Minutes 1936/01/06 32~ · Gilroy, California. January 6, 1936 The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was called to order by His Honor, ~ayor Elmer J. Chesbro. Present Counci~en: Fred C. Boock, S. D. Heck, J. H. Rush, Ben Stewart, George A. Wentz, and George C. Milias, Jr. The minutes of December 2nd, 1935, were read and ordered approved. The Seventh Day Adventists requested permission to build a temporary church building on the corner of Sixth and Eigleberryr streets, the same ,~"' / \. .,.. .)'4:,} to be removed after a period of four months from date hereof. Motion by Wentz, seconded by Boock that said permit be granted. Matter of moving the Greyhound stage station further down Monterey St. was brought before the Council. Motion by George C. Milias, jr., seconded by Councilman S. D. Heck that the request for moving the stage station be - denied. Motion by Fred C. Boock, seconded by George A. Wentz, that Leon T. Thomas be appointed Police Judge of the City of Gilroy for the coming year. Motion by Wentz, seconded uy 300ck that double assessment against Bank of America be ordered cancelled. Monthly reports of City offices were read and by motion of Wentz seconded by Boock ordered accepted and placed on file. Motion by Heck, seconded by Ben Stewart that the Rea petition for changes in Chinatown district be granted with the exception of stucco on the front of the building. Motion by Booc~, seconded by Wentz, that Res. No. 61 be adopted and passes as follows: r=_Vote: AYES: Ben Stewart, Fred C . Boock, George A. Wentz, S. D. neck, l .J. H. Rush. NOES: None. Absent:Councilman George C. Milias, Jr. Motion by Councilman George A. Wentz duly seconded and carried that City Engineer Ray W. Fisher be authorized to set out plans and specifications for the resurfacing of Old Gilroy Street. Motion by BOOCk, seconded by Wentz that Res. No. 6~be passed and adopted as follows: Vote: AYES: Ben Stewart, Fred C. Boock, S. D. HeCk, George A. Wentz, J. H. Rush. NOES: None. Absent: George C. Milias, Jr. Motion by Rush, seconded by Wentz 8..1J.d carried that the regular monthly bills be allowed. Motion by RUSh, seconded by Stewart and carried that monthly salaries be increased as foilows: Carl Weppner to $140.00 per month: V. Oddie to $140.00 per month: Joe Walsh, Salary $135.00, use of car $15.00. Chas. . Shields, $125.00 per month. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. e 5. (/(~, E. F. Rogers, City Clerk H2() LA.:: - .......... RES 0 L U 'f ION. #- , / ---------- I I i I I I I A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ELMER ;r. CHESBRO, MAYOR OF THE CI'l'Y OmILROY, TO EXECUTE FOR AND IN BEHALF OF mE SAID CITY A CERTAIN MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA, RELATING TO THE EXPENBTuRE OF CERTAIN MONIES ON OID GILROY STREET IN THE SAID CITY OF GILROY. BE IT RESOLVED this 6th. day ot January. 1936. by the City ot Gilroy. that Elmer J. Chesbro, Mayor ot the City ot Gilroy. be and he is hereby authorized to sign and execute tor and in behalf ot the said City ot Gilroy. a certain memorandum of agreement between the said City and the Department ot Public Works. Division ot Highways. State of California. relating to the e:Qenctture of cert.*1D. monies tor improvement work on what is known as Old Gilroy street in said City. the said agreement turther relating to the expenditure ot one tourth (1/4) cent tor State Highways tor the 1935-37 bienium. said agreement being dated as ot the 23rd ot December. 1935. and this resolution shall give full torce and ettect to the exeoution and signature o t the Mayor thereof and to the eni that said agreement and shall be am the same hereby is in tull torce! ef'ect between the said City ot Gilroy and the said Department of Public Works. DiTision ot Highways. State ot Calitornia The toregoing resolution was dllly passed. approved and adopted by the Common Council ot the City ot Gilroy at a regular meeting ot the Common Counc.l held on the 6th day of January ~ 1911. Ben stewart. Fred C. Boock. J. H. Rush, S. D. AYES: Heck, Geo. A. Wentz; NOES: Nolie ABSUT. Geo. C. Milias, ;Jr. I' I, I: I: F I: I I' Attest: ApprOTed ~ ~/' ;/ r y/ ;0 . "?-A"-../' J (/ Mayor F' r;;/) .... n, ] I lA u-tyDJJ, C(J:y Clerk i :>'.-,-~.-. RES 0 L UTI 0 N (pty I ~.'\ .~-~ ~..... ;'~' "'f d )...,. I I I I I LABORERS, WORKMEN AND I\'iECHANICS TO BE EMPLOYED UPON CERTAIN II II 'I II II I' II I, II I r I .\ L, I II I ! i I I i , i I I I , II II Ii i! It Ii II I, II 'I 11 i! 'I II fIT .'~ I. 11 II " II 01 il II Ii II II " II II ,I II I II il ---------- N O. A RESOLUTION F'IXING THE COMPENSATION AND WAGES TO BE PAID STREET IN THE CITY OF' GILROY. STREET IMPROVEMENT WORK, TO BE DONE AND PERB'OHMED ON OLD GILROY BE IT RESOLVED this 6th day of January, 1936, by the City of Gilroy, that the following wage scale be and the same is here- by adopted as the prevailing rate of per diem wages to be paid laborers, workmen and mechanics on certain public work, to wit, the improving of Old Gilroy Street within the said City of Gilroy,! I Bricklayers Carpenters Cement Finishers Electric Workers Engineers-Hoisting, Portable, I,lixers over 50 H. P . Engineers Portable Compressor Laborers-Building, Common, Cement Painters Plasterers Hod Carriers-for Bricklayers Shovel Operators, up to and including 1/2 yard . Shovel Operators, from 1/2 yard up Shovel Operators Firemen Teamsters, 1 and 2 Horse Truck drivers-3 ton up to 6~ ton Truck drivers-under 3 ton T>>actor drivers-50 H.P. and up Tractor drivers under 30 H.P. up to 50 H.P. Trouble shooter mechanics Asphaltic plant platform labor Concrete Mixer Operator, small Concrete Paver Operator Engineers, rollers, asphalt plants, material yards Header-board man Mechanical pavement finisher operator Oilers, Firpmen, Watchmen (steam shovel) Watcl~en, except for steam shovels Welders Motor Grader Operator Blacksmith Overtime and holidays to be paid at double the above rates. $10.28 8.00 8000 9.00 9.00 6.00 5.00 8.00 10.00 7.00 8.00 12.00 7.20 5.60 6.80 6.00 9.00 7.20 7.20 6.00 7.20 9.00 9.00 6.00 6.40 7.20 4.80 7.20 8.00 8.00 ", H) \.l t)_O ,I w T I i II I II adopted by the Common Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular The foregoing resolution was duly passed, approved and i I i I i I I I I I . --'. \ I I II II II \ I' II meeting held on the 6th day of January, AoD., 1936. $~",. ;!JiM,w o.J:.) 3/UJ C, gr-c~7 ~. {{ AYES: 1 r ..({~1, j) 17. ~1 J J.f R,ud, ABSENT: 0~,- ~. (' )11;);~ ~. NOES: I I I 'I I, II Ii Ii II Attest: II F0 / Ii 0, u. I I I I II II II II I Approved: /;:l ~ ~, /" , /'/ lL'GPu~"j/,~ ~o.v di/ Mayor f) ity Clerk II II I I I I i I t I "- II I I -2-