Ordinance 557 �( Oldeivance No. � �N -IOU DINANTCE TO PROTECT THE tB Citygpf Gilroy against fires p T116 Mayor and Conlillon Council of the city 1 of Gilroy do ordain: k ' Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any per. .son�o put lip, erect, mailitaln ox keep any stilt *e Pipe or smoke flue, except brick or stotle 8ueti' ill any building within the corporate limits of the City of Gilroy, which are not secure- from contact Willi wood or cloth or other' combusti- ble material asfollows: Wheupassing' through partitions or collill s, The stove pipe shall -be enclosed by a doub� air thimble with two inch space between the inner and the outer cylinder, or enclosed with brick. When. passing through the roof it shall be protected by a'- flange, the plate of wjAch shall be not less than twenty -four b inches square and all made of galvanized iron not less than number 24, and all smoke pipes,! outside of the roof of any building shall also bo ' made of galvanized iron,. apes all woodwork shall not be less tbau four inches froutthe stove Pipes. When passing through concealed space between floogs or ceilings and roof, there shalhbe a double pipe. - k Section 2: It shall be unlawful for any person hereafter, to put up or erect or main - tain ally ellianney or flue within the City of r, Gilroy, comp( sell of any combustible material, or to Cause any stove pipe or flue to pass through any ttihdow sash Or glass oil the side of �..Y,cry building or ill any partiiiou wall in any Illilid- in;, within -saga city, -or to cause and perhiit i I{' any 'stove pipet, flue, stove grate or fireplace, to I ' be so erected, placed oe maintained as to endan- l ger the build, rig 'wherein the same is situateTl i T any other building adjacent thereto with fire. Sec tt. It shall be unlawful for any Person to dupe it any h wt ashes or emb(tra''iijyt,ItU street or, vl illjliu isii AeA a ;any bud tipgiaille s scour lyt�a co. ud ill son4wncoumbustibfe rc c.ehtcazlr, Sec. 4. Any,pc?rsou guilty of violatira:,g',.auy.cai'; the provisions 4 this oxclivance, shall ?lie Jnul- ishrd ou,eami,tlon by a imicy�n.o't exceeding 't.ifl or illpil'ounic11t l tithe city J*j Dot e3cCedmg .l,.i di} s; orb )th such fine and Huprisonment bcc 5. 'the City Yar Aril shall act as Fire Coa lit is.Amicr, and it : hall be his duty as suc}l� to exallline sill stove pipes and flues in buil(ljcg� wilhiu the City of Gilroy. and rcquire s coni- .pliwoelyvUll tyo provisions of thi$,Q.idiva ico, . and :Illy pc;rson owning m- occup)-ing any build- in,, wherein the stove pipes or flues are not nr- ranged and secured in conformity with the protdsious of this ordinance, who s 11 neglect alter or refuge for the space of 10 flays being notified by the Marshal to fix and seenra the sauio,as herein provided shall be liable to arrest and p11iu i ment as hcleinbefore provided. See. r 11,11 'ill i1 ✓✓tlL1 titles,, P?Ce1.v0 :IS cOIupCL'. satlon f )r,,;is sl dice, d lt,l'e ("illillAllifisl ( rilC'] a' ral„n of $50 per month for the first ;Bionth rz�,rved out. $10 p,�r ,jVon h thereafter, anil a<fco of $3 for every couvietiou ohtainc 1 fir it vi,olay ,lion of chi; oraill. li,e made oil hies colupa'io, tolye taxed as,posls and collected from the ^do fend t. p -be .:.AtIl c dinauccsand pares of ortlinaii0e�`� "�•, in,coijtict herewith are hereby r ptalc d: Passed this the twelity –fifth day of Qctobcr, A. D. 187 1, by the following vote:. "^ Tea— Councihn ,,n Cory, I'iulcy, II itclnook, Issues, I oitber and �ticibeu. f Nay - A,bscut-- Approved: VOLNEY IIOWAIID, Mayor. Attest: Gxo. T. CLARlt, City Chrh. Oe,28-