Minutes 1933/11/02 258 Gilroy, Oalif., Nov. 2nd, 1933. The regular adjourned E1eeting of the Common Oouncil called to order by His'ftonor Layor Elmer J. Chesbro. vras Present Councilmen I~eo. ::':aston, :Fred C. Booc~(, J. H. Rush, Geo. C. Milias, Jr., Geo A~' Wentz. :Motion by Geo A. ':Jentz seconded by Geo. l:aston and car- ried that Ordinance Fo. 401/\ ~)e passed and adopted after having been read and re-read by title as follows:- Defining transient merchants and temporary stores, ',)rov- viding for the regulation of transient mercahnts, providing for issuanance of uermit for transient merchants, and provid- ing for a fea to be paid therefor, and for the revocation of t said permit, and providing the penalty for the violation of this Ordinance. Vmte, Ayes, Councilmen Geo. =~aston, Geo. C. Milias, Jr., '. . , Geo. A. \'Ientz, S. D. Heck, J. H. Rush, :B'red C. Boock; Noes, Cou.ncilmen, None; Absent Councilmen, I~one. Motion by J. :H. Rush seconded and carried as follows: That ~. G. Goodrich Nightwatchman be allowed $ 150.00 2'r:q ~J '_ -oer mont~l cOlilllenc ing with Hovembe:c 1st, 1903. Llot ion by (}-eo. A. ~,;ent z seconded by Fred C. Boock that the followinR resolution be adopted as follows: "~.:r-~":,',.,,:-, -'-'o,~ '" I?esdo ~ L..fCIOP?~ -If- .Jlg -f'T...." .... -'- f ...lL; 'c_H'';', vi18 Layor an lJOE!l:lJ.on "ounCl 0 uI1e~l vy 0 Gilroy, 0anta Clara Councy, California, deem it neeessary and expedient to renew, construct and extend the existing pipe line furnishing domestic \':ater to the:;i ty of @ilro;rand to make ap:;Jlication to tile Public ','Jorks Administration of the Government of tp.e United :~3tates for a loan and a grant to that end, now, therefore BE IT. lmSCLVLD, by said I,/I,:::1yor and Conmon Counc il in regular meeting assembled, that the said application of said City of Gilroy for such loan, or grant, be and the same is hereby ap- proved, and we <fo further , as Hayor and Cornmon Council certify that such loan or grant is necessary to re~ new, con- struct and extend such pipe line; That a present necessity exists therefor; that such construction will p~omote the health and welfare of the inhabitants of said city due to the present condition of said pipe line. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair, 6 j fPcr~' City Clerk. .'