Minutes 1933/10/02 ] 25() Gilroy, Calif., Oct. ~nd, 1933. The regular monthly meeting of the COL~non Council was called to order by His Honor Uayor Elmer J. Chesbro. Present Councilmen Rush, Boock, Heck, Wentz, Milias; Absent Counciman Easton. The plinutes of meeting of Sept. 5th were read and or- dered approvec. Communication from the Division of Highways with reso- lution was presented. Motion by Wentz secondeu by Boock and carried that the , '>,:1~4f~"; following resolution be passed and adopted: f? ~S DIY T/cJ'1___, -4F 3~ - II "________ . '.IkIUB,..,r aD.d .,. Y1ft_tot. Chapter 'IfIt of the stat.ut.. of 1933, t~~ ~artllent or hbllC Works ot the Stat. of Oalifornia is authorized to expend annually frOBl the Stat. !!ffwar fund an amout ,~a1 to one 1ll8.rter of one fent p.." Pvm::t~8fh~~.,~~:r i:t:l~h: 'J:~l fax .U~~c~~~trl~Dlt:nd af"ter the proportionate refunds shall have be.n made, wi thin the inoorporated 01 ties and freeholder charter oi ties, and 81J.1 oi t1 and county in the State of California, for the purpo,es :~cif'ied ia said chapter, and in the aanner proTidei bflaw, , , WHEREAS ill accordance wi th the proTisio.. of said Cb.,., apter 7f11 and 1. accord, ance wei t"ll the proTisioasot Se.tiou 363r and ~~ at the Political ad. (.Ch~t.r 326 at ta. Stat.t.. ot1933). the Departm, ent ot :Public Works, acting' '" and tirowdt th.Cilifornia llighwlg 0_i8SioD, has desigaat8d as Stat. iighW&Y8 the following described .tr..t. ia th. elf!' 0' GILROY, Saata Olara 00_*, ID11t. 2. !brough tiIroy. 1.51 .il.. .Q.mli gat the Bortller 11' oi iy Itai t. ..lroyOll the loaterey Boad, Stat. Bin "V .." ,.Z.. th..., .. , souther II oTerloDterer Boa, d ,t, 4) the, ."80,,, .""._.r OIl 3t,., t,' ,Highway ,Bo"..l1, t,.", 2 ;.:~:,i,>=;.. 1..~_ qi"'/~'~ kf) I Route 32. ftu._~.lro1. 1.01 aile. Begiwng at the easterly city limite of Gilroy on the Paoheco Pus Road Route 32, thence westerly over Pacheco Pass ~ad to the lonterey Bbad \Junction State Highway Boute 2). Beginning a~D. at the junction of lontsFrey Road and ,flrst Street, thence westerly over irst Street (Route 32) to the westerlr ci ty limits of Gilroy, a dist~ce of 1.01 m1.les, Blore or lesskoD Route 32, wi thin the corporate 1imi ts ot Gi 01; , which said streets are existing travelable streets in the Oity ot Gilroy, and approximately on the route of the authorized State highways, and . WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works and t.e Oalifornia Highway Oommission have requested the City of Gilroy to anprove the routing hereinbefore described and to agree toLresume jurisdictlon over said city street.~ or portlons thereof, as may not be included in the State ni~- ways, when the same are laid out, adopted, and constructed, therefore BE IT RESOLVED, by the city council of the Oity ot Gilroy, acting on behalf of said city, that said citr approve, and it does hereby approve, the routing of sala State hlghwaYSj tha.t upo. the relinquislaeBt ot said streets, or any portion thereof, to the vlty of Gilroy in the manner provlded by law sald city ~~ee, and does hereby agree, to resume jurlsdiction over said streets, or portion tliereof, so relinquished. Adopted c;Jc..7 2-- 1933 by the following Tote: Ayes: ',)ouncilmen Fred C. Boock, J. H. Hush, Geo. A. ,'entz, S. D. Heck, Geo. C. Milias, Jr., Noes: C::ouncilmen, None, Absent: Councilman Geo. .,aston, Not Voting: C;puncilmen, None. .-. ".., ~ ...,,....,,' ./.~v--y,v~/~ /' /ltv?'dTY ~0 ~/V;; Reports of city officers for the month were presented ana by motion of Eeck seconded by Rush and carried ordered accepted and placed on file. ; lotion by LIilias seconded by './entz and carried: That the gasoline contract with the Seaside Oil Co. be re- " newed at ~leven and one-half cents plus the tax, The matter of giving a banquet to the members of the Gilroy Fire Department was left in the hands of the }i'ire Department COllTh1ittee and the date designated as ect. 19, t rz, r;~ v'U. Motion by S. D. Heck, seconded by Geo A. ~entz that Ordinance No. 400 be passed and adopted after having been read and re-read by title as follows: 258 w An Ordinance providing for the registration of con- - - t:O :I':2 Q tractors i_~nd defining the terInEt contractor and sup- contractor; providing the method of obtaining licenses to engage in the business of contracting within the City of Gilroy, and fixing the fees for such licenses; repe~ling Ordinance No. 395 of the City of Gilroy and all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith; and pre- scribing the Dunishment for violation of the provisions of this Ordinance. Vote, Ayes Comcilmen }!'red C. Boock, ~f. E. Hush, ._. D. HeCk, Geo. A. ~entz, Geo. C. Milias, Jr., Noes, C;ouncilmon, None; .I.\..bsent Councilman Geo. lJaston. rrlle regulaT monthly bills were presented cend by mo.". tion of Milias seconded by Wentz were allowed and war- rants ordered drawn. A,mount of vrarrants allowed , 2982.4,5 Generdl :Fund. Adjourned subject to the call of the :Jhair. ~~ fr' .