Ordinance 2005-05
AT 6460 - 6490 CHESTNUT STREET, APN 841-15-069
WHEREAS, applicant Emsee Transportation Co. (c/o Mike Conrotto), submitted
application Z 03-10 to change the zoning designation on property identified as APN 841-15-069
from M2 (General Industrial) to CM (Commercial Industrial) on approximately 6 acres located at
6460 - 6490 Chestnut Street; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on January 6,
2005, at which time the Planning Commission considered the public testimony, the Staff Report
dated December 27, 2004 ("Staff Report"), and all other documentation related to application
Z 03-10; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission continued its deliberation of application Z 03-10
at a duly noticed public meeting on February 3, 2005, at which time the Planning Commission
recommended that the City Council adopt the proposed Negative Declaration for the project and
approve said application; and
WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on February 22,2005, at
which time the City Council considered the public testimony, the Staff Report, a follow-up staff
report dated February 8, 2005, and all other documentation related to application Z 03-10; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), the City
Council on January 22, 2005, adopted a mitigated Negative Declaration for this project, finding
that the Negative Declaration was completed in compliance with CEQA, that it reflects the
Ordinance No. 2005-05
independent judgment of the City, and that there is no substantial evidence in the record that the
project as mitigated will have a significant effect on the environment; and
WHEREAS, the location and custodian of the documents or other materials which
constitute the record of proceedings upon which this project approval is based is the office of the
City Clerk.
The proposed rezoning is substantially consistent with the land use designation on the
City's General Plan Map and with the intent of the goals and policies of the General Plan
There is no substantial evidence in the entire record that this project as mitigated will
cause any significant environmental impacts.
This project will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to persons or
property in the vicinity.
Public utilities and infrastructure improvements needed in order to serve the proposed
project are adjacent to the site.
Based on the above findings, Zoning application Z 03-10 is hereby approved subject to the
mitigation measures set forth in the Negative Declaration attached hereto as Exhibit A, and to the
Mitigation-Monitoring Program for this project, which is hereby adopted and attached hereto as
Exhibit B, both attachments incorporated herein by this reference.
If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause or phrase of this
Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or otherwise void or invalid by any court
Ordinance No. 2005-05
of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of
this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and
each section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact
that anyone or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses or phrases be
declared unconstitutional.
This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after the date of its
passage and adoption.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21 st day of March, 2005, by the following vote:
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Rhonda Pellin, City Clerk
18BOl650890 .1
Ordinance No. 2005-05
Community Development Department
Planning Division
City of Gilroy
7351 Rosanna St.
Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 846-0440
City File Number: Z 03-10
Proiect DescriDtion:
Name of Project:
Nature of Project:
Emsee Transportation Company Zone Change
Zone change from M2, General Industrial to eM, Commercial
Industrial to allow existing and future tenants to offer commercial
Proiect Location:
Location: The project site is located at the south end of the City of Gilroy at 6460 to
6490 South Chestnut Street.
Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 841-15-069
Entity or Person Undertakine: Proiect:
Emsee Transportation Company
6478 South Chestnut Street, Suite lA, Gilroy, CA 95020
Initial Studv:
An Initial study of this project was undertaken and prepared for the purpose of
ascertaining whether this project might have a significant effect on the environment. A
copy of this study is on file at the City of Gilroy Planning Department, 7351 Rosanna
Street, Gilroy, CA 95020.
Emsee Transportation Company Lone Change
Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration
Findin2s & Reasons:
The Initial Study identified potentially significant effects on the environment. However, this project has
been mitigated . (see Mitigation Measures below which avoid or mitigate the effects) to a.point-where-no
significant effects will occur. There is no substantial evidence the project may have a significant effect on
the environment. The following reasons will support these findings:
1. The proposal is a logical component of the existing land use of this area.
2. Identified adverse impacts are proposed to be mitigated through preparation of special studies and
construction of off-site improvements_
3. The proposed project is consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the General Plan of the
City of Gilroy.
4. City staff independently reviewed the Initial Study, and this Negative Declaration reflects the
independent judgment of the City of Gilroy.
Miti2ation Measures:
1. Subject to review and approval by the City of Gilroy, the applicant shall design and construct a
traffic signal at the Chestnut Street/Luchessa Avenue intersection prior to occupancy of any new
commercial uses at the project site.
2. Subject to review and approval by the City of Gilroy, the applicant shall construct a sidewalk on the
discontinuous portions along the east side of Chestnut Street in front of the project, as part of
future development proposals at the project site. This shall occur prior to operation of any future
commercial uses at the project site.
3. The applicant shall provide bicycle lockers at the project site prior to operation of any future
commercial uses at the project site_
Date Prepared: November 19, 2004
End of Review Period: December 20, 2004
Date Adopted by City Council:
William F aus
Planning Division Manager
Emsee Transportation Company Zone Change Mitigation Monitoring
CEQA Guidelines Section 15097 requires public agencies to adopt reporting or
monitoring programs whenever they approve projects subject to an
environmental impact report or mitigated negative declaration that includes
mitigation measures to avoid significant adverse environmental effects. The
reporting or monitoring program is to be designed to ensure compliance with
conditions of project approval during project implementation in order to avoid
significant adverse environmental effects.
This law was passed in response to historic non-implementation of mitigation
measures presented in environmental documents and subsequently adopted as
conditions of project approval. In addition, monitoring ensures that mitigation
measures are implemented and thereby provides a mechanism to evaluate
effectiveness of the mitigation measures.
A definitive set of project conditions would include enough detailed information
and enforcement procedures to ensure the measures compliance. This
monitoring program is designed to provide a mechanism to ensure that mitigation
measures and subsequent conditions of project approval are implemented.
Monitoring Program
The basis for this monitoring program is the mitigation measures included in the
project mitigated negative declaration. These mitigation measures are designed
to eliminate or reduce significant adverse environmental effects to less than
significant levels. These mitigation measures become conditions of project
approval, which the project proponent is required to complete during and after
implementation of the proposed project.
The attached checklist is proposed for monitoring the implementation of the
mitigation measures. This monitoring checklist contains all appropriate mitigation
measures in the mitigated negative declaration.
Monitoring Program Procedures
The City of Gilroy shall use the attached monitoring checklist for the proposed
project. The monitoring program should be implemented as follows:
1. The City of Gilroy Community Development Department should be
responsible for coordination of the monitoring program, including the
monitoring checklist. The Community Development Department should be
responsible for completing the monitoring checklist and distributing the
. .
checklist to the responsible individuals or agencies for use in monitoring
the mitigation measures.
2_ Each responsible individual or agency will then be responsible for
. nQ~i~rminlflg_whethertb_~ mitig?ti()n-'!l~?~LJI"~~_c;ont?jlJ~<lin the ffiQl'litC)[ing__
checklist have been complied with. Once all mitigation measures have
been complied with, the responsible individual or agency should submit a
copy of the monitoring checklist to the Community Development
Department to be placed in the project file. If the mitigation measure has
not been complied with, the monitoring checklist should not be returned to
the Community Development Department.
3. The City of Gilroy Community Development Department will review the
checklist to ensure that appropriate mitigation measures and additional
conditions of project approval included in the monitoring checklist have
been complied with at the appropriate time, e.g. prior to issuance of a use
permit, etc. Compliance with mitigation measures is required for project
4. If a responsible individual or agency determined that non-compliance has
occurred, a written notice should be delivered by certified mail to the
project proponent within ten days, with a copy to the Community
Development Department, describing the non-compliance and requiring
compliance within a specified period of time. If non-compliance still exists
at the expiration of the specified period of time, construction may be halted
and fines may be imposed at the discretion of the City of Gilroy.
Emsee Transportation Company Zone Change Mitigation Monitoring
Step 1. Prior to operation of any commercial uses at the project site, the
f6I1owih~fh1itigation measures shall be implemented:
1. Subject to review and approval by the City of Gilroy, the applicant shall
design and construct a traffic signal at the Chestnut StreeULuchessa
Avenue intersection prior to occupancy of any new commercial uses at the
project site.
Party responsible for implementation: Applicant
Party responsible for monitoring: Gilroy Engineering Division
2. Subject to review and approval by the City of Gilroy, the applicant shall
construct a sidewalk on the discontinuous portions along the east side of
Chestnut Street in front of the project, as part of future development
proposals at the project site. This shall occur prior to operation of any
future commercial uses at the project site.
Party responsible for implementation: Applicant
Party responsible for monitoring: Gilroy Engineering Division
3. The applicant shall provide bicycle lockers at the project site prior to
operation of any future commercial uses at the project site.
Party responsible for implementation: Applicant
Party responsible for monitoring: Gilroy Planning Division
I, RHONDA PELLIN, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached
Ordinance No. 2005-05 is an original ordinance, or a true and correct copy of a city ordinance,
duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the
21st day of March, 2005, at which meeting a quorum was present, and has been published or
posted pursuant to law.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of
the City of Gilroy this 31 st day of March, 2005.
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City Clerk of the City of Gilroy