Minutes 1924/06/16 234 .. Gilroy, Calir. June 16, 1924. 'rhe regular' ad,journe(l meeting or the ComMon Council of' June 6th, 19:Z4, \fas calle,l to order by His Honor \tayor Jaq. Princevalle. Present Councilmen Pierce, Brem, Hecker, '1chemel; Absent Councilmen Fredrickson, Radtke. 20~ ~_J" j ~Iatter for consi\lera tion a. t thi s se,,~i.on was t lH~ settleMent of purchase of' la}],l from ~liller .& IJux, Inc. for laml f'or sewage disposal purposes. \iotion by C. W. Schemel, sec(rnlf~ll by n. Rrem Sr. that the followin.q; Itesolution be arlonte'h 'i3E ['1' HE:,fHNg), fly the i,!ayOl" anr1 COJ1U11on Council of' the Ctty of' Gilroy that th9 Uity of' GilJ'oy purchase all that certain piece amI parcel of' land ~iituate, lyln,'! amI l)einp.: in the County of' Santa Clara, State of' Calif'oY'nia, 'loundc(l amI pa.rticularly llescrlbel as follows, to-wit:- ::1e,'Sinnillg at tll'~ southeaiiterly corner or the City of fH.lr-ov; t1lence nOl"th (H)cleg. 5R' east, f'ive hun,lreil a.ml fourteen antI ~8/100 (511.1R) f'eet to the west bOlmaary line of a 16.11 acre tract conveye'.l to H. Brem by (leerl 'latl~ll .June RtJl, 1920; thence a.long the west lJounrlar'y of' saill tract amI the east boundary of a thirty foot roa1 resel"vatton south 0 (le~. 4-1/2' west f'iJl[e hun- dre(l all(l f'ifty-f'our antI 1(,/100 (5:)/1.1/1) f'eet; thence sonth 69 de g. 55 1/2'west thre'~ hun(ll"e(l an~l twenty-four and 17/100 (124.17) feet; thence north 20rIeg wes t f'ive hunclr'etl aml twenty amI 62/100 ( ij~0.(2) f'eet to the point of' bef!'innin~, amI containing five anrl 1/100 (5.01) aCJ'es, 1)ein~ portion nf Lhs AnilYla.s Hanch Lots 4:1 and. (1 4A: acco~ing to tIle maps accorma.nyin,'! the final neport of the pa"'- ti tion of sa i1 : Ll.11cho . Top.:ether wi tl1 the easements a ttacl1erl tlH}rcto. gxcepting a.nil reservinp': the r-i{!ht f'or a pnhlic roael, of' that portion of' the af'oresail1 thirty f'not roacl lying within the above descrihe~ tract; -. And to pay th~refor the S1m of' Three Thousan~ eleven an~ 66/100 ')ollars, which payment shall be loacIe f'rom the sewer f'UTIn. of' the City of' Gilroy. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen C. H. Pierce, H. Brem, Sr. r..eralcl lIecI{er, C. vf. :3chemel; Noes, Conncilmen,- None; Absent Council- men U. g. li'rellricksoll, '1m. Ha(ltke. .' Jy motion of' 'lchemel tluly seconllel a.nl carl"iecl, it was or- Llercil that a warrant in th~ ,"Elount of ~~ '1011. 6n b~ cIrawn on the Sewer Jopt. Imp. Ii'un(l =lfl in favor of 3anJ{ of' Italy for nurchase of L'lnll 1"01" sewd.ge ,lisposal purpos(~s fpom ~Iiller ~.;: Lux, Inc. Acljournel subject to the call of the Chair. G S fd. 'AAA. City cll