Minutes 1925/10/05 1 260 I I I Gilroy, Calir. Oct. 5, 1~2~. - The re~ular nont1,ly r.,eetinp.:: or the Common Council was call- ell to or,Ler by His Honor ~favor .Tas. Princevalle. Present Councilmen H. Brem, 81"., C. };j. Fredrickson, 'W'm. HaLltl{e, Gera.lll Hecker, JUmer .J. Chesllro; Allsent Councilman c. II. Pierce. .rhe minutes n1"' IJeetinr.: of Sept. 10t1l W'c~re pea.(l ancL or;Lerer1 a pprovcll. COl!Jlllunica tiol1 f'rom A. A. Colby relative to traf'f'ic f'i 110<:; "Y'~_ f'errerl to tIle Police .Jml,'!,e an(l the traffic officer. ~\lonthly reports of Licen~H~ Collector, City Clel"'k anrl 1'1atAl'" Collec tor anrl quart0rl y repol"ts of TreaSltl"'er anll Clerk were rea(l antI orflerelL placA(l on f'i Ie. :'Ilotion by G!lesbro, seeonrletl l1Y HecJwr amI carrtecl t"'at ()rrl.t- nance No. TJ1 be passerl a.n(I (doptf~(l after lmvinfr "heen rearl twice by title a.s :follows: An Orllinance aHlen,linp.: f)ec tion R, I)rlLinance No. :114, of tlle City of Gilroy, lJY a,lrlinp.:: thereto a. new suhilivision to be known as (e) relative to keel1in,f!, eonfininp.:: an\l (Letaininp.: cat- tIe, horses, mulr~s, lonI{eYf~, hot!s, sheen anl {!oats in tJw <..:ity of Gilroy. Vote, .\yes, COlUlcilT'lCn H. HrePl, Sr., c. !~. 1,'r-elt-tel;:c;oTI, WIn. i\a,Ltke, GeraJld Hecker, lamer .T. C1leshro; N08S, COl1ncil- men, None; "\hscnt CouncilrH.n C. II. Pierce. ~!otion by Hecker', s(~conlle,1 itll't ca.rrieR tha. t 1'1 a t tel'" or s"1 n rr- line buillLinp.: at reservoir T)Y'l1pe:rty lJC let"'t Wit11 tl,p- Water Cnf!J- .' mittee. ;,lotion hy Ha1ltJce, secom18ll l,y Fr>ellricJcson, that ViP- rn"oceerl to open l,ids 1'01'" f'l1rnisllin,l!' FOl".L~on tractor. Two bi~s were presented, one hy Hyers Bro's. an~ the other hy G. A. Chappell ~ Sons. l'he matter' of' purehase was lert tn the haTI'ls of t he '1tre;~t C ommi t te(l to repol"t. ') r;:> 1 4,..U ~,Lltte(' of sewer extem>ion ()H '~ast ;;iXt1l ',tp~~t l~ft wtth t"le ::iewer COImYJitt':~e to repqpt l);tck. ;.lott on h:v :la tk'~, seClJnV:.L ~)y :1~'eJa a.n.l c:lrric\l t l1a t .l,rr',Lll;:U- mellts fop thc annual han1.uct or VIe It'ire )(~partr'1nnt lle Jert in the h<lnll'i of the Chairman nf the Fil'l~ )I~partnent CO!'lTl1ittee. i.lotion hy Che shro, s~col1lle{l hy Heeker tha. t two (~lec trol ie't's at a cost or ~ :125. he ill~ta.l1r~.i., one at tll~ Citv Hall an'l the other a.t the Hotel corner. The )~egulal~ l'loJ1thly hills w~re t1len )'eail antI 1yv P10ttnll nr l<'rw1- rickson, secoJ1I~~:l l)y Hecker were a 11 ()w~11 anll war:t'a"1ts or.-lerell ,1rawn. ,\.mount of' wa.rpants allowcl 8 2702. q~~ on tl1e General It'nnd. .\.1journe l .>ubject to the call of the Chair. 4~~~r' l'