Minutes 1926/06/11 h);1 r"i ,,,",, .. Gilroy, Calif., June 11. 1926. A Special meeting of the COl1ll1iort' Colincil was callea. to or- der by Mayor Jas. princevalle on the following order; Gilroy, Calif., May 10, 1926. lion. James Prip.cevalle, Mayor of the City of Gilroy, Oalifornia. Dear Sir: ,. We the undersigned, members of the COlDIlDn Council of the City of Gilroy, hereby request you to issue a call for a special meeting of the COllllllon Council of said City of Gilroy, to' be held in the Council Cliamber in the City Hall of Gilroy, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. on Friday, June 11, 1926. Said meeting to be held for the purpose of appointi!ag a City Attorney for said City of Gilroy. L--__ _ 278 .~ ~ Dated this 10th clay of June, 1;)26. .iI:'"';'>:~ V Respectfully yours, ,lIIp.. - ~ E. Martin Johnsoli, Chas. II. Pierce, J. D. Chappell, Elmer J. Chesbro. Motion by :c. r?artin Johnson, seconded by Jerome Chappell and carried that the of'fice of' City Attorney be declared vacant. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen, C. H. Pierce, E. Hartin Johnson, Jerome ChalJpell, Elmer J. Chesbro; Noes Councilmen, C. E. Fredrickson, Gerald Hecker; Absent, None. llotion by E. Martin Johnson, seconded by Jerome Ghappell and carried that E. D. Crawford be appointed City Attorney :for the ensuing term. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen, C. II. l.'ierce, E. I,Iartin 1011nson, Jerome Chappell; Noes Councilmen C. r;;. Fredrickson, Gerald Heck:er, Absent, None. Present at this meeting Councihlen C. II. Pierce, E. I.iar- tin Johnson, C.:::;. Freclric1cson, Jerorile Chappell, Gerald Ileck- er, Elmer J. Chesbro. Uotion by Johnson, seconded lJY CheslJro and carried tI1&t the Council adjourn its sess10n. ,,--' Ii' (J~ / /,. f ". . I. /) t' C'~/L/L/V .. d ClfJrk. City .