Minutes 1933/04/06 ,.., 242 Gilroy, Calif., Apr. 6, 1933. The regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council was oalled to order by His Honor', Mayor Elmer j. Chesbro. Present Councilmen Geo. Easto~,J. H. Rush, Fred C. Boook, S. D. Heok, Geo. A. Wentz, Geo. C. Milias, Jr Absent, Councilmen, None. The Committee made report on the Sub-alcoholic beverage lioenses. Motion by Boock seoonded by Easton and carried Th,t wholesale lioenses be granted to John Delerio, Irvin Hollis- ter and Gilroy Orange Kist Bottling Works. Motion by Heck seconded by Rush and carried that retail licenses be granted to the following: John Milias, John M. Bacha, American Kitchen, Bert Atkinson, Walter M. Rupar, Hohn Giaohino, George Milias, James Costello, l~s. Bernioe Werner and John Grec~. Motion by Wentz, seoonded by Milias and Carried that pe- titions of M. NakamurA and Mrs. DeLorenz~e rejected. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. G j UfOJ1>>1/2, City ClerkO 24H Gilroy, Calif., Apr. 6, 1933. The regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council was called to order by His Honor r~yor Elmer J. Chesbro. Present Councilmen J. H. Rush, Fred C. Boock, S. D. Heck, Geo. C. MiliAs, Jr.; Absent Councilmen Geo. Easton Geo. A. Wentz. Motion by Fred C. Boook, seconded by S. D. Heck that Or- dinance Number 393 be passed and adopted after having been read by title as follows: An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. ~~'~~ of the City of Gilroy, entitled "An Ordinance regulating and licensing the I~nufaoture and sale of Sub-alcoholio beverages in the City of Gilroy" by amending Sections & and 16 thereof defining whole- salers, and by adding a new part to Section 12 thereof pro- viding a fee for filing applications, and declaring the time said Ordinanc(;s shall be in force. Vote, Ayes Councilmen J. H. Rush, Fred C. Boock, S. D. Heck, Geo. C. MiliAs, Jr.; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent Council- men Geo. Easton, Geo. A. Wentz. that Motion by Milias seconded by Heckt /:~ retail licenses to sell Sub-alcoholic beverages be granted to Joe. Guatteo, L. L. McKnight, 1~s. Amy DeLorenzo and Paul Urlin. Adjourned subject tottbe call of the Chair. C;,5. Rr/ City Clerk. .