Minutes 1928/08/10 -I I I I .-" __""~~'.r_ _'..~,""'..-'> ~_" ""'.~,'~""'.c,~',."': v'_'''..'*-t';''''''',.,..""''....;''''~~.''''"',',,..-,..'_ "".;~, "',~'_.:",' '_"._":~,,'''''''~'';''''"''',\<:J'''''''''',,.;VO.''i'..;> .'~',. '_""~'1"",.~'''''''''''.~''"V,.c;,.''"''y'''';C.-".,'.-,'..,=.-,"__~'';"',,."'.""",',',;~"O"~"""","-~.".~"",,'="""~.""""",",,"_;_.~'''';,.':"":",Z,"L":".'"",,>:<',,...,~~"''''~,,&.::,;;,'''''''",-'='''-",,='''rx;',-"'.-O""~"'-"-""'-;';;",",';;"" ..... 372 Gilroy, Calif., A*g. 10th, 1928. The regular monthly meeting or the Cowllon Council was call- ed to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. Princevalle. Present Councilmen Walter G. Fitzgerald, E. Martin John- son, Irvin Holliste~, Elmer J. Chesbro; Absent Councilmen C. E. Fredrickson, John A. Clark. The minutes of meetings or July 2nd, July 19th and July 26th were read and ordered approved. Reports presented, Marshal's License, City Clerk, Police Judge, City Clerk and Water Collector. -r '-~ =....""""'~___~.~_.o,."'.~,.'f-"..'"'''''''__________-.,.,,'..~,'''.-''''"''',,'''''~'"'"....,"","--_,~, -, -''''''","",,''';';''''''''=~'''''''-~-''~='' . ""'''''''''=''llC''';''=-<~~~'''';~''>1''''''''_~'~''''''',"",-~'''''''-''''o.:,- and by motion of Chesbro, seconded by Johnson and carried, it was ordered that said reports be accepted and placed on file. ':) "'7. ".-'.' U fj,j Motion by E. 11artin Johnson, seconded by Elmer J. Chesbro and carried: That the claim of Chas. E. Sloan for engineering services, dated May 29, 1928, for the stun of $ 12,953.64, as presened, be and the same is hereby rejected, and that the City Clerk notify him of this action. Application of L. P. Tonascia as traffic officer was referred to the Police Department Connnittee. The Clerk presented the Assessment Holl for the years 1928- 1929, and was directed to publish notice of the meetings of the Board of Equalization. Motion by Hollister, seconded by Chesbro anel carrieel: That the culverts in front of' Fire House, two alley-ways on Fifth street and at City Hall on Sixth street be removed. lIatter of change of pole at Atkinson's lumber yard was refer- red to the Lighting Committee to take up with the Coast Counties gas and Electric Company. Motion by Fitzgerald, secGnded and carried: That the Chief's car be allowecl to be taken to stockton for use in the American Legion parade. Motion by Fitzgerald seconded by Johnson and carried: That the City }urchase 400 feetof crnc~er jack fire at $ 1.30 per foot, F. O. B. Gilroy. The regular monthly l)ills were read and by motion of Walter (,f. Fitzgerald, seconded by E. 11artin Johnson ordered allowed and war- rants drawn. ~nount of warrants allowed $ 4476.94 on the ueneral fund. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. City Clerk. 4