Minutes 1928/11/05 379 Gilroy, Calif., Nov. 5th, 1928. The regular monthly meeting of the COLlIHon Council was called to order by llis Honor Mayor Jas. Princevalle. Present Councilmen Walter G. Fitzgerald, E. Martin Johnson, C. E. Fredrickson, Irvin Hollister, Elmer J. Chesbro; Absent Councilman John A. Clark. The minutes of meeting of October 1st, 1928, were read and or- dered approved. The matter of leasing land for an airport came up for discus- sion. Motion by Irvin Hollister, seconded by E. Martin Johnson and carried: That the Council go on record as favoring the renting of forty acres of land from Jas. A. Clayton & Co. for airport pur- poses at an annual rental of 7 % of the purchase price of $ 200. per acre and with the privilege of purchasing same at the expira- tion of a period of three years. Councilman Irvin Hollister was excuseel for the remainder of t.he session. Officers reports read as follows: License and Tax Collector, Police Judge, City Clerk, Water Collector and Mill{ and Meat I~spector, and by motion of Fredrickson, seconded by Chesbro and carried were ordered accepted and placed on file. By motion of Chesbro, seconded by Fredrickson the following Hesolution was passed and adopteel: 380 ,.;:,. .~ .;' . WHEHEAS, there now remains -in the sewage Disposal Improve- ",." ~-'~-i I'.'''~ ment Fumd of' 1927, the SlUll of' seventeen Thousand Pi ve Hundrecl Sixth-one and 42/100 ( $ 17,561.42) Dollars, and WHEHEAS, the Sewage Disllosal plant has been f'ully couplet- ed and said balance in the f'unel is no longer required f'or the purpose 1'01' which it was voted, now, theref'ore, be it HE,::;OLVED, tha t the sum of' Seventeen Thollsand Five Hund_reel Sixty-one and 42/100 (~~ 17,:j03l.42) Dollars, now in the Sew'age Disposal Improvement Fund of' H)27, be and the same is hereby 01'- dered transf'erred to the General Fund of' the City of' Gilroy. Vote, Ayes Councilmen Fitzgerald, Johnson, Fredrickson, Cl1es- bro; Absent Councilmen Clark, Hollister. COlillllunication i'rom Chamber of' COlilmerce relative to a permit to erect. eight sip;n posts was read and by mot.ion of' Fi tZi~erald seconded by Johnson, it was ordered that said penuit be granted. Communication f'rom Young Hen's llusiness Club favoring the es- tablisluuent or an airport was ordered placed on rile. Petition of' tax payers relative to a change in grade f'rom Uailroad Alley into sixth street was reFerred to the street Com- mittee. The Gilroy Volunteer Fire Department extend.ed thanks to the Mayor and Council f'or past f'avors and said communication was or- dered f'iled. Matter of' changes on lot in rear of' Fire House lef't with the Fire Department COliMittee to secure plans. The Water Superintendent was instructed to secure prices on lS-inch pipe and proceed with laying same across hi~hway on Bod- f'ish road. The regular monthly bills were then read and by motion of' Fredrickson, seconded by Chesbro, it was ordered that bills be allowed and warrants ordered drawn. .Amount of WarI'ants allowed, :~ 377:Z .03 on the General Funcl. Adjourned subject to . the call of the Chair. G,'J a~?i { .t2 . City r(J]crk.