Minutes 1933/01/03 r 2317 Jilroy, Calif., Jan. 3, 1933. The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was call- ed to order by His Honor Mayor Elmer J. Chesbro. Present Councimen Easton, Boock, Rush, Wentz, Heck, Milias; Absent Counoilmen, None. The Minutes of Meetings of Dec. 5th and Dec. 30th, were read and ordered approved Motion by Easton dUly seconded and carried: That petitions for liquor licenses of John Milias and Matsauya Bakamura be ordered placed on file. Motion by Heck, seconded by Boock and carried: That re- quest of A. H. Riggins to establish a patrol service be tabled. The regular monthly and quarterly reports and yearly report of the Fire Chief were presented and ordered placed on file. .Motion by Wentzseconded by Milias and carried: That Leon T. Thomas be appointed Police JUdge of the City of Gilroy for the ensuing year. The regular monthly bills were then presented and by motion of Milias seconded by Easton ordered allowed and warrants drawn. Amount of Warrants allowed $ 2558.09 on the General Fund. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. ~!!~ .