Minutes 1925/06/01 '"1i-""1 .4< ~JJL Gilroy, Calir., June 1st, 1925. 'l'be regular monthly meeting of' the Common Council was ca] 1- ed to order by His Honor Mayor Ja~. PrinoeTalle. Present Councilmen, C. H. Pierce, R. B~em, Sr., C. E. Fred- rickson, Wm. Radtke, Gerald Heeker; Absent Councilmen, Nome. The minutes of' meetin~ or May 4th were read and ordered ap- proTed. Reports presented as f'ollows: Marshal and License Collector, City Clerk and Water Collector, and by motion of' Pierce, seconded by Radtke were ordered accepted and placed on f'ile. Health Of'f'icer .... ". Thayer appeared bet'ore the Council and made reports relatiTe to contageous and also ref'erred to th~ clor- ination of' the water supply. Councilman ll. Brem, Sr., alsq presenteel a report en the pur- ity of' the city water supply, samples of' whioh had been sent in by him f'or examination. By motion of' Fredrickson, seconded and carried the IJi~htin~ y y r 2.52 "'""!'""" Committee was empowered to take up the matter or haTing the sign, "Gilroy" painted by the Shell Company. By motion ot' HecJcer, seconclecl by RadtJ{e and carried the rOllowin, Resoultion was passed and adopted: WHIUll!A9, Charles If. Schemel, one or the Counoi.lmen or the ,<~~ ~ ,......... v ,. I...- I-e( City or Gilroy, die(l on the 28th day or April, lQ25; antI, WHI~m!:AS, a Tacancy has occurrecI in the of rice or the Couneil- men by reason of' the death of said Charles W. Schemel, which Ta- cancy has occurred at a time more than three months preTious to the regular election; NOW, 'fHEHEFOHE, Be it HesolTed, That t11e orrice or Council- maR hereto rore held by saill Charles W. Schemel is, aUll the same is hereby declarell Taeant. And Be it Further ResolTed that a special election be called to be held in the City or Gilroy on Wednesday, the 8th day or July, 1925, ror the nurpose or electing a Counoilman to rill such Tacaney; that ror the purpose or said special eleetieR there shall be two elction precon~ts in the Cjty or Gilroy which shall be establishe(l as rollows: FIRST PRECINCT: For the purpose or said special election Gilroy Precinct No.1 and Gilroy Precinct MO.,2, as establish- ed by the Board of SuperTisors of the County of Santa Clara, State flr Calfforbia are herby consolidated amI shall be Jenown as First Precinct, the poling place of which precinct shall be the Munioipal Fire House on Fifth Street, in the City ot' Gil- roy, and the board or Election or said precinct shall be: Inspector, H. F. Lord; Jud~es, S. Hooper aTIlt Hilda Mad- sen; Clerks, Mary Hollenback, Hazel Martin and Fannie Holmes. SECOND PHIWINCT: For the purpose or saiel special eleet- ion Gilroy Precinct No.3, Gilroy Preoinct No.4 and Gilroy Precinet No. 5 as established by the Hoard of Supervisors of the County of Santa Clara, State of California~ are hereby consolidated anll shall be known as Seconcl Precinct, the pollin~ . place or which precinct shall be the City Hall in the City of' Gilroy and the Bo~l or Election of said precinct shall be: Inspector, Geo. S. Tremaine; Judges, Phil Cox and Ra~ah F. 'fryon; G lerks, Ade Ie Dombaul!;h, Birflie Syl Te.ter anfl Ber- tha M8 Kenzie. The Clerk of the City or Gilroy shall cause the necessary proclamation to be published. ')~C) ~dc) Vote, Ayes, Councilmen C. H. Pierce, n. Brem, Sr., C. E. Fredrickson, 'fm. Radtke, Gerald Hecker; Noes, CounoilR1en, None; Absent Councilnen, None. The regular monthly bills were read and by motion of Hecker, seconded by Fredrickson and earrie(l ordered allowed and warraRts drawn. Amount of warrants allowed $ 1777.45 on the ~eneraJ Fund. The Clerk was instructetl to notify the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company to disconnect the motor at the Gas Worlcs pUlllping plant. Adjoubned subject to the call or the Chair. GS~ /~.. . ;/} . . r ~0f{/(/'< i' eit, ~erk. .'