Minutes 1932/09/01 r I' -- I I I 217 Gilroy. Calif. Sept 1st 1932. The final meeting of the Board of Equalization was called to order by His Honor Mayor Elmer J. Chesbro. Present: Councilman Geo. Easton, J.H. Rush, Geo. C. Milias Jr, S. D . Heck, Fred C. Boock, Geo. A. Wentz. Absent: Councilman None. No complaints on assessment were made at this meeting. Motion by Geo. A. Wentz, seconded by Geo. Easton that we adjourn as a Board for the equalization of taxes and re-convene as a Common Council. All members of the Common Council were present at this meeting. The Clerk reported that no protests were made against the issuance of bonds for the North Monterey st paving. Motion by Wentz, seconded by Easton that this hearing be postponed until Tuesday September 6th 1932. A resolution of respect to the memory of Raynond Burgess was presented and by motion of Geo. A. Wentz seconded by Geo. C. Milias Jr the said resolution was passed and adopted as follows :_ t 218 /'9 fJ; ,1J "Jl ~ RBSOLUTION OF RESPEOT TO THE MEMORY OF RAYMOND BURGESS --- . ---- ..............- RAYMOND BURG EllS died on theS'tth day of August, 1932, being at the time ot his death or the age of forty-five Y88.1"S, at which time he held the otfice ot Plumbing Inspector and Superintendent of the Water Department and ot the Sewage Dis- posal Plant ot the City ot Gilroy_ Raymond 1\,1'ge8. Was bOJ'n tnthe Oit7 ot Gilroy on th~ tirst day ot November, 1886. His education was acquired in the City ot his bbeth. At an early age he was tbro,,ln ap- on his own resources and leapned the trade ot a plumceX'. He W9.S made Superintendent of' the Watel', Sewer and !i'ire Depax-tments of the City ot Gilr07 on the 6th day of January. 1919, and he has been intimately aa.oclated with the manage.. ment of muni.cipal artair. ot the C1t7 ot Gilr07 at all tim.. subsequent to his taat appointment to office. Raymond Burges. tl'JUIried ~ion Dickhout on the 24th day 01' Augu.t, 1924, and lea".. him SU1'viving his wite, Ma:rion, and two aona, Raymond Burg... aged 7 yeara and Charles Bux-ges. aged 3 years. Raymond Burge.s was a natural athlete and always took an 00 ::::: 0=' rr..2 , f .' I (r li active part in all aports and athletic games. He was an active member ot the Gilroy F11"e Department, and in the days of firemen t s tournaments, tl'a:1ned with the boys and ran wIth the horse te9.1n.. He was an enthusiastic baseball player and enjoyed fishing, hUnting and all out door aporta and exercises. He led a clean . and honorable lite. He was t~e to his t1'1ends. He l1ad no enemd.4. . He took an active J;>ILrt in eve1'7 moyement tor the advance- ment ot hi. native city. He was ever ready to do his p~t on any committee on whiGh he was assigned and he never tailed ( I , i J 21 ~~ J 1;0 perform hi. du1;y on any oommitte. to whloh he wa. ap... pointed, whether the appointment came trom the Oity of Gil... roy, trom the l'ire Departmen', trom any civio body having at he8.1't the welfare of the 01t7, or trom anJ fitaternal soolety of which he was a member. ~ He was a lovable man, ~r'Ue to his oountry and hle family and he wa. beloTed by all wholmew him. The memor7 of his character and of his labors wl1l be an Inap11'ation to1' those he has left behind to toll ow . We w111 mis. him, but we will che1'iah hi. memor,.; his traits of c~acter, and hi. labor' among-u8 will not be forgotten. THE.'REFORE, BE IT RmOLVED, That 1n the death of Raymond Burges. the State baa lost an ideal 01tizen, the City has lost a faithful off101al and the community and its people have lost a fr1end both ldnd and true. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this resolution be engrossed upon the reoords of the Clty and a copy thereof be presented to the family of Raymond Burge... \' . t t . \ I 210 '\l,'j LA) ::::: 0::1 L%:J Q Motion by Geo. A. Wentz, seconded by Geo. Easton and carried that we advertise the Well Bonds for sale at par. ) \ Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. City Clerk , t J I . I J