Minutes 1923/03/28 117 Gilroy, Calif'., ~rarch 29th, 1~)21. The regular' adjourn(}u meeting of the CamPIon COllHctl of Uarch 12th, 1921, was called to or~er by His !Ionor ~ayor Jas. Princevalle. Prescnt, Counori.llllen Chesbro, li're(lpickson, Brown, Hadtke, Heckcr; Absent, Councilman 8chemel. The matter of bllilrling permits was the f'irst matter ta!wn up awl application of John Prcshou to move dwelling amI J. G. McAlpine and C. A. Palmer to make changes in fire limits were prcs~nted. 118 r~ :;;-< U r. 1"".,.... ........ liotinn 1-1:V Heck?r, secOlHled a11,l carric,t that :!r. F'reshou be notifie~l t,:) novc the buihUl1;q; described in the last permit nutsicle Vw ripc Lindt ot tear it J.own, an.l that no con3iJ.el~ation will be rr,i yen to th0 appU C<l t:ion tn movc thc red how:c 'm L i 1 thc first prnposition is cmnplied with. ~Ioti(}n by lIccl\:Cl", seconilcrl and carricel: That annlication bc 1"13 jec to.:l in ca~~e of chan,r.:cs at the ')e:108e '1uild ing. ~jotion by Hecker', secomled and carri(~ll: That an..,lication of J. G. ~lcAITline to change front be 1"ejcct0:l :}}1(1 that the .fJ"bnt of the lmilcltng be renlacctl in the samo concH tion as in t~lC f'irs tins t:ulce. J~y motion of Hecker, secon.led by Hadtlre the f'ollowing resolution waf, ;l(loptecl.: m'~;)()L'l'm, that it is the ;;r~nse or the council of' t.:1'3 City of l;tlroy that in ca-:;e a law be enacted to im- pO;';I~ a tax on p.;asoline, onc-thir:l of thc revenue thcPcr)~om shonlil he lti:3tpibutr~(1 to the 1'11lnicipali ties and the other two-thlrQs between the counties an~ the state; also that the motor vehicle fund be likewise distributed, hoth of said funds to be usc(l in all cases exclusively f'oP trnpr'ovtn~ or renairing main st:ree ts or highways f'orming part of' th':~ s tate or county system; HE;';I )LV'D, tha. t a copy of these resoluttons 'he sent to thn press and another copy to our Senator and assembly- man at !lacrumcnto. Votc, Ayes: Council!'len Chesbro, ll'pe'lric)cson, Brown, Ha'ltJce, 1fecke1~; A 1Jsent: UOllJ1cilmen ;,chemel. Adjourned subject to t~e .. a:'J~uf?, City (;lerk. call of' the Chair.