Minutes 1926/03/12 268 Gilroy, Calif., Mar. 12th, 1926. Tke regular adjourned meeting of the Common Cou~il of ..Mar. 1st, 1926,.ae ca.lled to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. Prinoevalle. Present Councilmen Cha~. H. Pierce, R. ~rem, Sr., C. - E. Fredriokson,' Wm. Radtke, "Elmer J. Chesbroi Absent Gerald Heoker. ~y motion of Radtke, seconded by Chesbro permiBsion to leave the State foz a period of taree months was granted.Coune oilman R. ~rem, Sr. Motion by Radtke, seconded by Pierce and carried; That a wa.rrant in the amount of $ 1000. be ordered drawn on .the treasury in faTor of Ja,. A. Cl~yton and Co. of San /o~e, as a deposit on purohase price of apprOXimately 100 aores of land at $ 200. pre acre. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen Chas. H. Pierce, R. ~rem, ,Sr., C. I. ^Fredric~eon, Wm. Radtke, Ilmer J. Che.broi Noes, Counoilmen, None: Absent Councilman Gerald Heoker. . Motion by Pierce, seoonded by Chesbro and oarried; That 269 matter of purchasing automobile truck for oity use be left in the aands of the Chairmen of the Water, Sewer and Fire Dept. Committeea. Motion by Chesbro duly seconded and carried; That no more gasoline pumps or tire filling apparatus be allowed to be inBtalled on any Bidewalk in the City of Gilroy, and that all Buck apparatus now installed shall be removed after the expiration of eigateen montA8 from this date. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. c~gCf~. City Cle~. ,