Minutes 1923/02/08 108 "- '".,~ Gilroy, Calif., Feb. Ath, 1923. ,",'~< t,-,..~ \,..) '" \-..,"""", The regulan monthly meeting of the Common Council was called /,.,.~ to ord.er by His Honor }.layor .Jas. Princevalle. Present Councilmen g. .J. Chesbro, A. W. Brown, Geral(l Hecker, Chas. W. Schemel; Absent Councilmen C. ~. Fre~rickson, Wm. Radtke. The first matter taken up was the hearing of protests a~ainst the proposed. sidewalk work. One written protest was presenteel that of the Southern Pacific Company, which said corporation objecte,l only so far as concern- ed the construction across the right of way and tracks of the protestant. By motion or Chesbro, secoluled by Schemel and carried, it was ordered: That we adjourn this hearin~ until 7:30 o'ClOCk, p. m. or Wednesday, Feb. 21st, 1923. The minutes of meet:ings of Jan. 4th, Jan. ~~2l1(1 a.nd Feb. 5th, were reall anci orliered approved. Geo. A. Wemtz anci H. M. ~',lartin of the ~rerchants Association were present relative to payment of rent for rest room. Motion by Chesbro, secondcll un(i carried: That the City pay the rent of rest room of $1G.OO per month, commencing with the rirst day of February, 1923. Peti tion o:f proper'ty owners presente(l askinr.; :for installation of fire hydrant on South1Honterey Street. Motion by Chesbro, seconded and carried: That the City in- stal a new fire hydrant in the vicinity of Tenth street, ancl the same was referrell to the Fire Dept. Committee. Womens' Civic Club an,l Chamber or Cmnmerce presented resolu- tions relative to the purchase by the City of the Graml'lar f3chool Groumls on Church street for a public park. Both communications were referred to the Build~n~s and Grounds Committee. Motion by Uchemel, seconcle,l and carriecI: That the Ci ty pur- chase 270 feet of six-inch, Class B. pipe at t~c cheapest pric~- possible. . Heports of License Collector ami Ci ty Clerk '1,ere presented, and by motion of Chesbro, seconded and carried ordered accepted and placed on file. The re~ular monthly bills were read, and by motion or Schemel secondecl anll carried ordered allowed and wa.rrants drawn. 109 Amount of warrants allowell :~ ;~'HH. 01 on the General Fun(l. Alljourne(l rmbject to the calL or the Chair. Gilroy, Calif. G!ftfr' C1.ty Clerk. . [