Minutes 1924/08/04 237 Gilroy, Calif., Au~. 4t~, 1921 rh~ y'e,o,:uLF',mont!lly Fwetd.np; or' the Common Council WJ.S Cd. 11e,,1 to or'ler lJy His Honor a,tyor .hs. Princeva 110. Pre~ent Councilmen C. H. Picrce, C. E. F)~c.lr';_ckson. Wm. ilol,Ltke, Geral1 lIcc~{'~r" C. W.')c'I-Jemel~ A"1<,ent, Cmmctl- man Richard TIrem. The minu tes of meetin~ of .Tu] y ""t1l, lQ2l, wel"c reacl an,l or,1e1"'e.1 a p'!Jrove,l. J. IV. ThaY81". Health o:fric~r 'l')re~ente:l a nanc'" sP-t- tint!: forth the :;~rious s;u1i, ta""y conil i tiol1 in the Northern portion of' the City. A petition e'mt,tininn: nar'JI~3 of' ta.x payers i')f' t~e NortTl city limit..vv, also nre<;cntel .tskin~ tl-Je City tn La SOj::'3tllt~0' L.') l~~m'~ Lv t"'1c ~,erif)'ls eon Litton 'lOW exist- in ,!! . Chis :3,111i t:l,l"Y TJC~,t lOll Wd., ref('l'l"l~ L tf) t'lc',cwcr CnmEiittC'3 to 111.l.ke a~l cxa.ni.n'tti.'Jn ;\nL a~;ccrt,lin Wll:l.t can be Lone in the matter. Cmm'l'.1nicrltion<; from 11Ticktal1.1'rLm, Coa<;t C()lmtic~ Gas a.nl E lec tric C (). WCl"~ nre <;ent8.l an,l orh~re,l 1)1 'l.COfl on file. J. petition ref}11Cstin,l! t'I-Je rcno,ral of tl,!c ~wl~e alf)n~ tl}c r~:lilro3.cl rirr'lt of' wa.v W;1,':; refc""rCtl to the 'f1oarrl of .' ' For.'~'5try to ex::tI'Tlne' -into a.nl ""c"!)'Jrt l1ack to the COllTIc:ll. tenorts of' Ltce~Y,e Col1ect'Jr, Water Coll0ctor a.n(L City Cl(~l~:\: ,,\,~,..,~ r-;a"l ;lnL lJy T'10f:.ton of' a,dt1ce ,.,eennlcrl an 1. C.lrr ii~ L, I)'t' L'~r ~ L ,lC(>~')V~ L ..I.n L :)1 :te'~ L <111 i'-t 1 (J. _'"H~ melt t.,))~ ')1' 'll"l1:in.'!: 0f' ",.tl""l);lfJ'C e,t;'1I~ un l'np eon- 3il(~"xt,iol' l'1 t -it ,,,t., .;I':'lt:~l t1ut tlJI~ ITl,ttt'~r 'I'''l'; st;11. 238 r:1.~ c t t..,~ ~\ ~ .;.~ ,',l)"" ~1"-"'~~,0"t~t'~ 1 t~]'~ .i\. '~--)'~':;;~~P1f~Jlt l1t)OJ-:: ~ X ~ ...",' " -- """""I iln 1 -; tr, 1,~ t. ,L"'or t,ll'~ "/'Jd.l~'3 1 ),21-1J:!;), ,tn 1 "1;1 !:lotion ')1'" ;IecjC'~J', 'if'- C(Hll'~l ..l.nl C,ll~",'i_~l ',ilS ;l.cce')t~,l. :!ot ion by Scl"'~lTI'~l, s'~c(m l~l aIll car'r-t~l: 'rll~\.t /'--'-_/ the Council :lS ,J, :gnarl {)f Sttualiz,ti:,ir)'l ...,e~t on t~e elates, vtz. :'lonlav, Au'!. l~~Vl, 'fonLvr, Allf". :~;')tll anrl 'fuestlay, Sept :211:1, 19:~'1,an'l t1nt the Clerl~ is llo....eny ins tructe,l t,'l ;J1l~1 i 'ill notice of ~:;:l'i;l ~~r.;sions. The Gle1"!( W,tS in';tpllcte.l to notif'y Chas, g. Sloan to be with t11C Council on ~r(mlay, AUf!. lqth, also tl-Je Southern PacU'lc CO!"Jllany to lr'lT)rove t11C railrO..ll cl"os.,in":; OJ) 'nl GilJ~o:v Street. 1'J:y motion of' Hecker, 'wcrm le 1 1]y F'rr~,lrickson anI carrie l: .i'11O W.lter Comr"ittee W..l.S inst'!"ucted to procco~l to erec t. bui 1 Ling oVf~r n'lml') noar Hat lin Lane. The matter of erection or a fence acro~s fl"ont or corporat ion ya.r,1 W,lS referr~'l to the But l,l in,.: aml GrounL, Commi ttce. Hatter of' vaca.tions or varir)U~ off-tctals l~ft with the Committees. The report or BullocJ{ and T~el1o'!!!, on the exam- inat:lon of' the Ci tv l:>ooks wa~ TJr~sentell. The re~ular 1110nt1l1y bills werl1 then read. and by motion of Bch~mel, <;~co'1<lell b:r Pierce anll carrietl or~erel allowe~ anI warrants ~rawn. Amount of wa.rrl.'1ts al1t)w"~ 1 ~~ .l, If1H. '11 ')11 L'lC :eneral L,'lln l, ~lJ, ;i..;j .\J~ ')l1 1~11C Waterworks Im'!'lrove- ment Funl1 of 19~~~1: '';:'otal l;.l.''''r;l.'l ~,,;~16, 9:)1 .17. A(ljourne,l subject to the call of the C~air. c: fJ ~r' I~-i 1-." ." ....1;. \.1 _ U. \1. _ .".... .'