Minutes 1936/09/08 Gilroy California September. 8,,1936. The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was called to order by His Honor, Mayor S. D. Heck. Present Councilmen: Geo. IvI. .l.Vlason, .Nat Heiner, Geo. C. Milias, Jr., Harry L. Vlilkinson, r' r~i Absent Councilmen: J. H. rtssJ;l,Be.n Stewart. The minutes of AUt,"Ust 3rd, AUbJl1st 17th, August ;~4th .and Au[:,'ust 27, were read and ordered apprc)V12d after one correction relative t') country water rates was made. With the permission of the Mayor and Council, the matter of the ::=tenz \vas laid over until the next. meeting. Motion by C')uncilman GeorGe C. Milias, Jr., sec:mded by C:mncilman Geor~e M. wason that we accept the report of the State Bo~rd of Esualizat' on ,)f a~3sessments on the property of the public utilities. The tax rate to be set on or about Sept. 18, 1936. .Motion by Geo. C. IV1ilias, Jr. s(!conded by GeOI'08 M. Mason that p" the follovling transfer be ordered,---$5000.00 fr)ffi the Water Fund to the General b~nd, $650.00 from the General F nd to the 1905 Imprqvement b'und, $15d'.00 from the General b\mdi:.') the 1931 Water !i'und. Motion by Councilmctn lVlilLl~, seconded by Councilman 1'IJat l1einer and carried that the following tax assessmen~not being co:lectable be stricken from the roll. liO w - --. LI 1 September 8 1936. To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy. Gentlemen, The following is a list of Delinquent City Taxes from 1916-17 to 1928-29 which are uncollectible and require to be cancelled from the various tax rolls ;- Receipt No. #216 139 #213 #139 #458 #211 #228 # 54 #225 #233 #229 #244 #401 #250 #256 #249 #574 Year 1916-17 Name. Huber J. Fagathey J. E. 1917-18 Huber J. Fagathey J.E. Unknown owners 1918-19 Gondoto Nick Huber J. 1919-20 Brattan C.C. Huber J. 1920-21 Huber J. 1921-22 Huber J. 1922-23 Huber J. Orphans Home 1924-25 Huber J. 1925-26 . Huber J. Amount v'2. 10 ,,1. 05 ..J 2. 05 1. 05 vI. 00 J 7. 20 v 2. 00 J 4. 56 1"2. 28 v'2. 50 v' 2. 50 { 2. 50 -"1097. 50 v 3. 05 \.' 3. 00 $1134. 34 y~. 80 " 1. 70 $1138. 84 1923-24 Huber J. Tiscornia G. Carried Forward T i #266 #299 :/1.577 ! " I: , I #191 I' " I #288 I #344 , I #609 I, I I # 12 i' i # 59 I, I, #100 ..'.195 iT #198 #327 #350 #351 ~613 647 #696 I; , I ! : i L i , I " I I I I I i I I I ! , I I I' r I I I i . r ) Brought Forward 1926-27 HUb,er .J. Herring .J. C. Sims L.M. 1927-28 DeMange P.H. Huber .J. Koulouris B. Schupp K.L. 1928-29 Amador A.R. Butron S. Boicelli A. DeMange May DeMange Myrtle Huber .J. Koulouris Geo Katsores C. Sims LQ S. Unknown owners Ward R. Respectfully submitted ~@~' Deputy City Clerk. 0:' ; ,.)~} -'" tml3B. 84 ...... 2. 90 ""'10. 65 .122. 04 / VIO. 15 v 4. 20 .; 4. 70 '/11. 25 v"18. 35 v 6. 80 v 6. 65 .-I 4. 60 r' 21. 60 v 3. 95 ,; 4. 70 v 9. 15 v 4. 60 v 5. 00 " 4. 60 $1294 . 73 ell """2 t(:i it) . ; D:; ::::: "'" tJ:2 Q lVlotion by fvlilias, seconded by l\Jat Heiner, that Urdinance No. 417 be passes and adopted after having been read and re-read by title as follows: Ai'\[ OnDIlL\NCE :~F~GULATING TIE DISTU:HUTI)l'r) DELIVS~~Y liND DE~)OSIT OF V:~G"ZTAH~"~S, NJ.E:ATS, FRUITS, SHEAD, SA."~.~HY glods; GHOe':RIES, MILK !\:'JD/ em O'1':r~;i. Lll.~ j,C'JAN})-'3E .turn SlJIB~::S OF .'\ ?ERISHA3LS NATU:(E TO MT;;HCR\J~'1'S Al'TD BUS::JJESS ?LACSS 1:VITHIN THE: CITY OF GILR:Y, iUTD IMPOSING .?ENALTI3S FJ..i. TH3 VILATI,)N OF .illY OF THE .?HOVI:3IONS OF THIS 0 mINANCE. Vote: Ayes: Councilmen Geo. M. ~~son, Geo. C. Milias, Jr., l\Jat Heiner, Harry \'filkinson, Noes: Councilmen, None. Absent: Council J. H. Rush, and Ben Stewart. Reports of City Offices were read and ordered placed on file. Mot'on by Geo. C. fuilias, Jr., seconded by ~at Heiner that we ex" end $1000.00 in having a \!Jell at the :3ewer farm and installing 3. cent:::,ifugal pump and that the matter be put in the hRnds of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, the .contract to be dravm by the City Attornt-:Y. Motion by Wilkinson, sec,:mded by rtc~iner and carried that the regula.r monthly bills be a=-lowed and warrants ~~ dravm. cr ?rlogeZ~~ Clerk Adjourned subject '0.0 t~e call of the chair. .'