Minutes 1922/11/06 1 84 Gilroy, GaIif. Nov. ~, '~2 'rhe regula.r monthly mcetin;r (}f the COPJl1lOn Council wa:3 ca11- ell to order by His Honor' Mayor Jas. Princevalle. Present Councilmen B. J. Chesbro, A. w. nrown, l~n. ~adtke, Chas. W. Gchelnel; Abgent Conncilman Goralel Hocker. Tho minutes nf' J11r~etings (}f Oct. 2nrt, Oct.. 9th, Oct. 27th anll Oct. 30th, 1922, were read and ordered approvod. 'rho Clerk wa:3 instructed to answer letter of the Board of li'ire Underwri tors ahout t'l1e removal of lumher in the rear of the property :Jclon.g;ing to 'rho:>. 'l'homson. Reports of Tax ~nu License Collector and Clerk were r'cad <lntl ~J:V 1'10ti/)11 of' aalltke, soco11(le(l a.nl carriell or'(101"e(1 accepte,l and place~ on file. By motion of 13rown, seeon1lccl lJy Chesnro an,t carriel 1"0:30- " lution on the [loath (}f Chas. C. Lestf~r as prepare(l by the COInrJit- tee was adopted as follows: HEROUJ1'ION Charles C. IJester, wh/) was a J'1cm1)er of the City Conncil of the City of Gilroy, died on the 13th day of September, 1922, as the result of an automobile accident which occurred near Hission San .Jose, in the County of' Al<-1.111.01:1. on tll~ .lay pr"_~,~'3e(lin;~ his 85 ~leath. Charles C. Ler, t(~1"' wa., r)()Y'J1 in Cmmec ttC'lt on the 9th ,lay 01 Janll- ary, 1881, an,l was of t~'le .l.,~c of' forty-one ye:1Y's at the time of his ,lea th. iIe came to California wi th his lYtrenLs when he was nfme year:, ollt anI recei..vc<l his c,lllcation in the scho.)ls of t!]i~, County. tIc was clec tOll a mei'lher of th(~ Coul1ail in 'lay, 1 '}20, anli W:1S "1 ~,1-;r_ tng his secnYHl (:...:n'1n at the time of his \leath. "'.'<' As a member of the Counci 1 h~ Ivas ev(~r' fat th.ful in the fli~charp:e of his duties, anti l1is cl';:tensi ve !<nowlclltrc of fimmcia.l affairs an:! his keen busincss a"hil:tty l!!fvlc him an imnortant mmn11Cr' oj" tl10 Conn- cil an(l l1Ja,le him capable or i'!:LviTI;'! valualJle scpvice to Vll~ Ci ty of' Gilroy. "He hall reache-,I that point in 1 if'e wher'e :\)anhnol'l t s mornin,g: al- most touches noml, an:l while the :=;ha(lows still were :f'alling to- wards t:1C Ivcst." He will n(~ ,nis:H~il in (ntr counseL~ ;1ml in our mitts t, lnl we lament his early :lemi:=;e. TlllL';im~"D~m, 3e it _l0:,olve:l, T1mt 'hv reason ():f' tl1(~ ,leath of ~harles c. Lester, th~ Council has lost a faithful member, an,t t~c Ci ty of' Gilroy do valua1)lc llnh1ic off'icial and Vw cfwwHmi t,;v in , 1..., which 11e Ii veIl an enterprisin{!;, enerr'':(~ tic amI wo~tllY ci t 1.zon. TIe It li'urther ,tesolvcil, That a coPy of' this resolution be en- grasse:l on the minutes of' our P1e(~tln~.' Vote, Ayes, CouncilF1Cl1 T~. J. Chesbro,\. W Brown, wm. Harlt!m, ,)has. w. ;::ichemelj ~ioes, Counc:i.lplen, None; Ab8ent Councilman Geral~ Hecker. The Clerk was instructe~ to al~res~ a crnmnunication to TI. Bar- sh:inger c~ don not:ifylnr~ them that hereafter thay must secure a per- mi.t to bury any ho,ty on the ettv Grollnd:=;, an:l that all ,!!;ra.ves must be in3i,1e the fence line. Upon the removal of a holy the grave lJUSt be properly fi lli~it :in with earth. The re;r.ula.r I'lonL'11y hills were rea:! .mit hy motion of ';chem.31, s'~conle.l an.l earrie,t allO\ve;l ant warr'an L; orl(H'el ;lrawn. ..... ~ Amount of' warra.nts a.llowc-l ~ :~G~~1.1f) on the G(meral Fuml, ?~(' .00 "' ') t I F l'u 1 'I' t. 1 -~ r r . ... ~ ....,-,rA7 '')q on ;:>ewer ,(~P _ mp. qll1( ;,0. "' 0 a 1'1... r.lJl'>:.~.).. "t .) . ;.lotion l)y TJpown, seconle:l 1Jy '~adt~,::~ :m'l carriwl: T~at COil1i'len- cing with ~ug. 20th, 1322, the le~yiratin~ Plant ~e ~iven creiit on their yearly guara.ntee of ~~1!)(). on wi th all ',vater pai.,t ['or het1'!e0n the Lester-Hubert Cor'lpany's prflpcr'ty ;J.nd that of the '1e 'ly'l ra t:i_n,q: Plan t. -ove:r- 86 \ Adjollrnc~ 3Uhj~ct to ...[;;;". X ""'0 ,. "- ~ the call of the Chair. .J=, l C;~ o. J OJ ~.. City Clerk. , J