Minutes 1924/05/07 ~U5"' / Gilroy, Calif., Hay 7, Hl24. 'fhe regular 110nthly meAtinJ! of' the COn1Fl0n Council was call- ed to orc1er by His Honor ;.!aynr ,Jas. Princevalle. Present Councilmen Ch~sbro, Fre(lrickson, Drown, Ha;ltJce, Sch- emel, Hecker; ,\bf)cnt, Conncilmen, None. T!le mInutes of rn0dtin!!:s of April 7th, April 21r(l, April 24th, anl1 :.lay 2nl1, 10:~'1, were reacl a11(l orllr~l"~,1 ;qPlrovcll. fhe reports of ;.!a.T'sJlal ,l.1]l1 License C ollcc tor, Ci ty Clerk an:1 W'ater Collector were rea.cl a.n,1 by notion of Heckel', secon'lc'l "'v Schemel an,1 carric(l: Orllererl acc~!ltc(l antI pl acerl on file. The Southwest Paving COIllpa.ny TH'esel1t(~rl COlrIJ1Jlmtcatinn relative to its bid for pavin~. ~rotion by Councilman r.eralrl Hecker,seconclc(l lJY Councilman WIn. Hadtke an[1 carr-iell that we arlont the follow-inr: resolution: ~ 4ti6 !:;';'" X ,........ v ':"'" "- NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that said Kayor and Common Counoil of the City of Gilroy does hereby rejeot all of said proposals or bids, except that next herein mentioned, and does hereby award the contract for doing said '!J'r: and impro......~~ ~o ~~e lowes~ regular, r.sponsible bidde~, ~o-wi ~; 0~~~ f';;~~/~1 a~ ~he prio.s """,.d in A-tiL proposal or bid. The City Clerk of t~ City of Gilroy is hereby directed to return to the parties filing t:tl,e sue J the Bond or check aocompanying all of said pro- posals or bids rejected as aforesaid and to hold the bond accompanying said proposal or bid ofhti ~V9 ~ aco.p~.d as afor.said, un~i1 said contraot is duly entered into. The City Clerk of the City of Gilroy is ~reby directed to post notice of this award conspicuously for five days on or near the chamber door of the Counoil Chamber of said Mayor and Common Counoil and also publish said . ~. Notioe twice in the"Gilroy Advocate", a ~~newspaper of gener~l circulation, published and ciroulated in said City, and hereby designated for that purpose by said Mayor and Common Council. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly passed and adopted by the Mayor and Common Counoil of the City of G~y at aD. adjourned regular meeting of said Counoil held on the J1~ day of , ~~24 by the following vote; A'YES: Conl1Cilr:l~n !~. .T. 01]031)1'0, C. ,~. Fpellric};:son, A. W :)rown, V!m. l~ail,tke, Gcr,l.l~l iicc!;:.)r, Chas. W. Schemel; NOES: Councilmen, NOnf~; - ABSENT: Councilmen, None. . APPROVED: Kayor of the City of Gilroy. ,. fhe Hla t tel' of the vote at t h~ ~rllnici nal T~lection was then '1')- ~~ (::- i taken up anll the Clerk rwe~ente'l t1w election returns rrom the .~Joar,ls .It the twn lwecincts. Motion 1)y Ches1Jro, secon.le,l l)y ~)chernel an'l carriee! that we pl"oceed to canvass the election returns. 1'he Cou!lcil now }lpncee,ts tn canvass the retUJ'ns amI af'ter llav- illg asccrtainell the nmnber of votes for each can ti(ta. tf~, the fn 1 - lowing llesollltiol1 wa.s on motion of J~. J. Ches1J!"o, secon;lccl by Wm. ,la,ltke .luly an,l rep.:lllarly a(iontwt, viz: WHl~lmA:;, the Ha.yor anll COTilMOn COllncil of the C1 tv of nil rny has canvassed the vote ca.st at the rrnmicipal election neIrl in the City of Gilroy on the 5th Ilay of ;Jay, 1024, Nnw ,nmJmF'OHl~, as the result of such canvass the ~.rayor and Common Council finll tha.t for the following namecl offices, the perslills whose names appear below., receivetl the 111U'lber of VGtCG ""+ J" v 0pPG.'iitc their pespectivc narJ(~s, vi,..;:- !<'OH i,L\yq:\ J.1IilCS Princev.alle lfn votes W. 3. 3tua.r't Tl') votes 'h:att(~ri]]{; vote~>, None FrLt cmJNC II}.mN " 272 votes 1117 votes ,t~0 vntes 'Vl1 votes :~1~ votes 4GO votes ~~W votes 401 votes I{qq votes :~~~) vote::; ~.~;~1 voLes 4:i1 Yotes !{ one 11. P. Atktnson, 3'. ~..~. nclr'ney, itichar(t l1rem, Sr. A. w. Brown, lnmer 1~. Cottle, C. r~. Frf~(lrick8on, Gcral(t Hecker, Chas. lIe Pi(~r'ce, Wm. ,la, t tlce , JOI~l r.enl",:e ,lo.:;s, l?}-"te:lll}{ ;.~O]le :)cJl~lln\i, C. ''/. 3C?li~lWl, :,ca t ter'in{1; VO~!~s, F'lmr,UA3U,U:t Julia .\.llen, [)77 votes ~,catteril1r!: votes, NOl1C'l FlU C IT" CU~'lY: 1~. F. jl()f!erf-";, G02 votes 3cattn"1.n~ ~ot~~ "".. ':;' '.,.e> , NOllC'l FOH ~.L\,!l~;IL\L ~ x - ",1.,.1 -... ~ 228 GeoJ',ze j~aston, r;r;1 votes Scatt8rin~ votes, None .\.n(l s.li,1 :layOJ~ ant Comnon Council finels that the followinp: namc,l peJ'~,ons ha.v~ "h0cn ;l1l1y el.~cte;l to the respective 01'- f'ices ]lereill naPl~l, viz: :.layor, James P....incevalle, ~ouncilmen: Wm. Itadtke, C. R. Fredrickson, llicharfl Brern, Sr. Chas. H. Pierc~, C. W. ScheJTIel, r:eralcl lIecJcer. 'l'reasurer, .Julia Allen, City Clerk, ~. F. Rogers, Marshal, r;eOJ~p.:e gas ton. an!1 that ccrti:ficates of' election he issued to such electecl of'ficers. Vote, Ayes, Councilmcn ]~. .J. CheslJro, C. ~. FreclJ'iclcson, A. W. Brown, ',Vm. lla,(ltke, Gel~al{l HeckeJ', C. l'T. Sc11emel, Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent Councilmen, None. The regula.r monthly hills 'F~rl~ l"ca,l an(l by Illotion' n:f ;)chemel, (lllly secon,18:1 an,l c,l-rric:l the same wel"e allowc(l ancl warrants orc.lerccl (lrawn. Amoun t of' w'l.:rrants allowell ~ 2~~!,)(). (jf, on the r,.enel"al Fnnrl, :~ :1il,615.A4 on the Waterworks Imnf'ovement P'unrl of' 102:1; to- tal warrants allowed :3 1A,R72.'10. A.ljournecl subject to the call of' the Chair. fi' g rJfirr,~(2. City clef.k. .'