Minutes 1933/02/23 238 Gilroy, Calif., Feb. 23rd, 1933. The regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council of Feb. 6th, 1933, was called to order by His Honor Mayor Elmer J. Chesbro. Present Councilmen Easton, Rush, Wentz, Heck, Milias, Ab- sent Counoilman BOQPk. Ross Norrington, Secretary of The Chamber of Commerce made report on matter of canvassing the merchants of the town in re- ference to the distributing of handbills and the same stood 40 to 1 in favor of leaving the Ordinanoe as it is at present. Motion by Wentz seconded by Heck and carriedthat the Ordinanoe regulating the distributing of handbills remain as it is at present. ~ The matter of Floyd Dixon's Building permit was taken 2' n, If", l . tl ';} up ,Motion by Heck, seoonded by laston and oarried that permit to build an automoble show room on Lewis Street, near Monterey be granted to Floyd Dixon. The Mayor suggested that the Ordinance Committee revise the Building Ordinance. Motion by Milias, seconded by Rush and carried that the motion granting a permit to ~ixon to erect a building be amended as fol- lows: That he be required to install a gasoline pump in front of said building. Adjourned subjeot to the Cali of the Chair. ~' g (j( Q7j-WJ. Ci ty Cler/J $