Minutes 1924/10/06 C'.::."-j,">~",~~,,,,,,,<"Cc=.~~~,...;tl!t;t&~,,'~lf.ll ~Ii:. 940 ,-/,U Gilroy, Calif., Oct. ti, 1924. rI'he regula.r monthly Jl]eetin~ or the COJ1lI11on Council was caJ J- e~ to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. Princcyallc. Present Councilmen C. H. Pierce, H. Brcm Sr., C. E. Fredrick- son, Wm. Radtke, Geralel Hecker, C. l'{. Schemel, Absent Counc.fl- ,.,., men, None. .- The minutes of the meetin~ of the Board of Rqualization or Sept. 2nd, regular monthly meeting of Sept. 2nd, Sept. 11th and Sept. 22nd were rearl and or(lered approTed. Motion by Fredrickson, seconded by Hadtlce and carried: That the l\ailroa,i Oompany be notif'ied that the Council ",pproTes the Jilaeter of remoTing the trees along the railroad right of way. '1'\9'0 parties were present a.nll reqnested permission to ~iTe four round boxing exhibitions and the matter was r~f'erred to the City Attorney. Various inTitations an(l comMunications relatiTe to the annual meeting of the Lea.gue of California. Nunicipalities on the Mon- ..... terey Peninsula were presented. Marshal's License report, City Clerk's monthly report, Water Collectors report and quarterly reports of" Treasurer and Clerk -. were read and by motion of Brem, s'~conded by FredricJcson and carried ordered accepted and ,laced on file. The Fire Dept. Committee was authorized to purchase a Tacuum cleaner for use at the I;"ire House. 'fhe regula]" monthly bills were reall ami by motion of Fredrick- son, secomle(l by Schemel a.mi carriell ortlere(l allowed amI war- rants (Ira"n. Amount of warrants a.llowel:l $ 4251.28 on toe General Fund, ~ 2.00 on the Waterworks Imp. Fund of 1923. By motion of Gerald Heeker, seconded by C. E. Fredrickson ..... and carrie(1 that City En~ineer Chas. R. Sloan l)e authorized to draw up plans and specifications for a se~a~e disposal plant. Chairman of Li~htinr.: Committee authorized to have the Electric sign'ropaired. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. G:~cf!:1Mh