Minutes 1928/10/01 376 I Gilroy, Cali~., October 1st, 1928. The regular monthly meeting of the COllll110n Council liaS called to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. Pnincevalle. Present Councilmen Walter G. Fitzgerald, C. E. Fredrick- son, John A. Clark, Irvin Hollister, Elmer J. Chesbro; Absent Councilman E. Martin J olmson. The minutes o~ me~tings o~ Sept. 4th, Sept Ith and Sept. Sth were read and ordel'ed approved. State Automobile Association Lll1if'orm trarric ordinance was presented, and by Illotion o~ Fitzgerald, seconded by Hollis- ter, the matter o~ uniform traf~ic ordinance was re~erred to the 377 street ancl Ordinance ComIlli t tees. Motion by Walter G. Fitzgerald, seconded by 2luer J. Chesbro and carried: 'rhat the Clerk be instructed to sign card relative to gasoline tax antI p',] L'l T: ~ <11'( to Chico. 1-'eti tions f'or pavinrs on lligleherry ;.;tr'cet and Cllurell street re- f'erred to the Street Conuni ttee to clJeck up t.he lpnntace. ()iTicers reports were read as f'ollows: Honthly re:HI !'to of License Collector, City Clerk, Police Judge and Vater Collector and also quarterly reports of' Treasurer and Clerk, and by motion of' Fred.rickson duly seconded and carried ordered accepted and. placed on i'lle. The Clerk was instructed to take up Lilltter of new building to be constructed by the Texas Oil Company and write in ref'erence to wreckin~ old building. The matter of draf'tillg new building ordinance was ref'erred to the Orclinance Conuni ttee and City Attorney. Motion by Clark, seconded and cal'r1.ed: That the Clerk be ordered to aclcnowledge rece1.pt of' d.eed :for alley-way f'rom ;,l1"s, Soph1.c Alexander. The Chairman of' the Fire Department Committee recoiillilended .. the lJUl'cliCtse of' additional supplies ror the Fire lJepartllJen t as noted. in the requisition, and by motion or Clark, seconded by Chesbro matter of' requis:i tj on :for supplies and Firemen's Annual Banquet left in the hand.s of' the 1.'1.re Department Conun1. t tee. ~\J,otion by John A, Clark, seconded and carried. that cotlEllm1.- Police cation f'rom John 11. Boesch be ref'errecl to the ^_ Department COlmni ttee. By 1\1otion of' Elmer J. Chesbro, seconded l)y John 11. Clark the f'ollowing resolution was passed and adopted: An Ordinance amending subdivision No. 5 of' Sect1.on ;Z40 o:f the Ilunicipal Code of' the City of' Gilroy, relative to the f'ire limits of' the City of' Gilroy. Vote: Ayes, Walter G. Fitzgerald, C. E. Fredr1.ckson, John A. Clarlq Noes, Councilmen, None; J\.bsent Councilman E. Mart1.n J olmson. The regular monthly bills were then read and by motion of' C. E. Fredrickson, second~d by Jolu1 A. Clark ordered allowed and warrant3 ordered drawn. 378 :::;;. AlllouIi:,_ of warrants allowed $ 3382.04 on the Ganeral Fund. ::~~ ,"""~ '-' . "'- -""l Petitions 1'01" paving on Ei;:>;lcberry street and Church Street referred to the streot COll1lllittee to check up the :frontaGe: AplJroving diagram showing district affected and benefitted l)y the improvement of Eigleberry street, Second Street, Fourth Street, Fifth Street, sixth street, ~Iartin Street and Lewis street and to be assessed. for the cost and expenses of the sai<.l im.;.H'ovejjjent, and. clesigna ting newspaper in wll:LclJ the Ci ty CIerI\: shall publish the notice of' riling; sllpcrintend.en t of' streets' assessment f'or said improverdent. By motion of Elmer J. Chesbro, seconded by John A. Clark the fOl.lowing resoikution.was passed and adopted: RESOLVED, by the Connnon Council of the City of Gilroy that the diagram prepared and submitted by H. B. Fisher, City Engineer, showing the district aff'ectecl antI benefi ttecl by the improve- ment, and to be assessed f'or the cost and expenses of' the im- provement of Eigleberry street, between the northerly line of Second Street and the southerly line of Sixth Street, between the easterly line of Eigleberry Street and the westerly line of Monterey street; Fourth street, between the easterly line of Eigleberry street and the westerly line of Monterey street; be- tween the westerly City boundary and the lvesterly line of Eigle- berry street, Fifth Street, between the easterly line of Eigle- berry street and the westerly line of' Monterey street; Sixth street, between the easterly line of Eigleberry street and the westerly line of Monterey street; Sixth Street, between the easterly line of Monterey Street and the easterly line of Railroad Alley; Martin Street, between the easterly line of l,Ionterey street and the west- erly line of Railroad Alley; Lewis street, between the easter- ly line of Monterey Street and a point two feet west of the most westerly rail of the Southern Pacific Railway trabks, and be- tween a point tlY'O feet east of' the most easterly rail of' the Southern Pacific Hailway tracks and the westerly line of' Forest Street, (as described in Resolution of' Intention No. 4-1028 of the Conunon Council of the City of Gilroy, passed and adopted April 11th, 1928) be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to endorse said approval on said dia- gram and deliver the SaL'1e to the Superintendent of' streets. -r ~. _~..__'~'~"""""",""_,.,,,,~c,.,..~_.",",^,,_"""',,' '" -,'"_.'_""''''''''_''--\;'''.;'''.4.",;",,,,,,"",,.,,,,,,,.,..~,,,,~,,,,,,,,_,,,,___,,,"~,,,,,,,,,,"";'~O''''"''''__'''''~'''^''''''',='~''''''~'''''''-'''_'~'"'',",=-'<"~==--''''_~''''''',."_~"""",-""",,,,*,",,,,-,,,,-,,,,",,,,,,~,,,,,=--,,,,,,,,"=,,:*~,,",_o:,,,,,,-:;~-<:;;;,,,,,~=~,:,,,,;-'" 379 The Gilroy Evening Dispatch, a daily newspaper o:f general cir- culation printed, published and circulated in said City of Gil- rO)1, is hereby designated as the newpaper in which the City Clerk shall publish notice of filing Superintendent o:f Streets' Assess- ment :for the improvem,ent o:f said Eigleberry Street, Seconcl street, Fourth street, Fifth street, Sixth street, Martin street and Lewis street, and o:f the time fixed when all persons interested in the work done or in the Assessment will be heard by the Connnon Council. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen Walter G. Fitzgerald, C. E. Fredrickson, John A. Clark, Irvin Hollister, Elmer J. Chesbro; Noes, Council- men, None; Absent, Councilnlan E. Martin Johnson. Adjourned subject to the oall of the Chair. ~ :;0' /;--, , '(,/ ( " '.(....,<' <' << . "(,,~,, ,", /, i , ') _ \.111 l' ..-.('_'j '-. ''I" I City clef*. ,