Minutes 1924/04/24 I' Gilroy, Calif., Apr. 24, ln24. The regular a.lljournerl neetinp:: of .t.he'Cominorl,CoUrlc:il of' Api"1- t!3rl:.t., 1024, was callell to orlter by His Honor Mayor Jas. Prince- Tallo. ')'11 ' ,/ ~'.........~J ..' I 222 I Present Councilmen IL .r. C!lesbro, c. 1~. Fre(lrickson, A. ,~ :.0< U .. ........, ~ w. BT'own, Wm. naItJ~c, (~eraIJ Hecker, Cha.s. W. ;-,c!1Cmel; Ah- sent Councill:len, None. 'fhe :,la VOl" reported tha. t th~ 'iuperior L: ourt hall PlnrUfie(l the resrainin!~ orller and t 11a t we coulel nrocee,l to onen the bids. ?lotion by A. W. Brown, seconllell by Geralll Hecker and car- ried that we proceed to open the twelve bids on naviTI~. By motion of C. ~. Fredrickson, seconded by Chas. lIT . Schemel, amI carriecl, it was orllerell: That the hirls re- ceived be referre(l to Chas. E. Sloan, City J~ngineer and Wal- ter G. Fitzgerald, City Attorney to tabulate and report to the ~Iayor and Comlflnn Council. Vote, .\.yes, GouTIc:ilmen JL .r. Chesbro, c. g. l"reelrickson, A.' w. Brown, Wm. ...ta.tltke, Geral,l Hecker, Chas. ~Y. ;ichCl'1el; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent, Councilmen, None. lly motion or Ceral(l Hecker, seconrie..t by Chas. W. Sh'wmcl, aTIll carrietJ., tit was; ortlerelt as follows: That the bids re- cei vell were public ly opene(1 anli examineel amI that the consiel- eration thereof he postponed until Tues{la.y eveninf!:, April 29th, 1924, at R o'clock, p. m. Vobe, Ayes, CounCilMen, B. J. Chesbro, C. E. Fredrick- son, A. W. Brown, Wm. Haeltlw, r.~ralrl Hecker, Chas. 1\:. Schem- el; Noes, CounCilMen, None; Absent Councilmen, None. :.iotion by Geralel Hecker, seconllell by C. g. Fredrickson anli carrie,l that bui l,linf!:'" pel'mi t be p.;rantccl to J. IJacaze. :,Iotion by Whi, Ha(l tke, secollllerl by A. r'. TIrown ancl narried that the CIerI\: be instructell to return certifict! chaeck of ~ 75.00 to Merritt Gon. pr~lucts Co. By motion or Chas. W. :ichCl'lel, (luly seconcil anil C:l.pri,r~'l a bill f'or election supplies :~19.R9 'was al1mvf~d anrl a war- ra.nt or.lore(1 l!rawn in fayor of g. F. llof!:ers. 3y motion of A. ~\'. Brown, seconllerl l>y Chas. W. Scheme 1 , an!l carrier! that the ~Ia.yol' an!l Common Conncil (10 now a,r1- journ to meet on Tuesday eveninR, April 29th, 1024, at R o'clock, p. m. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen ~. J. Chesbro, C. p '.J . FredricJ{son, A. \1'. Brown, Wm. :tadtke, r.eralel Hecker, Chas. W. Schemel; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent Councilmen, None. :rayor. GIg <<~. City Cark.