Minutes 1922/04/03 1 60 G:iJl'c:r, Cnli!'., Ar"':lJ. :'n:,....'''2. '-,-'..f.: 1:' fY]Y] Jll ;]t1 )~; n:et"ting or the Common Council was called to order by His Honor Mayer Jas. Princevalle. Present Councilmen Chesbro, I.ester, Brown, Radtke, Martin, Schemel; Absent, Councilmen Kone. The minutes or meetings of March 6th, March 21st and March Apth were read and ordered approTed. Communications f'rom Henry B. Fisher relative to new l)ridge on Forest Street and t"rom the Industrial Accident Insurance Fund in regard to over payment presented. Petition asking t"or installation or street lamp at Eighth and Hanna Streets presented and the same was rererred to the IJighting Connnittee to inY'estigate. Martin Baptista presented list of' those with whom he had signed up contracts to lay sidewalks and curbs. Monthly reports of Marshal and Clerk and (luarterly reports or Treasurer and Clerk were read and by motion of Schemel, see- onded by Wartin and carried same were ordered accepted and placed on :file. Proposals t'or :furnishing cement presented by Robinson IIarrlware ,. Co., Chappell & Co. and H. Hecker Co. Motion by Martin, seconded and carried that we purchase 120 bbls. (more or less) of' cement fron H. Beaker Co. at $2.90 per bbl. By motion o~ Chesbro, seconded by Martin and carried Ordinance No. 315 was passed arter having been read and re-I'ead by title as Tallows: 61 Ordinanoe No. 315. AN OH.1.HNANCE A)n~NDING SUBDIVI~nON 28 OF f:HW'rION 110 OF THE MUNICIPAlJ CODlt OF THE CITY OF GIUlOY mnJAl'IVE TO TmG LICENSE TO me PAID BY PEDULli:RS AltO REGULATING TUB SAJ,E OF GOODS, yrAR"~S AND MEnCUANIHSE ON TH1~ STRE~TS OF GII,}WY. Vote, Ayes, COlllicilmen R. J. Chesbro, C. C. Lester, A. w. Brown, Wm. Radtke, R. M. Martin, Chas. W. Schemel; Noes, Counoilmen None; Absent, Councilmen None. Matter of new fence, oulverts aml other ohanp.;es at HeserToir property let"t with the Water Committee with power to act. By motion of Schemel seoonded by Martin the following Reso- lution was adopted: 11imOLUTION. BE IT lU~~)()LVU:U that the City of Gilroy lease unto C. C. Donahue and .I. S. Brownell, as Trustees, f'or Gilroy Golf a:ncl Country Club and its sucoessors, that certain pieoe and parcel ot land here- "I inat'ter described, t'or the yerm of' Ten years at the regular monthly rental of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per month, payable in advance; and James Princevalle, Mayor or the City of Gilroy, and E. F. Ro~ers, Ci ty ClerIc, are hereby authorized and clipected, on behalf of said City of Gilroy, and as its act and deed, to make, execute and de- liver unto said C. C. Donahue and E. E. Brownell, as suoh Trustees, a lease of said premises upon the conditions hereinbefore stated. The property to be leased is particularly described as follows: All that certain lot, pieoe and parcel of land situate, lying and being on the Northerly side of' the Bodfish Mill Road about two miles West of' the City of Gilroy, County ot Santa Clara, State of California, containing sixty (60) aores of land, and particu- larly described as follows: Bounclrd on the North and East by land of OUSley, on the South by the Bodf'ish Mill Rqad, and on the West by the Burchell Road and land of Ousley. l'J:xc~nnw AND nEsr~HVING theref'rorn that nart thereof" used bv , - w the City of Gilroy as a reserToir site and also that part thereof used as a burial grouml. , 62 ..~. . Vot~, Ayes, Councilmen E. J. Chesbro, c. C. r,ester, A. W. Brown, I Wm.Radtke, n. H. llartin, Chas. W. Schemel; '.~ :-..-< ~ '-' c- ~ loe~, Councilmen None; Absent, Councilmen None. Motion by Chesbro, seconded and carried that the City make no t'urthe^r water or sewer connections outside ot' the City limits. Proposals t'or t'urnishing 250 water meters were presented by the Neptune, National, Hersey and li'orthington Meter Companies. Motion by Schemel seconded and carried that we purchase t'rom the Neptune Meter Co. at$11.~5 each, F.O.n. Gtlroy. The regular monthly bills were read and by motion duly sec- onded and carried were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasury. Amount 01' warrants allowed, $4164.46 General Fund. :Motion by Schemel secondecl by Brown and carried: That $2000.00 be trans:ferrecl :from the Gas Works SinJdng Funcl to the General Fund adjourned subject to the eall ot' the Chair. (:=)fJ' . /'-'. > . G, ~. (/.; ,~ "vi}. Ci ty C:J.'erk. .'