Minutes 1936/09/18 Sf r"" q dD,) . Gilroy, Calif., Sept. 18, 1936. The regular adjourned meeting ot the Common Council of Sept. 16, 1936, was called to order by His Honor Mayor s. D. Heck. Present Councilmen Geo. M. Mason, Geo C. Milias, Jr., J. H. Rush, Harry L. Wilkinson; Absent Cpuncilmen Nat. Heiner and B@B fi'@WgfiJ "'.. r ,,,.t 354 City Engineer Ray w. Fisher presented plans and spevifica- r:c - .......... i:O ~ ~ tions for the resurfacing of Old Gilroy street Motion By J. H. Rush, seconded By Geo. C. Milias, Jr. That we adopt the plans ahd specifications for the improvement of Old Gilroy street. Motion by Geo. c. Milias, Jr. seconded by Geo. M. Mason that we advertise for bids tor doing the work. be opened on the tirst meeting in October. Said bids to Bills in the amount of I 65.38 for repairs to and cleaning ot the tower clock were presented and by Motion of Geo. C. Milias, seconded by J. H. Rush ordered allowed and warrants dr awn. The Chairman of the Buildings and Grounds Committee was directed to have new leases drawn, one for Harry Rianda and J. Buzzini. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. ;::J l?j' Ci ty Clerk. ..