Ordinance 53Sectf n ti. An Engine Company or a Hook.anel OrdinanC O. t7.�. Ladder Company shall be composed of not more AN ORllINANCE to erg .e the Firc Depart - V than sixty.fve nor less than twenty =five, and a ment of the Ci - of Gilroy. Hose Caupauy of not more than twenty -flue nor less t n fifteen males of the full age cf The :Layor ane. Common Council of the City ' o - all, of ,whom )oust be duly of Gilroy do ordain: re}c,ts o%' �n`+urtjdient. The offices E a a'n'y, sha b4 a 30breman, at Iclist one Assi `Fi reman, A Secretary and a Treasurer. A company desiring admission into the Department must make application to the Board of Delegates, accompanying such appli- cation with a copyof th -ir Constitution, signed by at Toast twenty -five males of the age of twenty -one years — except Hose Companies, wh:oh m'iy consiatof fifteen. 1 e uavi 's o: their officers, the residences of their members, and the location they dosire ; and should the Board, by a vote of the majority of it; members, de- aide to recommend the admission of such coin- party, the Secretary of the Department shall for- t ward to the Mayor and Common Council of the city of Gilroy a certificate of such recom- mendation, together with the petition of the company, the constitution of the same, the names of the officers and men, their residences, and the location desired. If such recommenda. tion shall receive the approval of the Mayor and I Common Council, the company shall be de- clared admitted into the Department; and no petition for the - admission of any company sball be entertained by the Mayor and Common Council until it shall have received the reeml. mendation of the Board of Delegates. Section 7. whenever, by reason of deaths, resignations oz expulsions, an Engine or Hook and Ladder Company shall have reduced its roll to less than twenty -five or a Hose Company to ' Tess than fifteen active registered :. :members, it shall be the -duty . of -the - Seers tary of -the. De. partment to forthwith notifythe Chief Engineer, and the Foreman of the company of the faot, I and it shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer to suspend such company until the next stated meeting of the Board of Delegates, when, un. leas a majority of the members composing the Board decide to reinstate the company, it shall be disbanded, Section S. The Common Council shall have sole power to order work and supplies for the Department, and to locate all cisterns and fire company houses hereafter to [be built. All bills for work or supplies shall be certified to the Common Council as other claims are certified, Section 9. The Chief Engineer shall report to the ComRnon Council, in the months of January and July, the number, location and condition of cisterns and ffre apparatus, and the state of fire company houses, and all property of the city in the keeping of said Dejartmont. kls0. all aeoidents by fire "teh may have taken place, with the causes thereof and a o ecript}',o,,n oftli'L property,destroyed or it d -w o namcs4- of the 9*ners of the samepialso,.such other in- formation ands such recommendations as he may deem. proper. He shall, furthermore, in- quire into the cause of all fires, and see that all persous criminally connected therewith are diligently prosecuted by the proper authorities. Section 10. Exempt members of the Depart- ment may organize themselves, to be known and designated as the "Exempt Fire Company;" they shall be subject to the laws of the Depart- ment and the direction of its officers ; they shall be entitled to equal relief from the Fire .Department Charitable Fund; but they shall have no vote or other representation in the De- partment. Section 11. The Board of Delegates sha -1 have power to prescribe a badge to be worn by dully registered members of the Department, when on duty at a fire, and after said Board of De(- gates has prescrihed such Madge, they shall, within 60da creafter,ppMelesuffielentnjum- ber, of such TindRcs for thl' use of duly regis- tered members of the • Department; and any pertion, other than a dimly registered member of thetDepartnnent, who shall wear one of said i badges wille intent to represent or pass himself off as a nntnnber of the Department, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon col - victou thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or by imlirieonment in the city jail not exceeding one month, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sect fell 12. The seal of the Fire Department shall be in the custody of the Secretary of the Fire Department. Section 13. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. Passed this, the 14th day of August, A. D. 1871, by the foliowing vote: )ea— Councilmen Corcy, Finley, Hitchcock, Isaac and S Arben. Nay- Abseil"- Countibnan Veither. Approved, VOINEY HOWARD, Mayor. Attest: GEO. T. GLARa, City Clerk, anl9 Section 1. The Fire Department of the City Of Gilr • s tl enn 'st t a lief En'i ,er o} h ] a1 o C S no. , two Assistant Engineers, a President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Baud of Delegates, to be elected by the members of the Engine Com- pany slid Hook and Ladder Company, now or- ganized, and die companies now organized, and tliosc which may hu•eafter be admitted thereto, in acconlauce with the provisious of this ordi- nance- Section 2, There shall be an etectiou held on the fourth Thurso y of August, A. D. eighteen hundred and seventy -one and thereaf:e accard ing to their terms of office, for a Chief and two Assistant Engineers. The Mayor of the City of Gilroy shall call said chctfon, on said day, giving tan days' notice thereof m at least one newcpaper of the city, to be conducted in ac- cordance with the provisions of this ordinance; and thereafter the Board of Delegates shall call said election and shall appoint, to conduct said election, two judges, each from a different company, who, together with their clerks, shall subscribe an oath or affirmation to faithfully perform their duties. Such judges shall, for th, purpose of said election, have power to ad- minister cueths and affirmation Said eleotiun shall be hold at such place as the Board of Dele- gates in -y appoint, from 12 o'clock M. until 3 o'e to ek P. M. The returns of ,,at(] election, . duly certified, shall be forwarded to the Secre- tary of the Department within five days there -' after, and be by blue transmitted to the Board, Of Delegates, who shall convene within tell -dat s' thereafter and - declare the result. The persiiu leaving the highest number of votes fur the office of Chief Engineer ,hull be declared elected for the terns of one year, or until his successor is duly elected and qualified. The person having the highest number of votes for the office of Assistant Engineer shall be do- cl:a•ed elected as First Assistant Engineer for the tcrin of one year, or until his successor is duly elected and qualified. The person having the next highest uuuebcr of votes shall be do- clared Second Assistant Engineer for the term of ono car, or until his successor is eleeted and qualific-d. Contested elections for Chief and Asststant Engineers shall be decided by a majority of the Board of Delegates, and should a tie vote occur for either of said offices, the Board shall, by a majority of its nielubors, dc- ternuine between; o- the rank of the contesting paid s, At, the election held on the fourth 1huis day of August, 1871, the Mayor shell ap- point th,;'j edge,, ca'invastt the rettts3is, nod d -• clam the r,-sult of the same. Section 3. 7 he persons elect . d to succeed the said Chief and Assistant Engineers shall hold office lore the term of one year, or until their succcsanrs arc elected and qualified; provided, tbat mlien a vac icy occurs in the office of Chief or Assistant Enginccr, the President of the Department shall order air election to fill such vacancy for the unexpired terns of said office. All succeeding elections for Chief and Assistant Engineers shall be coraductud a, here - inbefure provided. Section I At its stated meetings in Stutenr- ber, each and every Engine and Hook and Lad- der Company shall elect t!n•ce of its members, and each slid every Hose Company one of its mcmbc.s to the Board of Delegates, which Board shall consist of three representatives. from (acts Engine and hook and, Ladler Cnm- pany and one representative from each Hose Company, who, beforo entering upon the critics of their offico, shall talcs and subscribe an oath or airinwion, to be aclministcred by the Presi- dent of the I Ire Dep: itniant, to well and truly perform the duties of Delegates as prescribed to the laws governing'. the Department. They shall assemble on the sccoud Wednesday of P,eptcmber, at scve a and a -half o'clock P. 51., in the room of the Board, and then and there organize by the election of it President, Secre- tary and 'treasurer, wbose term of office shall be for one year, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. They shall make law s for the government of the Fire Depart- ment, and all laws made by them shall be bind- ing on every company, officer or member of the Department; and any couipiny, officer or mcin her of the Department who shall violate any of 1 the said laws or any of the provisions of .this ordinance, or who.slnall refuse to obey the law- ful orders of the Chief or Assistant Engineers, shall, upon complaint, be tried by the Board, and if found guilty be censurecl, suspended, re- moved from office or expelled from the Depart- ment, as a majority of the Board in its judg- ment may direct. They shall examine the re. turns, and declare the result of all Engineers' elections and authorize their certificates of office. ' Section 5. The President, Secretary and Treas urer elected by the Board of Delegates shall be styled, respectively, "The. President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Gilroy Fire Department," and in all business rolatiug thereto the Presi- dent and Secretary shall be empowered to ad. minister oaths and affirmations, The Presi- Omt and Treasurer shall be elected from among the Lelo rotes. The Secretary may be elected from the Department at large. The Se.Cetary, if not a member of _the. Board, shall take­and subscribe an oath tp perform the duties of the otlice ft litlilly, and in accordance with the laws of the Department; and he shall be, ex- officio,;Clerk of the Clli :f Fugineer. 14f()/,