Minutes 1924/09/02 240 ,~^ Gilroy, Calif'. Sept. 2, 1924. x - v ,. """-/ ~ The f'inal meetin~ of the Board of Equalization was called to order by His honor Mayor Jas. Princevalle. Present Councilmen C. H. Pierce, C. E. Fredrickson, Wm. Radtke, C. W. Schemel; Absent Richard Brem, Sr., Gerald Hecker. No complaints were f'ilecl at this meeting of the Board. Motion by Radtke, duly seconded and carried: That we adjourn 'as a Board for the ~qualization or taxes and re- conTene as a Common Council. (fY!t., Gilroy, Calir. Sept. 2, 1924. The regular monthly meetin~ or the Common Council was called to ortler by His Honor Mayor Jas. princeTalle. Present Councilmen C. II. Pierce, C. E. Fredrickson, Wm. Radtke, 'Geralcl HecJ{er, C. W. Schemel; Absent Council- man Hichard Brem, Sr. The minutes of meetings of' Aug. 4th, Au~. 1Rth and the meeting of the boartl of Equalization meeting or Au~. lAth were read and orclerell approvell. The Board or Forestry submitted report recommending the remoTal ot' trees along the railroa(l right or way. Reports of License Collector, City Clerk and Water Collector were presented and by motion of Schemel, second- ed by Hecker and carried ordered accepted and placed on rile. The regular monthly bills were read and by motion of' Fredrickson, seconded by Schemel and carried, ordered ad- io"edland warrants drawn. Amount of warrants allowell $ 29R6. 80 on the General Fund, $ 200.55 on WateMvorks Imp Fund of 1923; $ 3187.35. Total warrants, .' Motion by Fredrickson, seconded by Hecker and carried: That plans and specification prepared by H. B. Fisher, Rn- gineer, for the construction of a re-inrorced, concrete ~irder bridge on Forest Street over Miller Slou1!;h, in the City of Gilroy, be accepted and ordered riled in the orfice of the 'City Clerk of the said City or Gilroy on the 2nd ~ day of September, 1924. n/~l ~~ Motion by Hecker, seconded by Fredrickson and carried that we procee(l to adTertise for bids for the construction of the Forest street Street bridge anll that the Clerk is here- by authorize<l to publish the proper notioe. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. C:i~ ~r' .