Minutes 1933/09/05 2,....,'....' ., i-) ,- ~, d Gilroy, Calif., Sept. 5, 1933. The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was called to order by His Honor Mayor Elmer J. Chesbro. Present Councilmen Easton, Rush, Heck, Boock, Wentz, Milias; Absent Councimen, None. The minutes of meetings of Aug. 7th, Aug. 22, and Aug. 29th and 31st were read and ordered aplJroved. Reports of City Officers including the County Health officer (or month of August were read. Motion by Wentz seconded by Boock ggd carried That ',( 559.45 be transferred from the General Fund to the Water Bond redemption ]und of 1923. Motion by ",Jentz seconded and carried: That offi- cers reports for; month of August be placed on file. The tax rate for the years 1933 and 1934 was decreed to be $ 1.05 o~ each ~ 100.00 of assessed valuation, divided among the various city funds as follows: Waterworks imp. Bond Fund of 1923, Sewage Disp Imp. Bond Fund of 1927, Municipal Imp. Bond Fund of 1905, Library Fund, .221 .271 .067 .121 General Fund, .370 ~.o <mv 256 The matter of laying pipe at reservoir was left with w - ........ t:C m Q the Water COI1Iilittee to i:nvestigate. I,lotion by Boock seconded by Vientz: That Geo. }~aston be allowed 25 gallons of casoline for the time he was relieving police officers. The regular monthly bills were presented and by motion of ~entz seconded by Boock ordered allowed and warrants or- dered drawn. funount of warrants allowed ,:\ ~d) 3074.11 on the Geheral Fund. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. gq(jJ 'c~t~ //::: .'