Minutes 1927/01/03 ~"""',.~_~ ,<,,." '''>~''''''''.o:""~~,_"",,,,~'~~'~",..w'''.,...-''~=,=''''''~' ~"'''''~_''''''''__'~:-Z\W~ ~.-.~ "~ ~ -' Gilroy, Calif., Jan. 3rd, 1927. Tke regular monthly meeting of tke Oommon Gouneil was called to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. Princevalle. presemt Councilmen Ckas. H. Pier.e, E. Martin Joknson, C. E. Fredrickson, Jerome Caapp~ll, Elmer J. Caesbro; Ab- sent Couneilman Gerald Heoker. Tke minutes of .meetings of DeGe at. and DeGe 16t. were read and ordered approved. By motion of E~er J. Chesbro, seoonded by E. Martin JokRsOD tke followiDg resolutiom was adopted: WlIElillAS, iRVip of' tll.e loss, tile City of Gilroy aDd tJae entire,GommuDity llas sustaimed by tke de~tk of our friend aI'ld associate, Dr. James W. nayer, Healtll Officer of' tae City of Gilroy, and of tke.still keavier loss sustained by taose w!to were Bel'rest aDd dearest to aim; tllleref'ore, be it -RESOLVED, fiat it is but a just tribute to tlte memory of' tke departed to say tkat in regrettinc Bis remoTal from our midst we mourn for one w!to was, ill every way, worthy of our respeot and re&ard. He was held in the kigkest esteem as a faithful and Gourteous publ~o SerTaBt, a useful and ener- .etie oitizen, always perf'ormin~ his duties in an able aad 300 ::,.~: Impartial manner. Very few persons have - gi Ten so much of' ~" "-"*.. j:-~,,~ tlt.eir time al1.d ability to t1le service of' tJte public as did ae, and kis loss will be ~eatly f'elt by tke entire oommun- ity; -RESOLVED, That Jais assooiates in of'fioe re~ard his passing as a great personal loss, but find .oBsolatio~ in the belief' tkat it is well "it~ him for wftom we mourn; "RESOLVED, Tkat these resolutions be spread- upon tile miDutes of' the Common Counoil, aDd a oopy thereof' be trans- mitted to the family of' our deGeased ~riend." Vote, Ayes, Councilmen Cbas. H. Pierce, E. Martin John- SOD, C. E. Fredriokson, Jerome Chappell, Elmer J. Ckesbroj Absent Councilman Gerald Heoker. Noes, COUDcilmen, NOBe. Motion by E1mer J. Chesbro, Seconded by Jerome Chappell and oarried that resolutiom passed by tae Board of supervis- ors of Saata Clara County pertaillin{& to jurisdietion OTer tJae City's portion of tke LeaTesly road be ordered placed OD file. Reports of Marskal and LioenseOOlleotor, poli.e Judge, City Olerk and Water Colle.tor and quarterly reports of Treasurer and Clerk were read,amd by motion of' Fredriokson, seconded by Joknson and carried ordered aeoepted amdplaoed 011 file. Complaint of eonditions at Fire House was referred to tae Fire Department Cononi ttee. ' Motion by CJaappell seeonded by Fredriekson and earried: Tkat permit be gra.ted tae Coast Counties Gas & Eleo. Co. to remodel building witAin the fire liIDdts. Motion by E. Martin JOADson, Se.onded by Caas. H. Pieroe taat JUdse J. M. Hoese. be appointed Polioe Judge of' the City of' Gilroy for the ensuing year. By motion of &. Martin Johnson, seoonded by Ckas, H. Pier.e Ordinance No. 341 was passed and adopted after havinc beeD read and re-read by title as follows: All Ordil'lanae proTidill1 for tJae imeurriBg of a bonded in- debtedness for tke City of Gilroy, in tl1e sum of' One Hundred 8.I1d Ten TJIlousand ( $110,000.00) Dollars, aDd proTidinJ; for tlle issuance of bonds tkerefor, and the sale and redemptioD of' .. .-..". ...... ..<. ,<-"..,,-~,~. .. ._~, 1 I ."""~~.=;- ",,:.:'.'~"""W~ v.~~~~....,.' ~'-'"l\l;ltl.. 'I said bonds. .--'to] .-:HI__. Vote, Ayes Counoilmen Ckas. H. Piereel E. Martin Jokn- 80m, C. E. Fredrickson, Jerome Ckappell, Elmer J. Ckesbroj Noes, Couneilmen, None; Absent Counoilman Gerald He.ker. Motion bY' Chas. H. Pierce, seoonded by Jerome Chappell aDd carried tkat new street li~hts be installed as follows: oDe in rear of' Highway Garar;e, two on Lewis streetl ODe 011 Welburn Avenue and one at Fourtm aad Dowdy streets. Motion by Pierae, seoonded by Ckesbro and oarried: That Foster & Kleiser be notified to take down Ule s1~ board near tke Catkolio Churoh on Nortb Monterey Street. The Mayor appointed Jolm D. Hall member of the Forestry Board in place of E. Martin Johnson. Tke regular monthly bills were then read and by motion of' Joknson, seoonded by Fredriokson ordered allowed aDd warraats dralm. Amount of' warrants allowed $ 2466.15 on tke General Fund. Adjourned uRtil G:c:~a~' 4