Minutes 1929/04/22 Cilroy, Calif., April 22nd, 1929. Pursuant to adjournment, a meeting of the Mayor and Common Council was held on the evening or April 22nd, 1929, at the City Ball, in the City of Gilroy, Mayor Princevalle presiding. The first order of business was the consideration of bids ror 401 pipe. On motion of C. E. Fredrickson, seconded by E. Martin JOhnson, bids were ordered opened. Bids from the following bid- ders were read. United states Cast Iron Pipe and Foundry Com- pany, Pacific states Cast Iron Pipe Company; C. G. Claussen & Company, Inc., and American Cast Iron Pipe Company. Special bids for valves, etc. were received rrom Crane Company, The Waterworks supply Company and Renessalaer Valve Company. On motion of John A. Clark, seconded by B. E. Fredrickson, the consideration of the bids was postponed until Wednesday evening, April 24th, in order to check up on bids. 'The report of Walter G. Fitzgerald, Chairman or the Finance Committee, relative to the audit of the books and accounts of the City Treasurer was read, accepted and ordered placed on file. A bill of A. Carlisle & Co. for $ 125.00 for printing street bonds was presented and on motion of C. E. Fredrickson, seconded by E. Martin Johnson, allowed and ordered paid. A communication from JUlia Allen, Treasurer of the City of Gilroy, appointing Victor Oddie as Deputy Treasurer, was pre- sented and on motion of C. E. Fredrickson, seconded by John A. Clark, the appointment or Victor Oddie as Deputy Treasurer was approved. On motion of E. Martin Johnson, seconded by Irvin Hollister, John J. Cook was granted a permit to construct a garage and store room on Lot Ko. 17, in Block 1 south, Range 1 West or the City of Gilroy, pursuant to his application therefor. It was regularly moved by John A. Clark aDd seconded by E. J. Chesbro that the Fire Committee and the Buildings and Grounds Committee proceed to have plans prepared for the improvement of the Fire House on Fifth street and or the ground floor or the City Hall a~ong lines presented by the architect. prevailed. It was moved by E. Martin Johnson, seconded by C. E. Fredrick- The motion son that the Buildings Committee be authorized to purchase seventy- two (72) chairs for the City Hall at ."cost of $ 4.70 per chair. The motion prevailed. 402 " lo-,.....~ on motion or E..J. Chesbro, seconded by John A. Clark, the City Engineer was instruoted to prepare two sets of plans and >( ~...... ~;- ^" '-..,...,,- ~ speoifioations to apply to the districts outlined by the Bngi- neer for street paving; one to be 6-inch of asphalt conorete, open specifications, and the other to be six-inch cement ooncrete along lines provided by the program of street paving for 1928; asphalt pavements to have two teet cement concrete gutters. It was moved by E. Martin Johnson, seconded by John A. Clark that the Engineer be instruoted to prepare plans and speoiri- oations ror a storm sewer and a map of the district effected. The motion oarried. Adjourn~d to Meet Wednesday evening, April 24th, 19~9,~at S:OO o'olook. ~ 1 ( / S-.. 'J! !r (n'], (), j J " City Cle~. '0 -' .