Minutes 1923/12/03 \.J Gilroy, Calif. Dec. 3, 1923. 'rhe re$tular mont111y meetinp: of the Common Council was callcfl to orl1er by His Honor ~.Ia.yor .Ja.s. PrinceTalle. Pl"e.:;t~nt Councillilen Chesbro, Frerlric}{sotl, Brown, Ha(ltke, Hecker, Schemel; NoeR, Councilmen, None. The minutes of meeting of Nov. 5th, ln21, were read ~nd o~lered approved. COImnunica tinns were presentell l)y the U. S. Treasury nept. al1l1 C. !~. Sloan. Mnnthly rep(wts of License anel Tax Collector, City Clerk an(l 'Va tel" Collector were reacl and by motion of Hecker, rIuly seconi1eel and carriel orllorel1 accepted amI placer! on file. Peti tion of Paul G. De~.hn[l:e to construct garage and store room was presented to the Council. Motion by Ghesbrfi, seconile(l l1y Schemel an(l carried that that Pa.ul G. DeHang;e 1)0 gr.l.ntc'l pel"mit to erect bUilrling. Official 13on<ls or the City Trea.sure" for $R5, 000. amI Water Collector for $2000. were presented and by motion of lla(ltke, secon(le(l by ~Jchemel, it waR or.lere(U That sai(l , bonds be accepted. Application of Edward U. Lynch of Los An~eles for the position of City En~ineer was presented. Matter of completion of stnrJn selfer South of Seventh Street was left with the street Committee and the City At- torney ilirected to to pl"epare notice callin# for pipe bidS, v ~ 14~O ., '. - ,,,,," .,. .'... The CIerI< Was tnstruct~(l tl) ilfl,ll"ess letter to the South- ern Pacific Company relative to carin2 for waste water .y from tl1e Company's pUlnllin.!!. plant. The rep.;ul;tr' rl10nthly hi 11;.; were pl~esl~ntecl and by motion of Schemel, secol1flCil by Hecker ;:l.n,l carl"ieil tlle same were allnwc:l an:t warrants or'lere,l drawnon the treasury. Amount of' wal"ra.nts a.llowed ~ 1 opr.;. 61 on the General Funll. Au.journel subject to the c~ll of the Chair. c\~v~r' ,