Minutes 1925/11/02 nr. '1 ~o Gilroy, Calif'., NOT. 2, 1925. The re1!ular monthly meetin~ of the Common Couneil was .'111- - ad t~ oraer by His Honor Mayor Jas. PrinceTalle. Pre'ient Councilmen C. H. Pterae, H. BrBJ'1, gr., C. R. Frcrl- rickson, Wm. Hacl tke, IUmer J. Chesbro; A l')sent CmlTIoilMan neral'l Hecker. The minutes of meeting of OetolJer 5th were reacI amI or(1.eroed approTe(l. COlnmunioation :from the ChamlJel~ of Commerce relatiTe to plae- in~ signs in re-.a.rcl to city offices pre~H~nt(Ht an:l re:ferrecl to the Buil,lin~s a.n-.! Groull/1s Committee. The Li{!;hting C OJl1l1:1i t tee requeste(L to aSflertain cos t of mOTin!: the sign, "Gilroy" to the 8i ty 1 imi ts ,11lll report 1m.elf. c. G. Gillespie of t"'e Bureau of Sanitary Engineerin~ n~e- sentell report on comli tiol1s on the Urts watershe(l. .' ei ty Health Or:iieer 'fhayer a.lso ma.tie TerlJal repor't. on water- 3he~ con~itiol1s. 'fhe Chairman of the Water Committee reeomrnen(lml t~at the city watec supply be chlorina.ted. y By motion of pierce seconded and .arried: The ehlorinatiOJ1 or the water supply \Vas referre,l to the Water Committee. 262 The monthly reports of ticenqe an~ tax colleetol"', City Clerk .~ >< "'t; C'-.. to- awl W'a tel" Colle. tor were reatL anl1 '1Y motion of' FredriGJG~on, sacon(lec1 lJy Cl1esbro an(l ~arl"ie.l orl1ere(1 a~eepter1. ancl place(l on file. The Chatrman of' the street Committee J"e.o)ll]l]en,le:L huyin1!: a Foru3on tractor. Motion by TIl'cm, aC6on!le 1. hy Chesbro <I.n.1 lIlarpie(l tlmt Ma.ttel'" of pur.l1d.sinq;- tractor he lef't with the 3treet Committee wit'l power to aet. ;,Iotion hy Fre(lpiCJkson, seconile,l by Ha.cttke anll 8a.pr1e(1: That the Counail <"ccept the hi.l of :lyers nro's. f'or f'lll"lds~ltn't tractor, awl that .heck he retupnec1 to unS1l6e(~:q",:rlll bilVIer. The re1!:ular monthly 11il13 were tl-ten rearl an(1 hY Motion of Chesbro, se801111e(1 by Fretlrickson an'"1 earr1ell orclerecl al10lVecl anl1 warrants (lrawn. Amount of' ua.rr,l.nts allow-e,'! $ 2/t/l:6. 0,1 on the fieneral Fund. A;ljourne'l sulJjeet to I:,he call of' the Clmir. ,,~' 0 j~ JL I ~r"J.-j'~' (g, II C1 ty Cler"'k. .'