEIRO APPROVED: ~ ~,~"'"~ Thomas W. Springer, -3- Ordinance No. 2003-5 _~/15/03 TUE 10:42 FAX 4089382579 BERLINER & COHEN 141005 Zoning Map Update April 10, 2003 Book Page Parcel New Designation New Zone Previous Map# Comments 790 08 017 Educational/Med Density pF/R2 A1 12 GUSD 841 18 042 Gen Svcs Com/Gen Ind C3/M2 C3 34 790 07 001 Gen Svc::s Com/Low Density R1/C1/ND R1 11 841 10 027 General Industrial M2 OS 32 841 10 039 General Industrial M2 OS 32 841 18 049 General Industrial M2 OS 35 Not Prime 841 1a 050 General Industrial M2 OS 35 Not Prime 835 05 004 General Industrial M1 A1 Prime 16 ae: 835 05 016 General Industrial M1 A1 .. Prime 16 sc 835 05 023 General Industrial M1 A1 Prime 16 ac 635 05 024 General Industrial M1 A1 '" Prime 16 ac 835 06 002 General Industrial M1 A1 .. Prime 16 ac 835 06 043 General Industrial M1 A1 Prime 16 ae 790 07 005 General Sen/ices Commercial C1 R1 11 790 07 006 General Services Commercial C1 R1 11 790 07 012 General Services Commercial C1 R1 11 790 32 050 General Services Commercial C1 PO 16 790 39 024 General Services Commercial C3 PO 17 799 01 024 General Services Commercial C1 R2 20 799 02 012 General Services Commercial C1 R2 21 799 21 001 General Services Commercial C1 PO 24 799 21 009 General Services Commercial C1 PO 24 . 799 21 010 General Services Commercial C1 PO 24 799 21 011 General Services Commercial C1 PO 24 799 21 039 General Services Commercial C1 PO 24 799 46 006 General Services Commercial C3 R1 26 799 46 007 General Services Commercial C3 R1 26 835 04 063 General Services Commercial C3 M1 31 835 04 064 General Services Commercial C3 M1 31 841 16 004 General Services Commercial CM M2 33 641 16 029 General Services Commercial CM M2 33 841 16 114 General Services Commercial CM M2 33 841 74 001 General Services Commercial eM M2 33 841 74 002 General Services Commercial CM M2 33 841 74 003 General Services Commercial CM M2 33 841 74 004 General Services Commercial eM M2 33 841 14 028 General Services Commercial CM OS Prime 13 ac 841 14 029 General Services Commercial CM OS Prime 13 ae 841 31 003 General Services Commercial CM OS " Prime 141 ac 841 31 014 General Services Commercial CM OS Prime 141 se 841 31 019 General St::rvices Commercial CM OS Prime 141 Be 841 31 021 General Services Commercial CM OS " Prime 141 ac 841 31 022 General Services Commercial CM OS Prime 141 ac 799 18 001 High Density Residential R4 PF 23 Wheeler Hosp 799 31 005 High Density Residential R3 R1 25 808 01 016 High Density Residential R3 R1 27 80a 11 001 High Density Residential R4 C3 28 808 11 002 High Density Residential R4 C3 28 B08 11 003 High Density Residential R4 C3 28 80B 12 027 High Density Residential R4 C3 29 Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT A 04/15/03 TUE 10:42 FAX 4089382579 BERLINER & COHEN 141 006 808 12 028 High Density Residential R4 C3 29 783 23 001 Low Density R1 RH 7 790 16 057 Low Density Res R1 A1 14 Not Prime 790 16 061 low Density Res R1 A1 14 Not Prime 783 01 004 low Density Res. R1 R3 2 783 01 005 Low Density Res. R1 R3 2 783 01 006 Low Density Res. R1 R3 2 790 17 011 Low Density Res. R1 A1 15 Not Prime 790 06 032 Med Density R2 R1 10 790 12 016 Mad Density R2 A1 13 Prime < 10 783 S3 002 Park/Educational Facility PF R1 B Luigi Aprea 783 5J 003 Park/Educational Facility PF R1 8 Luigi Aprea 790 08 016 Parl<lMed Density PF/R2 A1 12 GUSD 790 08 015 Park/Recreation Facility PF A1 12 GUSD 799 17 071 PubliclPublic-Public Facility PF R1 22 City Complex 790 40 021 Public/Quasi-Public Facility PF R1 18 Fire Station 783 46 081 PubliC/Quasi-Public Facility PF RH 36 783 46 082 Public/Quasi-Public Facility PF RH 36 783 02 019 Res. Hillside RH R1 3 Parcels 69 . F'Eltlding Aj;jriCl,lltullll Mlti5llltlon Program Page 2 of 2 I, RHONDA PELLIN, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Ordinance No. 2003-05 is an original ordinance, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 5th day of May, 2003, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 23rd day of May, 2003. \ ..)i~ " '::::A · ILL }Lei z !f-~ j City Clerk of the City of Gilroy [If "..... ... (Seal)